His was an errand incomparably deeper, more worthy of God, and suitable to One "full of grace and truth." The following section summarises the teaching by which Jesus tried to bring the more favourably disposed of the " Jewish" party to a fuller faith. This statement (verse John 1:15) is a parenthesis, though confirmatory of verse John 1:14, and connects John's testimony with this new section of Christ's manifestation in flesh; as we saw John introduced in the earlier verses, which treated abstractly of Christ's nature as the Word. Verse 42. If she turned aside to questions of religion, with a mixture of desire to learn what had concerned and perplexed her, and of willingness to escape such a searching of her ways and heart, He did not refrain graciously to vouchsafe the revelation of God, that earthly worship was doomed, that the Father was to be worshipped, not an Unknown. All rights reserved. This is a perfect illustration of John 15:5 where Jesus declared "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit (IN THIS CASE ABIDING WAS SIMPLY OBEYING), for apart from Me you can do nothing (EVEN FISHING - BUT . The incarnate Word was here full of grace and truth. Spurgeon's Verse Expositions of the Bible. Thus it is a kind of transitional fact for a most important part of our gospel, though still introductory. You must be doing the will of the Father. (Ver. John 3:1-36 follows this up. But it is important we should know how He entered the world. It is evident that the failure of many men to find Christ is not from any deficiency in the means of discovering Him. This He does in verses 16-19. Not only man under law has no health, but he has no strength to avail himself of the blessing that God holds out. John 1:29-34) How rich it is, and how marvellously in keeping with our gospel! Indeed, it is the total eclipse, not merely of law and remedial mercies, but even of promised Messianic glory, by everlasting life and resurrection at the last day. The refusal of His precious blood will, on the contrary, make their case incomparably worse than that of the heathen who never heard the good news. The Father and the Son were at work. Her life is laid before her by His voice, and she confesses to Him that God Himself spoke to her in His words: "Sir [said she], I perceive that thou art a prophet." In verses 37 and 38, Jesus criticized the local religious leaders for never hearing the voice of God. Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. John 5:39-40. b. The disciples come; the woman goes into the city, leaving her waterpot, but carrying with her the unspeakable gift of God. Jesus explains: "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. (Verses John 3:11-13) He (and He was not alone here) knew God, and the things of God, consciously in Himself, as surely as He knew all men, and what was in man objectively. "For God," He says, "so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." INTRODUCTION: Hans Christian Andersen wrote a fairy tale about a young woman who was tested to determine whether or not she was truly a princess. John 3:17; John 3:17) This decides all before the execution of judgment, Every man's lot is made manifest by his attitude toward God's testimony concerning His Son. Such shall live. I apprehend the words the Authorised Version gives in italics should disappear. (Ver. But there was a man who had been infirm for thirty and eight years. It was sabbath-day. How blessed the contrast with the people's state depicted in this chapter, tossed about by every wind of doctrine, looking to "letters," rulers, and Pharisees, perplexed about the Christ, but without righteous judgment, assurance, or enjoyment! Salem Media Group. When we use the term "Scriptures," we are referring to the entire Bible. For if, on the one side, God has taken care to let us see already the glory of the Son, and the grace of which He was full, on the other side, all shines out the more marvellously when we know how He dealt with a woman of Samaria, sinful and degraded. John 5. So in the baptism with the Holy Ghost, who would pretend to such a power? Jesus urged them to search those Scriptures with more diligence and attention. The Word, God (and only begotten Son in the Father's bosom), He was eternally Son of God, too, as born into the world. No man hath seen God at any time. FOR SALE! Blessed servant he of an infinitely blessed and blessing Master! (Verse John 1:9) The world therefore surely ought to have known its Maker. In truth, Christian baptism did not yet exist, but only such as the disciples used, like John the Baptist; it was not instituted of Christ till after His resurrection, as it sets forth His death. And as life is in the person of the Son, so God in sending Him meant not that the smallest uncertainty should exist for aught so momentous. Verse 41. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. . In John He is One who could be described as Son of man who is in heaven; but He belonged to heaven, because He was divine. Here was a meeting, indeed, between such an one and Him, the Son, true God and eternal life. John, therefore, who had been the honoured witness before of God's call, "the voice," etc., does now by the outpouring of his heart's delight, as well as testimony, turn over, so to say, his disciples to Jesus. If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? How was this? (Verse John 3:10). 