L. 11184, div. Those guidelines shall include guidance on the specific force levels and specific The General Schedule, referred to in subsec. or a catastrophic incident, for homeland defense, and for military support to civil 1106; Pub. Any other matters the Secretary determines relevant. occupational category, assigned to support positions. Under the following sections of the UCMJ, the death penalty can be imposed in both times of war and peace: 94 - Mutiny or sedition. L. 114328, div. A description of ongoing research into new capabilities that may be needed to fill any identified gaps and programs that might be required to develop such capabilities. 2660, authorized the Secretary of Defense to conduct a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Korean War during fiscal years 2000 through 2004, provided that up to $10,000,000 of funds appropriated for the Army for such fiscal years be made available for the program, and directed the Secretary to submit to Congress a report containing an accounting not later than 60 days after completion of all activities and ceremonies. L. 11591, div. 1691, provided that: Pub. Pub. (A)a description of the major military missions and of the military force structure Strategic goals related to diversity and inclusion in the armed forces, and an assessment of measures of performance related to the efforts of the armed forces to reflect the diverse population of the, A strategic framework prescribed by the Secretary that guides how the Department will prioritize and integrate activities relating to sustainment of major defense acquisition programs, core logistics capabilities (as described under. 1842, provided that: Pub. 1921, provided that: Pub. A, title XI, 1121, Pub. L. 11781, 573(2)(A), redesignated pars. The committee was concerned that the term overseas read literally could include Hawaii or Guam, an interpretation clearly not intended in enacting section 8042. In this subsection, the term electromagnetic spectrum superiority strategy means the Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy of the. assess the potential consequences to the health of members of the Armed Forces of use against the Armed Forces of the agents identified under paragraph (1)(B); and. Pub. 2011Subsec. Designation of an office in the Office of the, the results of the assessment and evaluation conducted under paragraph (2); and. A description of processes of each Armed Force described in subsection (b) to identify, document, and report alleged instances of hazing or bullying. L. 106259, title VIII, 8137, Aug. 9, 2000, 114 Stat. A, title X, 1048(g)(7), Dec. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. In February of each year in which the Secretary does not submit a new defense strategy as required by paragraph (A), the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees an assessment of the current national defense strategy, including an assessment of the implementation of the strategy by the Department and an assessment whether the strategy requires revision as a result of changes in assumptions, policy, or other factors. 1446, required various reviews relating to European procurement of American-made military goods and services and established a defense trade and cooperation working group. Pub. A, title V, 518, Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. During that period, the new physical requirement may not be used to disqualify the member from continued service in that military career designator. The Secretary of Defense is hereby designated and empowered, without the approval, ratification, or other action by the President, to exercise the authority vested in the President by section 749 of title 10 of the United States Code to assign the command without regard to rank in grade to any commissioned officer otherwise eligible to command when two or more commissioned officers of the same grade or corresponding grades are assigned to the same area, field command, or organization. may be reproduced. For more information about the legal concepts addressed by these cases and statutes, visit FindLaw's Learn About the Law. L. 114328, set out above, was not executed in light of the amendment made by section 2819(2) of Pub. A, title I, 1024(c), Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2005, Pub. L. 106398, 1 [[div. L. 94106, 812, 89 Stat. 10 U.S.C. 15, 2011, 125 Stat. L. 103335, title VIII, 8137, Sept. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 841; all set out as notes under section 301 of Title 3, The President. to support positions or to mission positions. A, title XII, 1242, Pub. L. 105261, div. Pub. 1047; Pub. (vii). 2653, as amended by Pub. Probably should be followed by period. 540, which directed Secretary of Defense, after consultation with Secretary of State, to prepare and submit not later than January 31 of each year to Committees on Armed Services of Senate and House of Representatives a written annual report on foreign policy and military force structure of United States for next fiscal year, how such policy and force structure relate to each other, and justification for each, was repealed and restated as subsec. the efforts of the armed forces to generate and maintain a ready military force that will prevail in war, prevent and deter conflict, defeat adversaries, and succeed in a wide range of contingencies. 