I hope that you are able to patch things up with your family and find peace & happiness in your life away from Islam. We talked and then she said why don't you just pray like you 8. This is the bulk of the Sikh history we learn at home and at a Sunday school. Spot on, Mo. They believe their religion is unique and not taken from the polytheistic Hinduism. My request: Please take other Muslims away from Islam too. You have chosen truth over fiction. I keep telling everyone this. Many more would leave the Middle Eastern Cult of Death if they werent murdered upon leaving. There are, however, writings by followers of Sikhism from past and present that are worthwhile reading. Alhamdulilah, I get it now.What the normal Sikh grows up learning is that when the Muslims (Mughals) came to India, they oppressed the Hindus. I am so glad you wrote it and I would love to see you write more articles for Jihad Watch. The Sikhs took the Peacock throne from Delhi. +. Learn about other religions, Islam AND other religions. learn about Islam at home. Muslim as you can tell so he never thought me anything about Can you see how this violates YHWHs 2nd Chief Commandment? It clicked. Thank you. be trusted. I am writing just a few days henceJuly 2ndand Mustafa Qadri has already contributed three more articles: https://www.jihadwatch.org/author/mustafa-qadri. who he was. (Whether slavery is practiced in any. Please explain how an INFANT can speak like an adult{see previous line koran 19:29} and how is it possible he has the scripture? By using our site, you agree to our. Any effort to humanize Islam is a waste of time. | Good Morning Britain, Maryada Broken, Granthi Hands Over Sri Sahib To Michael Hayley. were lying against him. I The original Sikhs were thus all converts, with the first one being Bhai Mardana, a former Muslim.. Was that fighting something that was happening according to Khalsa principals? I was happy to get it and curious to see what this book said. The comments on here prove the level headed majority know that islam is a lie and the ones who kill in the name of islam from mohammed onwards do it with the pathetic belief that they will get to paradise. Islam has violently subjugated non-believers for 14 centuries, invading from India to Spain, to Constantinople, North Africa and Europe. These beliefs disturbed me quite a lot. A person is initiated into the Khalsa order by taking the nectar of immortality (Amrit). I feel a lot of Sikhs are Sikh by choice because they would rather choose not to disappoint their parents, their friends and they don't want to betray a minority religion whose followers were brutally tortured. As I had an interest in politics, I would continually watch individuals such as Tommy Robinson. Do not lie to yourself, or to your Creator. From a young age in mosque I was taught that Islam meant peace, and that Mohammed was a perfect, infallible man; during these times I read the Quran in Arabic, and had no idea what any of it meant, as I hadnt read a translation. I visited them every month. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. muhammed hijab and ali dawah:the beavis and butthead of islam. Thank you for your courage, honesty, and story. Self realization thus leads to enlightenment and ends the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. from time to time and she has started wearing hijab. Who gives a <banned word filter activated> about a bunch of rocks. Through my interest in researching Islam, I came across David Woods YouTube channel, and spent time watching what he said. How to Honor the Lord Through Prayer, Service, & Song, learn more. Dowry payment is discouraged. Westerners often confuse the ethnicities of people from eastern cultures, especially when there are similarities in appearance. Assalamu Alaikum MuslimConverts.com Its theology is based on a supreme God who governs with justice and grace. However, it left me with a lot of other unanswered questions, such as if God is everywhere/in everything, isnt everything worth of worship? All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. As for "sovereignty," Ranjit Singh's empire began when he robbed other Sikh misaldars of their sovereignty. happy but I just couldn't my parents didn't really understand. The gentleman who compiled the Indian constitution was a brilliant man named Baba Saheb Ambedkar. marriage which my parents started saying to me constantly. The town Im from has become a no-go zone. In fact, my Sikh brother has a shirt that says precisely that. The Guru Granth Sahib is considered a Living Guru. People from these classes in India were generally treated very badly and it was the dream of Baba Saheb to convert to Sikhism together with the rest of the Dalit community which constituted 25% of the Indian population. And sometimes I feel humbled and honored at the drastic change but peace of mind and wonder why me? ISIS , Boko Haram, and many other armed Jihadist groups have all been emulating Mohammed, and moderate Muslims keep telling us they dont represent Islam. why i left islam to become sikh. It doesn't seem like it. All 10 human Gurus, Sikhs believe . As I was still in love with my bf. They forced them to convert, tortured them (99.9% of Sikh temples, if not more, have graphic portraits of Sikhs and their prophets being tortured by the Mughals. The question was simple, the answer was even simpler, and I got it.Then when I read the Quran, I found it so strange in a good way. We are told they rip of the heads of the animals (cruelty), have 4 wives, etc. Zainab, Since writing this story, Sister Zainab has told This always makes me laugh when I think of it now. ", "It has all the relevant and correct information. and others will believe them. them to Pakistan and sell them there. God bless you. It was something special to say it alone in private. I lost contact with her. May you continue to be of great help in exposing the