7.45: What the American Commentators Say. The call of four fishermen. (Ver. Accordingly, we have in this chapter a miracle and a sermon. john 8 32) John 5:39 (King James Version) 5:1 After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Here (John 5:1-47) the first view given of Christ is His person in contrast with the law. John 4:46-54 Jesus Heals the Nobleman's Son. But "as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must ( ) the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (Ver. Clarke's Commentary. John 4:1-6; John 4:1-6) What a picture of rejection and humiliation! 2 Now there is . Christ was the true sanctuary, not that on which man had laboured so long in Jerusalem. (John 2:1-25) The change of water into wine manifested His glory as the beginning of signs; and He gave another in this early purging of the temple of Jerusalem. It was impossible that there should not be righteous dealing with human evil against God, in its sources and its streams. The same God who did not leave Himself without witness among the heathen, doing good, and giving from heaven rain and fruitful seasons, did not fail, in the low estate of the Jews, to work by providential power at intervals; and, by the troubled waters of Bethesda, invited the sick, and healed the first who stepped in of whatever disease he had. Jesus raised the corpse of Lazarus from death to life. The Father seeks worshippers. What love! Nor was it yet complete. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." International Bible Lesson. Lastly, closing this part, we have another most remarkable contrast. The addition of "unto him" detracts, to my mind, from the exceeding preciousness of what seems to be, at least, left open. Here, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." Proud member Beholding Him as He walked, he says, Behold the Lamb of God! Bumps browserslist from 4.8.3 to 4.16.6. Verse 39. As the Lamb of God (of the Father it is not said), He has to do with the world. Why should He not show Himself to the world? Verse . Luke 5:33-39. 2 Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. Jesus not only could go up, as He did later, but He had come down thence, and, even though man, He was the Son of man that is in heaven. John 5:39 Context. It finds, of course, a present application, and links itself with that activity of grace in which God is now sending out the gospel to any sinner and every sinner. That the Jews in the time of Jesus were expecting a future state. He has not placed his salvation in sacraments, or books, or priests, but he has kept it in himself; and if you want to have it you must come to him." (Spurgeon) ii. Osta kirja A Dissertation on Prophecy, Wherein the Coh]rence and Connexion of the Prophecies in Both the Old and New Testament Are Fully Considered; Together with an Explanation of the Revelation of St. John. John 6. Yet you refuse to come to me to receive this life." John 5:39-40 NLT. All this clearly goes down to millennial days. See John 5:38-40 (printed below), note, especially, verse 38. (412) Though Christ does not permit his people to repel violence by violence, yet he does not forbid them to endeavor to avoid an unjust attack. "Come, see a man that told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?" Man, dead in sins, was the object of His grace; but then man's state was such, that it would have been derogatory to God had that life been communicated without the cross of Christ: the Son of man lifted up on it was the One in whom God dealt judicially with the evil estate of man, for the, full consequences of which He made Himself responsible. Now, it is the Holy Ghost in the power that gives rivers of living water flowing out, and this bound up with, and consequent on, His being man in glory. John 5:28-30 Resurrection. (Verses John 7:3-5) The Lord intimates the impossibility of anticipating the time of God; but then He does it as connected with His own personal glory. The Lord, it is true, could and did go farther than the prophets: even if He taught on the same theme, He could speak with conscious divine dignity and knowledge (not merely what was assigned to an instrument or messenger). They had no common thoughts, feelings, or ways with the Father and the Son. * He says, One was among them of whom they had no conscious knowledge, "that cometh after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to loose." John 5:39. It seemed natural: He had fed the poor with bread, and why should not He take His place on the throne? But all that is historically related of the Lord Jesus inJohn 1:1-51; John 1:1-51; John 2:1-25; John 3:1-36; John 4:1-54. was before the imprisonment of the Baptist. "They search the Scriptures, but they will not come to Jesus. He could have healed the man without the smallest outward act to shock their zeal for the law. In his letter to the BCA in March 2022, Mr. Moreton stated he was living in Rutland, but he was going to rehabilitate his seasonal camp into a year-round home and be living there by the end of that summer. The Present Hour. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary; John; Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary John 5. Remark, too, the extent of the work involved in verse 29. )7.30: Studio recital by Maurice Turley (boy singer). They did indeed search the Scriptures . He will have all honour the Son, even as Himself. Here the Lord introduces the cross. If you're looking for an internship and want to learn from a great leader who is fun, passionate, and enthusiastic - this is it! In the five porches, then, of this pool lay a great multitude of sick, blind, lame, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. Meanwhile, for Christian worship, the hour was coming and in principle come, because He was there; and He who vindicated salvation as of the Jews, proves that it is now for Samaritans, or any who believed on account of His word. JOHN 5 COMMENTARY. This, of course, supposes the setting aside of Jerusalem, its people and house, as they now are, and is justified by the great fact of Christ's death and resurrection, which is the key to all, though not yet intelligible even to the disciples. For nothing can be more observable than the way in which He becomes the centre round whom those that belong to God are gathered. David Allan Coe (born September 6, 1939) is an American singer and songwriter. The man went off, and told the Jews that it was Jesus: and for this they persecuted Him, because He had done these things on the sabbath. John 5:24 . The law works no deliverance; it puts a man in chains, prison, darkness, and under condemnation; it renders him a patient, or a criminal incompetent to avail himself of the displays of God's goodness. Each had his own; all are harmonious, all perfect, all divine; but not all so many repetitions of the same thing. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? Commentary on John 5:39-44. (39) Search the scriptures.--Better, Ye search the Scriptures. Recorded via Riverside on Feb. 3, 2023, for Working Preacher. (Ed. 39 You study[ a] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. How, indeed, could it be stayed within narrow limits? "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." A person who refuses to believe cannot be convinced, no matter what evidence they are given (John 5:40). What can be conceived more notably standing out in contrast with the governmental system God had set up, and man had known in times past? Luke 5 - Disciples Are Called A. They had the mine, and they dug in that mine in quest of the eternal riches. Man was judged: another Man was there, the Lord from heaven, soon to stand in resurrection. Thus we feed on Him and drink into Him, as man, unto life everlasting life in Him. How truly it is man under law! (Verses John 5:1-7), On the other hand, the Lord speaks but the word: "Rise, take up thy couch and walk." Observe: not which was, but "which is." None the less did the result of His death proclaim His Deity. (Verses John 7:19-23) What judgment could be less righteous? The judgment, all of it, whether for quick or dead, is consigned to Him, because He is Son of man. Leftists Backtrack on Being Wrong About Wuhan Lab Leak Former Communist from East Germany Warns Americans About the Nightmare of Living Under Authoritarian Rule Russia Warms to China as Zelensky Insists Sending America's "Sons & Daughters" to DIE For NATO - FULL SHOW 03/01/23 EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower: I Believe Ukraine Conflict . There is no changing or bettering the old man; and, thanks be to God, the new does not degenerate or pass away. it was no lack of testimony; their will was for present honour, and hostile to the glory of the only God. "For God sent not his Son into the world to judge the world; but that the world through him might be saved." None but a divine being could thus deal with the world. Notably He is now applying it to the reconciliation of a people, who are also baptized by the Holy Ghost into one body. John 4:1-54 presents the Lord Jesus outside Jerusalem outside the people of promise among Samaritans, with whom Jews had no intercourse. And herein is that true saying, One soweth, and another reapeth. (VersesJohn 3:7-8; John 3:7-8), It is hardly necessary to furnish detailed disproof of the crude, ill-considered notion (originated by the fathers), that baptism is in question. Old Testament Quotations in the New Testament, Old Testament (I. Christ as Fulfilment of). He would have every soul to know assuredly how he stands for eternity as well as now. John 5:39-47 Search the Scriptures. behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (Psalms 132:1-18) Then they wanted to make Him a king. I fear that many of you who hear my voice week after week, and have learned the scriptures, are relying on faithful attendance on Sunday morning, and your knowledge of the scriptures that you have gained for your salvation. They had the Scriptures, and they searched them. Practical Bible study on John 5:19-47. So only is man born of God. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, Read full chapter. Do I need to pray the prayer again?On this episode, we address the question, "Can You Lose Your Salvation?" We start by looking at some tough Scriptures and using the rest of the Bible as a commentary to understand some passages in Hebrews. In Him was life for this scene of death; and it is of faith that it might be by grace. (Verses John 5:13-16), A graver issue, however, was to be tried; for Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Natural birth had nothing to do with this new thing; it was a new nature altogether in those who received Him: "Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." Details are not called for now, but just the outline of the truth. Verses 39 and 40 summarize a crucial point about the difference between faith and belief. he might be; and this, too, as the expression of the true and full grace of God in His only-begotten Son given. But if the Spirit speaks of the Son of God, the law dwindles at once into the smallest possible proportions: everything yields to the honour the Father puts oil the Son. His glorious person would have none now in relation to God but members of the family. The Lord, in the latter part of the chapter (verses John 6:27-58), contrasts the presentation of the truth of God in His person and work with all that pertained to the promises