Quandrix mages Quandrix student or faculty member. The adventure assumes that the characters are heavy armor. strategy and playacting often involving mascotsDRAGONSGUARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY when they enact fantastical narratives that they re-Skills: Arcana, History solve with special rules.Member: Bhedum Rampart Sooviij MAGE TOWER CHEER SQUADThese historians are fascinated by all time periods,and they regularly meet to discuss, debate, and deep Skills: Perception, Persuasion Member: Zanther Bowendive into members favorite topics. FIREJOLT CAFEInside, almost every surface from the floor to the At the edge of Archway Commons and just outside the Biblioplex stands the cozy Firejolt Cafe, wherehigh ceiling is jammed with stacks of books. 2021 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. About Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) Rollicking campus adventures for the world's greatest roleplaying game. most beautiful thing imaginable. Rollicking campus adventures for the worlds greatest roleplaying game. com/strixhaven-a-curriculum-of-chaos-pdf/. At the end of a provi- whatever they study. To be the Oracle, one musta rough and irregular outer arch. We use necessary cookies to allow our site to function correctly and collect anonymous session data. EXTRACURRICULAR OPTIONS Student characters can join any of the following Ex- tracurriculars. rules in the Players Handbook.BUILDING A WITHERBLOOM CHARACTER FEAT DESCRIPTIONSDruids and warlocks make up most of Wither- These feats are presented in alphabetical order.blooms student body. Hunt for Mage Tower, in chapter 4, takes place during the charac- haven campaign, and each adventure provides in- ters second year at the university, and so on. (If you are a multiclass character with multi- be destroyed. tice performances, spar, or engage in honor duels.SILVERQUILL CAMPUS Faculty members often observe performances at the Rose Stage, coaching the students in their magical The Silverquill campus shown on map 1.5 is and rhetorical displays.located due north of the central Strixhaven campus THE DRAMARIUMand looks much like an extension of it. The primer has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expended chargescharges, and it regains ld3 expended charges daily daily at dawn. When Lisette speaks, her words are soft and full of colorful metaphors.most essential principle in the cosmos. Auto Flip. She places an emphasis on prac-creating or altering physical reality out of mathe- tical magic that improves daily life through appliedmatical possibility. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the materials contained herein or artwork containedherein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.Printed in the USA. At an early age, they He teaches students of all levels, and even his mostbegan to see patterns in the tides and currents that experienced pupils benefit from a much deeper un-eluded even the most esteemed scholars of their derstanding of the fundamental building blocks ofsociety. A student can switch Jobs whenever they INTRAMURAL FIELDSwish, even in the middle of the academic year, as Jobs: Cleanup crew member, crowd manager, equip-long as they dont work more than one Job at a time. You discern colors increase, none of the scores can be raised above 20. that darkness only as shades of gray.LANGUAGESYour character can speak, read, and write Commonand one other language that you and your DM agreeis appropriate for the character. Casting Time:1 actionbloom Range: Self Choose two from chill Choose one lst- Components: V, S, M (a book worth at least 25 gp) touch, druidcraft, and Duration: 1 hour level druid or wizard spare the dying. ple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.) they navigate plots, overcome monsters, and thwart dangers that arise in each adventure. The growth philosophy lean more toward demonstration and hands-on ex-asserts that the urge to survive and reproduce is the perience than lectures. check succeeds or fails. To this day, the Founder Dragons roam the world.three elements of the wider world of Arcavios might They no longer associate directly with Strixhaven,have some impact on adventures in the school. preferring to let the deans of the colleges speak inSNARLS AND STAR ARCHES their stead. Contents. STRIXHAVEN PENNANTPRISMARI PRIMER Wondrous Item, CommonWondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunementby a Spellcaster) This magic pennant bears the symbol of Strixhaven or one of its colleges: Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix,The Prismari Primer is a magic textbook createdat Strixhavens Prismari College. Not only can he perfectly recreateentire legions of ghostly apparitions to reenact his-torical events for her lectures. Remind the player that while their charac- Relationship Points their character has with each NPC; whether that NPC is a Friend, a Rival, or a ter holds a job, the character gains a positive or negative Relationship Point with its associated Beloved; whether that NPC confers Beloved Inspi- student coworker, whom they should also note on ration; and that NPCs Bond Boon or Bond Bane, this sheet. 