Fifth house stelliums motivation is to create and express. almost like a habit, fixing it), do anything to achieve their true heart desire, quite observational thats why they stay quiet and with no expression, they are the type to be very present but at the same time they blend really well in the middle of the crowd (being a mutable sign), clean appearance, for ex their clothes are simples with earth tones, their hair is always in the same way, if not in earth tones, they will always wear the same style of outfit (or they create a whole type of style just for themlseves), not the touchy type, the usually dont like other people putting their hands on them, very strong eyes, is like their are analyzing every single piece of you, very defined face features with very smoothing details to it (some say they all look the same). A lot of the Scorpio risings who relate to that are probably Swati in Vedic astrology- Swati struggles with this because Swati is the ultimate middle Nakshatra, so it is always attuned to the hidden world andspace inbetween. If you look at what sign the stellium appears in you will see what their focus is primarily. Anyone with a Capricorn stellium in the 4th house will have an opposition of energy, and will tend to reject the idea of nostalgic, Cancerian values that typically comes with a fourth house stellium. Taurus: And in spite of their intelligence, they can come off as airheaded because of it. Your ascendant sign shows how you appear to others and your outlook on situations and other people. "Your Sign As" an actual, in depth analysis based on your entire chart. The Decans of Pisces. The 1st House or the Ascendant is the sign rising over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The birth chart is divided into 12 sections of life, and the rising sign is where the first section of your birth chart begins. With Capricorn rising, you think that you will not get anything you want. One thing is happening on a surface level and another thing is happening underneath that and you just cant put your finger on it. Things might have been uprooted for them a lot, or they might have had a hard childhood or difficulty with relationships. The height tends to be short to average. Theyre frequently broad through both hips and shoulders males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. The sign the stellium is in will indicate what image the person wants to show others. Prominent forehead and nose, sharply drawn and compressed mouth. scorpio rising - eyes similar to taurus rising with being more shadowed, but take on a similar intensity to aries rising eyes. They do also behave like immovable objects. Theyll do it themselves and can come on quite strong. This part of the birth chart that . They may get involved with art. You've to know that there's more in your natal chart that affects your appearance (e.g. VIRGO RISING It is so obvious how smart these people are and not necessarily because they tell you directly. Look for a face that is sober, strongly observant and critical, to the point where you undeniably feel judged. AQUARIUS RISING The uniqueness of those with this placement is most noticeable. So while Leo Cancer romances might not be a match made in heaven personality wise, their Ascendant physical traits could create an undeniable attraction. The Rising Sign or the Ascendant is what defines how you present yourself to the world, including your looks. It will be obvious how much they are responding to what you think of them, even if this is just what they think that you think of them. In this way, they become surprisingly pushy and even forceful. Its obvious how much they dart from one thing to the next, whether thats regarding the things they speak of or the activities they do. 7th house -Seventh house stellium people are pleasant, stylish and chameleon-esque. Dark hair and eyes (not necessarily brown, just darker shades), and typically hold a serene and steady gaze. Aries: The native here will enjoy learning, philosophy and travel as a means to discover new things. This rising sign is also somewhat accident-prone, so they may have scars or visible injuries. Theyre not exactly. IN THIS CHAPTER, I will be discussing the 12 rising signs of the zodiac, also called the ascendants. The exception is a Pisces sixth house stellium. The hair is sometimes curly or wavy. They may have a tendency toward pain in the back, neck, and sometimes the shoulder area, although the shoulders themselves tend to be strong and broad. There is something very unperturbed about them, as if they have their own special form of peace or pleasure that no one else can ruin. Scorpio rising is an expert at obsession! Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. Their hair is usually curly and may be dark brown. The sign of the stellium will show where the work needs to be focused. The ones in their twenties and younger have a hard time lightheartedly laughing at themselves. Can be rounded, but are usually noticeably slender or longish but often with wider foreheads. A Virgo stellium will show someone who seeks out perfectionism and organization through their home and family. Before I start listing placements I want to make clear that our dominant sign and planet has a strong influence no matter what. But, it wont last long, especially since they are in control of that. Sometimes, they are compulsive talkers, saying whatever pops in their head in an almost stream of consciousness style. Your rising sign governs your physical appearance, your mannerisms and the overall way you project yourself. Thick, light hair, prone to balding; clear skin, striking eyebrows . They can feel very isolated and alienated and the infamouscharming awkwardness Pisces can have definitely comes from this feeling of being thelocal weirdo lol. This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. SAGITTARIUS: Clumsy grace is this signs most noticeable physical trait. It sets up your birth chart. "Never apologize for showing feeling. They can be very caring but their attention span isnt very long so their sympathies can be kinda blunt in nature. They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. Similar threads. In fact, there is a potential for them to seem flat-out rude on first impression. Of course out of the kindness of their Venusian hearts as well, but also just for peace. CAPRICORN risings okay hear me out, I have observed that they are quite adventurous, but in a very