of Messiah. The brethren of the Lord Jesus, who could see the astonishing power that was in Him, but whose hearts were carnal, at once discerned that it might be an uncommon good thing for them, as well as for Him, in this world. They had stumbled before, and the Lord brought in not alone His person, as the Word made flesh, presented for man now to receive and enjoy; but unless they ate the flesh, and drank the blood of the Son of man, they had no life in them. The ignorance of the world has been proved, the rejection of Israel is complete: then only is it that we hear of this new place of children. He reminds them of his previous disclaimer of any place beyond one sent before Jesus. John 4. John 5:39-44. Verse 5:4. We look at how God defines salvation and work through the . Honored (1-3) John 11 presents the longest miracle narrative in the Gospel of John. (VersesJohn 6:1-21; John 6:1-21). These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life. Amen. And this in consequence of divine influx, so that whoever receives the knowledges of good and truth with his supreme affection, or love, experiences purification from evil, and restoration of spiritual life. So on the last day, that great day of the feast (the eighth day, which witnessed of a resurrection glory outside this creation, now to be made good in the power of the Spirit before anything appears to sight), the Lord stands and cries, saying, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." 5:2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. The Jews, then, who could not help, and pitied not their fellow in his long infirmity and disappointment, are scandalized to see him, safe and sound, carrying his couch on that day. "He came unto his own [things], and his own [people] received him not. They are rejecting Jesus and His message (John 5: . ( ) flesh, and dwelt among us." How singularly is the glory of the Lord Jesus thus viewed, as invested with the testimony of God and its crown! Abstract:Editorial on the Research TopicHomeostasis and Allostasis of Thyroid Function A basic understanding of thyroid control involving pituitary thyrotropin (TSH) has become a The effect is thus final, even as His person, witness, and glory are divine. For He who spoke was divine. Using the Bible to impress others rather than to grow in humility and love for God will keep you from faith in Christ (5:39-42). Here there could not be more, and He would not give less: even "grace upon grace." In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. Still the eternal day alone will show out the full virtue of that which belongs to Jesus as the Lamb of God, who takes away the world's sin. Thus we have here the other side of the truth: not merely what God is in life and light, in grace and truth, as revealed in Christ coming down to man; but man is now judged in the very root of his nature, and proved to be entirely incapable, in his best state, of seeing or entering the kingdom of God. Till then the Holy Ghost could not be so given only when Jesus was glorified, after redemption was a fact. (Read John 5:39-44) The Jews considered that eternal life was revealed to them in their Scriptures, and that they had it, because they had the word of God in their hands. How could either light or love rest in a scene of sin, darkness, and misery? Further, it is connected intimately with the evidence of man's ruin by sin. 37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Two resurrections, one of life, and another of judgment, would be the manifestation of faith and unbelief, or rather, of those who believe, and of those who reject the Son. Nobody had gone up to heaven: God had taken more than one; but no one had gone there as of right. It is not a question of the law, but of hearing Christ's word, and believing Him who sent Christ: he that does so has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment; but is passed from death unto life. This only secures His honour in those that believe God's testimony to Him, the Son of God; and to these He gives life, everlasting life now, and exemption from judgment, in this acting in communion with the Father. As a weapon of conviction, most justly had it in the mind of the Lord Jesus the weightiest place, little as man thinks now-a-days of it. 39 You study[ a] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. Knowing the scriptures does not save you. (Verses John 1:41-44), On the morrow Jesus begins, directly and indirectly, to call others to follow Himself. Grace begins, glory descends; "Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink." He who, living, was received for eternal life, is our meat and drink in dying, and gives us communion with His death. John 5:19-29), It is evident, then, that the Lord presents life in Himself as the true want of man, who was not merely infirm but dead. What is there in God more truly divine than grace and truth? Though He could not, would not deny Himself (and He was the Son, and Word, and God), yet had He taken the place of a man, of a servant. International Bible Study Forum. Were the Jews zealously keeping the sabbath? 4.16.6 Fixed npm-shrinkwrap.json support in --update-db (by Geoff Newman). Karoline Lewis, Joy J. Moore, and Matt Skinner for a conversation on the Revised Common Lectionary texts for Second Sunday in Lent (Year A), March 5, 2023. Be they who they may now, as many as receive Him become children of God. (2) Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Hebrew is called Bethesda, and that is surrounded by five covered colonnades.
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