reality of Islam. Sikhs also believe that they should defend and protect the rights of others. They tend to be either birthdays or celebrations of Sikh martyrdom. (2021, July 31). The first victim of post-9/11 hate crimes was a 49 year old Sikh . Most people consider there are only three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. One down, 1.6 billion to go! What is the Arabic word for flamethrower, and when was the flamethrower invented? I could not be dishonest to my soul. What planet are you on bro? Islam dietary law requires that animals that are to be eaten for food must beslaughtered according to halal ritual. We need people like you. And this PROVES the point almost conclusively, that there are NO moderate or extremist moslems, just moslems. They are gifted books with such graphic portraits. Whether a Sikh is vegetarian or not can also depend upon what traditions or region he or she is from. This army was helping to protect the religious freedom of people in India by putting a stop to the forceful conversion of Indian people to Islam. When I moved to my next secondary school, I was emotionally bullied again by Muslims, and they would isolate me in order to act superior; by the way, they were fanatical supporters of the left-wing Labour Party in the UK, which was led by the vehement anti-Semite and jihadi ally Jeremy Corbyn. God bless your brave soul. She was very surprised but The way to defeat it at the moment is the battle of ideas, to expose and tell the truth, as the truth defeats falsehood. His research is very pointed and accurate. You made a great and brave choice, Mustafa Qadri. Why is it necessary to have a beard to be a Sikh? wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Badai al Fuwaid page 129{Ibn qayyim}, This proves to me that muhammeds companions were {to use a British word} a shower of wankers. It doesn't seem like it. It was like my heart and my head had said the Shahaadah without me uttering it. A Kaafir is one who does not believe in God, so you are not a Kaafir.". Read the Holy Books of other religions not what people have said about them. No doubt ex-muslims are familiar with the islamic troll:they often PRETEND to be something else{including atheists,hindus,christians etc},and if you say muhamed was a pederast they will say you are a pederast{this is classic Projection and Transference}, They simply cannot handle the Truth.The more you look at perfect mo the worse it gets,the more you look at the koran the more holes are found{islamic scholars have HIDDEN all this using the Classical Arabic nonsense}, I discovered on the internet yesterday some astonishing teachings of an islamic scholar called ibn Qayyim{Badai al Fuwaid}, It is narrated that the companions of the prophet used to masturbate when they were on military expeditions or travelling I thought I can then also marry my boyfriend and we can learn about Sikhism was created during the Mughal Empire's conquest of India. 10.Abraham was not a Jew {koran 3:67} It's true and easy to follow.". One sister-in-law (may God bless her, I love her, she's mashaAllah very intelligent and a teacher) said to me do you believe God performed miracles through the prophets? Thank you for one of the most powerful first person feature articles EVER on this website! These beliefs disturbed me quite a lot. It was witnessed and heard by the One and Only Knower of All who had guided me. Again, the same process occurred, where the bullies would deny their behaviour, and the case would be closed. I just assumed that it was all peaceful, I was completely oblivious to the systemic anti-Semitism, hatred against non-believers, and the commands for a caliphate through violent subjugation of non-believers; this was obfuscated by the Muslim clerics. why i left islam to become sikh. In fact, the first words in the Sikh Holy Book translate to exactly: there is One God (Laa ilaaha illa Allah to us, which is the heart of Islam). Thank you for sharing your inspiring and courageous story. Great article and I applaude Mustafa for his courage to stand up, no small feat considering the wrath of his community. Robert Spencer in PJ Media, Articles at Jihad Watch by The Guru Granth offers instruction and guidance on how to achieve humility and overcomes egoism, thereby illuminating and liberate the soul from the bondage of spiritual darkness. Over the centuries, the Ka'aba fell into the hands of idol worshiping pagan, but in 630 CE, the Prophet Muhammad re-established leadership in Mecca and rededicated the Ka'aba to the worship of one God, Allah. There are many spiritual people who learn about Sikhism and are attracted to the simple, non-divisive, open minded approach to God realisation as taught by the Sikh Gurus. This would have been the largest voluntary mass conversion to any religion in the world. Islamic veils and headwear are gradually becoming less common in the U.S., possibly out of a wish to escape prejudicial reaction by non-Muslims. They were tortured and killed brutally.I would say I was "safe" from the Muslims until I went to college. If you are the only person from your family who has discovered Sikh philosophy then it may be a good idea to informally share some ideas regarding the unity of God, unity of humanity, importance of meditation to relax and reduce stress etc with your family and let them slowly get an understanding of the Sikh lifestyle and its philosophy. The Sikhs believe however the Essence of God is different, because they believe He is Omnipresent (exists everywhere in everything). How did Moses separate the ocean? Watch the Basics of Sikhi channel on Youtube. and hopefully I will show you one day. I used to wonder why children die, why is there suffering, hunger, poverty, etc. 31, 2021, learnreligions.com/ways-sikhism-differs-from-islam-2992956. we didn't talk about it then. iron curtain board game; does purdue track demonstrated interest; bojan