refined way. LIBRA risings Ive noticed, can be very cynical but very motivated to move forward nonetheless especially because theyd never want to let anybody else down. ARIES RISINGThere is just something really upfront about this person. Small noses with a prominent tip, round chin, and fair complexion. The height is usually average and their body is remarkable and slender with regular legs and they may have big or flat stomach. Where do they look most for their freedom? similar broadness to taurus in shoulders and back . Mar 26, 2017. Again, there is one exception - Sagittarius stellium in the third house will create a weird opposition here where communication might be a little tricky. Mental Tendencies of the Sagittarius Rising Sign No other rising sign is at more of a risk to use sex as a weapon or become all consumed by love and passion. In fact, much of their conversation can revolve around work. gemini GEMINI: Gemini risings are the kind of people whose faces are an open book, you can often tell what theyre feeling just by the look on their face. They could be involved in protests, or working to make changes in the community. Overall, those with tenth house stelliums often do well financially and can manifest success in career with little effort (though they often work very hard).11th house - A stellium in the eleventh house will equal out to be someone who is everyones best friend. Ive noticed a lot of Pisces risings tend to feel like outcasts in this world. The passion of this rising sign may throw folks off if their Sun sign and features reflect a Taurus, or Libra who have a softer, less intense, more amiable appearance and features. Broad foreheads and cheerful expressions are the norm, as are quick movements and dramatic gestures. The most common trait is asking a lot of variations of are you alright? On first impression, a shyness or reticence can be obvious. Their hair is smooth, light, wavy sometimes curly and their skin is usually light. They are often super creative but their creativity always has purpose- like making a bookmark to use for the book theyre reading, or doing an artwork with the clear intention of giving it to someone, or putting it in a certain place on the wall they want to fill. Maybe laterSign me up Possible birthmarks or other scars on the face or head. In this guide, we have listed all Leo ascendant traits. capricorn They may have great, big asses. These people don't come off as very intense or aggressive. Their skin may be dark and dry and their hair is thin and very dark, often black. Other times, they just refuse to budge. AQUARIUS: One common trait of this rising sign is a high, well-defined forehead. But, they can also be wildly expressive. They might have their heads in the clouds, or could potentially be obsessed with religion or spirituality. usually gives hypnotic facial traits (magnetic deep dark almond shaped eyes, fixed look, roman or concave nose, proeminent eyewbrows, long lashes, etc.) PISCES RISING Either this person is clearly very sensitive and sweet or they put a lot of effort into not seeming as sensitive as they really are. There is a lot of healing potential for those with twelfth house stelliums. A Leo stellium in the sixth house would make someone who is perfectionistic in a creative venture, like a writer or musician who will practice their craft till its perfect they may also be focused on helping their children or pets at whatever cost necessary. They often put their own needs last. But, there is usually a moment when the illusion shatters. It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. They are often intelligent and unusual, and sometimes intense. This is a very calm and easy going rising sign. Are us cancers the least attractive water sign. Discover more posts about rising-sign. ARIES RISING: 0-959 Aries / 10-1959 Leo / 20-2959 Sagittarius. This person may seem to make rash decisions, i.e. This surprisingly impacts their self-assurance, even though they generally cover it up with bravado. The Descendant. high cheekbones and/or defined chin. But, they act as if they have these important things they have to teach people. The decans are divided into 3 sections of 10 degrees each, into a total of 30 degrees. We are all born with a rising sign. In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. Candid and incapable of guile, insincerity, or phoniness, you project a confident and sometimes arrogant appearance to others. The Persona. Your Aries Rising sign makes you direct, straightforward, assertive, and usually completely aboveboard in all your dealings. If your rising is in a water sign, you will have a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio decan. Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. Often twelfth house stelliums show areas of tremendous growth capabilities in this life. Wig Snatcher; Mar 26, 2016; 69 Replies; 43K Views; 2 3. But, they are known for their sly, subtle looks, especially by looking at you sideways or avoiding eye contact altogether. MUTABLE - NARROW/LONGISH TAPERING FACES. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. Your ascendant signor "rising sign"is the zodiac sign that was ascending the eastern horizon at the time you were born. Thats too emotive and shy. Often times, this is because they will openly tell you how unique or different they are in contrast to other people. Not only your venus or moon sign! This also correlates to each signs ruling planet. Novelty will be the main motivator, and loss of freedom the biggest discomfort. LEO: a Leo rising will frequently have mane-like hair, framing their keen-eyed, well-shaped faces. Cancer stelliums in the third house come at conversation and writing through using their emotions, and noticing others feelings and subtle social cues. Many are pale in complexion (pale dont equal white jsyk) and can maintain the famous poker-face, able to keep their inner emotions from their outward expressions. They have beautiful hands with long and lean. TL;DR: "Your rising sign blends with your Sun and Moon signs to give you a more accurate snapshot of your personality," says astrologer Taanaz Chubb, author of My Pocket Mantras and founder of . They have a beautiful large breast with long limbs compared to the trunk. Once Capricorn risings get past their discomfort, they will appear fresh and warm. High cheekbones and a prominent brow compliment the look.
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