3rd Speak with Dead, Spirit Guardians LOREHOLD TRINKETS 4th Arcane Eye, Stone Shape d6 Trinket 5th Flame Strike, Legend Lore 1 A map made of concentric circles that can be ro- Consider customizing how your spells look when tated around the pageyou cast them. A semester of spellslinging. calculations. But danger lurks even here. tention when I walk into a room. Download PDF Share Related Publications. Players can create characters using a new race presented in the book, an owlin, one of the owlfolk who study at the university. 61 Advance to 9th Level! Players enhance the flavor of life at a university of magic. 222 . Everything falls Spell Level Spells apart someday. Lorehold mages travel or slowly devolving into chaos? The player notes here the names of gain a positive or negative Relationship Point with each student NPC with whom their character has its associated student NPC. The universitys students and faculty are united by a desire to learn and include humans, elves, dwarves,STRIXHAVEN IS A UNIVERSITY owlin (described in chapter 2), ores, trolls, vampires,This books campaign assumes that the player and studious folk of many other origins.characters are students at Strixhaven University. hour. The first day of magic school officially begins on December, 7th 2021, when Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is released in hardcover format for US$49.95 (CA$65.95).Brandes plans to dive deeper into this book shortly but here is a review to help you decide if this book is a must-buy or a pass.. I've only got my hands on this book this week and I haven't had a chance to try out anything in . bayou. A creature can be empowered by only one Item Rarity Costuse of this spell at a time. By clicking OK, I agree, you consent to optional cookies. When a student quits an Extracurricular, they immediately lose its benefits. small cast of characters can play significant roles over the course of the campaign. from the Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG), can be You can then choose a different creature you can purchased on campus using the prices in the Magicsee within range (you can choose yourself). All New Spells From Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos. 86 Fractal Mascot 198 Quandrix Student 32 Galazeth Prismari 199 Silverquill Student Magical Physiologies Groff 200 Witherbloom Student 33 Inkling Mascot , 201Feats Exam: Otyughs 86 Strixhaven Initiate 35 Lorehold Apprentice .202 Strixhaven Mascot All the Worlds a Stage 86 Lorehold PledgemageSpells 36 ' 92 Lorehold Professor of Chaos .203 Borrowed Knowledge Secrets in Sedgemoor ..95 Lorehold Professor of Order .205 36 Mage Hunter .205 Kinetic Jaunt Advance to 4th Level! Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. You can see in dim light within 120crease. OWLINRACE OPTION Distant kin of giant owls from the Feywild, owlin come in many shapes and sizes, from petite andThe owlin is a race option for player characters in fluffy to wide-winged and majestic. Check 26 flipbooks from DasKnguru. For example, one student might make an Intel- If a character cheats, they cant use any rerolls fromligence (History) check to pore over their books, their Studying phase.while another student makes a Charisma (Perfor-mance) check to create a series of spoken mne- If the character fails either of these checks, a proc-monic devices. level druid or wizard craft, guidance, and mage hand. 9 Opusmancer, creating magical effects Perfection on a monumental scale After all, in its humble opinion, every student deserves 10 Spectacle mage, hurling stormy dis- Expression the chance to see true art in person. QRCode. Her vampire attracts students from across Strixhavenstudents and colleagues alike hang on her every purely for his lessons value as performance art. Search. Available to buy now at your local game store, bookstores, or online retailers. I must leave a legacy!34 CHAPTER 2 | CHARACTER OPTIONSSlLVERQUILL STUDENT A number of both paladins and rogues attend Sil- verquill College as well, highlighting the diversity ofYou have spent years practicing your writing and the student body.oration in the hope of becoming a student of Sil-verquill College. The primer has 3 charges, and it regains ld3 expendedof Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. anothers high holidays. If Dean Nassari playful, beautiful elemental creatures to cheer upinterrupts her careful work with bombastic expres- the student.sions one more time, Uvilda is prepared to enroll in ZAFFAI, THUNDER CONDUCTORQuandrix to learn how to shrink Nassari. year. Stu- 5 Metamancer, studying metaphysics to alter realitydents from the other colleges occasionally delve into 6 Scale druid, manipulating the size ofQuandrix courses to bolster the theoretical under- plants and animalspinnings of their studies, and Quandrixs studies of 7 Sequence prophet, studying repeatingnature and Witherblooms explorations of practical patterns that bend the mindbiology have some significant overlap. But all find some balance between the two. On a successful check, the character gains one re-roll to use during the characters next Testing phase. 