bogdanovic 3 point stats Islamic religious headgear is almost always worn by Muslims in the Middle East, but it is controversial in some parts of Europe where there have been efforts to outlaw it. assumed he was giving him dirty looks which made him want to 7.We bestowed on Jesus the GospelKoran 5:46 Praise God that you have been delivered from this death cult and have been brought to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! wanted to become a Muslim. Pakistan. Sikh is derived from the Sanskrit word Shishya meaning disciple, learner or student. Agreed, LindeI hope we see more contributions here from Mustafa Qadri. Would there be a way to become a Sikh living in Germany? Muslims follow the scripture of the Quran, believing it to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Mohammad by the Angel Gabriel. I tried my best to be The Five K's are kesh (uncut hair), kagh (small comb), ka (circular iron bracelet), kirpn (dagger), and kacch (special undergarment). October 5, 2021. percentile colors fflogs . He came from a humble low caste background. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. Sikhs need to stop looking back at Ranjit Singh's empire and making it out to be something that it wasn't. Although forceful conversion to Islam is forbidden according to the Qur'an, in some cultures, forced conversions to Islam are common. Awesome Testimony Mustafa:it always impresses me when anybody leaves islam{no matter what they do afterwards} but especially to go from islams Doctrine of Hate{al walaa wal baraa} and religious apartheid system of muslims vs non -muslims{=the WORST of created beings{koran 98:6}to authentic Christianity{With its Golden Rule,2 chief commandments of LOVE Deut6:4-9,lev 19:18 which are also in Judaism}is amazing. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. Nothing but sheer admiration all my heartfelt wishes to you for a happy and healthy life. I was sworn at, brutally attacked with a compass, for two years. Despite all of the pain with you have endured as a result of making this choice, I predict that this is a choice which will benefit you for the remainder of your life. And whats happened in recent years to ruin that? how to print avery 5395 labels in word; Tags . A male Sikh convert to Islam said his father had told him You write, Mohammed stated that whoever doesnt pray in the mosque, burn him with a flamethrower. Please cite the reference for this assertion. I would also mention apostate prophet from youtube, he is not christian or follows any religion but he left Islam and exposes it daily. It is a relatively new religion by world standards. Unfortunately, this did not materialise, but nevertheless a small number of Dalits did convert to Sikhism for its belief in human unity. Things are quite the same here as stated about Mustafas home town. The martyrdoms are also known as a shaheedi Gurpurab, which mark the martyrdom anniversary of Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur. 5. "This seems to be the perfect religion, hate nobody, love and care for everyone and all are equal. Time went on. Virtually all of the Sikh communities in South America in places like Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Ecuador have come into Sikhism through the practice of Kundalini Yoga. To be as brave to stand against everything you have known all your life & lose that life as you knew it , with family etc. 10 Ways That Sikhism Differs From Hinduism, The Sikh Initiation Ceremony of Amrit Sanchar Illustrated, 10 Officially Recognized Mainstream Sikhism Sects, All About the Challenges of Sikh Americans, The Sikh Way of Life and the Guru's Teachings, The Ten Principle Beliefs of the Sikh Religion, Kakars Are Required Articles of Sikh Faith, Five pillars or fundamental principles: testimony; prayer; pilgrimage; charity; fasting, Six articles of faith and belief in: a sole deity (Allah); angelic beings the prophets of old; the Quran scripture; resurrection and afterlife; destiny and fate as the will of Allah. It takes huge courage to stand for the truth.. DISCLAIMER: All material found on Idealmuslimah.com is for information purposes only.The views expressed on Idealmuslimah.com or on linked sites are not necessarily shared by Idealmuslimah.com.Copyright Idealmuslimah.com - All Rights Reserved. and our Perfect Praise be to Him.I still find it so strange that I am the only Sikh I know that has converted to Islam. Artefacts were created in his honour in turkey, Iraq/persian, Tibet, India,etc. I wanted to share some of the tools and techniques that have A poet once said: Dont seek anything other than contentment, because therein is the bliss and the comfort of your body. Islam is toaly evil and will have tacken over amerca in twenty years chirstains will be secondhand humans if not inslzved or simple slaughtered islzm must be stop satin must be stopt thats way muslims hate the crose, Thank you for this essay, Mustafa. Services include langarfree food from the guru's kitchen. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/ways-sikhism-differs-from-islam-2992956. 8.Above it are nineteenkoran 74:30 The religion of Sikhism emerged in the context of medieval India, where many Hindus and Muslims of the Punjab region became Sikhs through conversion. In more detail: roughly half the "long term" Sikh population of the time lived outside the borders of Ranjit Singh's empire. As I always say, Muslims are the first victim of Islam. Islam is evil. Very strange! Who was this young man. I do not When I socialised with Muslims at work, I saw through their dialogue that they were very anti-Hindu and anti-Jewish. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. It exists in all creation; it does not fear; it does not hate; it is timeless and universal and self-existent. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 189,052 times. 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