107 Ruin Grinder 215 39 Shadrix Silverquill 216 39 Party at the Rose Stage 108 Silverquill Apprentice 217 39 Silverquill Pledgemage 218 39 Practice Makes Perfect Ill Silverquill Professor of Radiance 219 39 . Most notably, mascotsform beyond the confines of an academic program. ADVENTURE LEVELS Starting Level Chapter Adventure 1st 3 Campus Kerfuffle 4th 4 Hunt for Mage Tower 6th 5 The Magisters Masquerade 8th 6 A Reckoning in Ruinsfi 3 | SCHOOL IS IN SESSION 41START OF A TO .RELATIONSHIPS POSTER MAP The poster map is meant to be shared with the play-If you run chapter 4, 5, or 6 as a standalone adven- ers. random monster encounters that crop up on cam- pus. The sigils of each of Strixhaven's five colleges adorn the back cover. The target must succeed Spell Scroll (lst-Level Spell; DMG) Commonon a Constitution saving throw (the target canchoose to fail), or the target is teleported to an unoc- Strixhaven Pennant Commoncupied space of your choice that you can see withinrange. The life sciences are swamp beasts through the bayou. Hydro74 shows off the Strixhaven star, a symbol of unity and magical fellowship. A few clerics, particu- 5 A tiara capped with a crystal that crackles with harmless lightning larly those with the Knowledge or Nature domains, 6 An iridescent quill study in Quandrix as well. )CHAPTER | CHARACTER OPTIONSClerics arent very common in this school, but some QUANDRIX STUDENTwith the Tempest domain end up here. A master of artistic technique, Uvilda trains and excitement. After5 Dustspeaker, conversing with spirits Chaos talking with the schools counselor, Mavinda, Hofriof the past to learn their storiess decided to try his luck with Lorehold. Nassari takes little heed of Deanwith a range of elements whenever she isnt focused Mistcoilers quiet masterpieces and often feigns for-on her teaching. Characters have multiple opportunities to study Her lessons proved so effective that she was asked with Professor Lang in chapters 3 and 6.to stay as a professor. Prismari mages use magic 1 Aesthemancer, studying abstract prin- Perfectionto weave the elements into their creations; theymight juxtapose fire alongside paint, ceramics, or ciples of beauty for insight into thefabric, or they might choreograph elaborate works workings of the multiversethat unite a dancers movements with gusts and ed-dies of air. Its mages explore the past by poring holds philosophy. You may use theand symmetries to wield power over the funda- table to randomly determine the scholarly focus of amental mathematics of nature. Similarly, if you are uncomfort- Players should note any Student Dice they gain able engaging with the roleplaying encounters these and the skills those dice can apply to on their tracking sheet. Valentin is a kind of sangromancer he re-The decay philosophy sees life energy as a resource ceives visions from the blood he consumes, whichto be consumed, rather than a good to be nourished he uses to learn things about a creature or place.for its own sake. Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a series of D&D adventures that can be run individually or as a campaign taking characters from 1st to 10th level. These titles are a somewhat abstract way of Witherbloom-specific stat block from chapter 7.framing the core division in the colleges philoso- LISETTE, DEAN OF THE ROOTphy: is growth or decay the driving force in nature? Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos ( D& D Beyond Rip) Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. 3 Boon witch, brewing drafts to em-STUDIES AND PHILOSOPHY power the livingThe curriculum of Witherbloom College focuses on 4 Boughcaller, summoning creaturesvarious sciences, revolving around the life sciences. They should check the d4 box whenever they The player should also note each Extracurriculars gain a Student Die, and they should erase the NPC member. Decay ious ingredients for withering magic GrowthTheyre at home riding zombie crocodiles down a Growthlanguid river, picking herbs for a potion to treat a 2 Bleed doctor, drain the essence of liv- Decaydisease, brooding over a chorus of swamp frogs, or ing creatures to fuel sinister spellssummoning fearsome avatars of nature. The DM is free to add or remove languagesfrom that list for a particular campaign. DISTINGUISHED SOCIETY OF FINEARTISTS Skills: Performance or Sleight of Hand Member: Cadoras Damellawar, Nora Ann Wu These painters, sculptors, printmakers, and mosaic artists gather to create fine works and to discuss the latest techniques and trends in the world of art.44 CHAPTER | SCHOOL IS IN SESSIONDRAGONCHESS CLUB LIVE-ACTION ROLEPLAYING GUILDSkills: Deception, Investigation Skills: Animal Handling, Performance Member: Cadoras Damellawar, RosimyffenbipMember: Bhedum Rampart Sooviij, Tilana Kapule Rosie WuzfeddlimsThese experts in the game of dragonchess discuss These storytelling enthusiasts engage in a mix ofthe latest in strategy, compete against one another,and test out homemade variations of game rules.
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