1994Subsec. 1018. L. 116283, div. A discussion of how the strategy complements the National Defense Strategy and the National Military Strategy. prioritize the funding of such initiatives according to such means. L. 116283, div. L. 111383, div. 2740, authorized the Secretary of Defense, during fiscal years 1993 through 1996, to conduct a program to commemorate the 50th anniversary of World War II and to coordinate, support, and facilitate commemoration programs and activities of Federal, State, and local governments. A, title III, 373(a)(g), Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. C, title VIII, 8067, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. L. 11692, div. An assessment of the likely requirement for sustained operations under each such war-fighting plan. (j). [sic], a person who served or held leadership within the Confederacy; or, In this section, the term asset includes any base, installation, facility, aircraft, ship, equipment, or any other property owned or controlled by the, Nothing in this section may be construed as requiring a Secretary concerned to initiate a review of previously named assets.. B, title XXVIII, 2819, Pub. 329, 336. A, title IX, 924, Oct. 5, 1999, 113 Stat. A, title VIII, 8074, Pub. (g)(2) to (4). L. 103337, 1671(c)(2). 1479, directed the Secretary of Defense, no later than 180 days after Nov. 24, 2003, to prescribe a policy on the public release of the names or other personally identifying information of casualties. Such other matters relating to electromagnetic spectrum operations as the Secretary specifies for purposes of this paragraph. A, title XVII, 1744, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. Developments in the military doctrine, operational concepts, joint command and organizational structures, and significant military operations and deployments of the Peoples Liberation Army. A, title XII, 1245, Pub. any other miscellaneous incremental costs not included under paragraphs (1) and (2) that are incurred by the Federal Government but would not have been incurred had military support not been provided to the contractor or industrial association. L. 1136, div. L. 10665, div. amounts displayed by account, budget activity, line number, program element, and program element title; and, amounts displayed by account title, budget activity title, line number, and subactivity group title; and. (c)(2). L. 11184, div. Pub. A, title XII, 1260H, Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. Entities receiving assistance, operational direction or policy guidance from the State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. 178382, 1783173, and Pub. L. 102190, div. proceeds derived from the Secretarys use of the exclusive rights described in subsection (d); donations made in support of the commemorative program by private and corporate donors; and, funds transferred to the Fund by the Secretary from funds appropriated for fiscal year 2008 and subsequent years for the. 3002) for (50 U.S.C. A, title V, 525, Dec. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. 509. 1219, provided that: Pub. The committee notes that the Senate report referred to above states For the purposes of this report [meaning the new DOD annual report], U.S. forces stationed overseas are considered to be those outside of the United States and its territories.. A, title V, 514(b), Pub. L. 101189, div. An evaluation of strategic objectives and motivations of the Russian Federation. A, title XII, 1236, Aug. 13, 2018, 132 Stat. A, title XII, 1266, Pub. L. 100202, 101(b) [title VIII, 8042], 101 Stat. L. 11591, div. L. 105261, div. Pub. Chinese military attache presence, activities, exercises, and agreements with the militaries of other countries; and, in the Peoples Republic of China for militaries of other countries; or. 286, as amended by Pub. 2042, which designated the Department of Defense as the single lead agency of the Federal Government for detection and monitoring of aerial and maritime transit of illegal drugs into the United States, was repealed and restated as section 124 of this title by Pub. provided by each host nation. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding areas west of the International Date Line; A summary of progress made toward achieving the purposes of the Initiative. A, title X, 1063(d)(1), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. L. 101510, div. L. 115232, div. in learning how and where to identify classified records that contain pertinent information and that will be declassified. The resources necessary for the Initiative to carry out the activities required under subsection (b) for the applicable fiscal year and not fewer than the four following fiscal years, organized by the activities described in paragraphs (1) through (5) of that subsection. Military tribunals are distinct from courts-martial. L. 99145, title XIV, 1407, Nov. 8, 1985, 99 Stat. L. 10665, div. L. 11781, 311(a)(1)(A), substituted actors, and the current or projected threats to military installation resilience, for actors,. A, title X, 1084(a), Aug. 13, 2018, 132 Stat. L. 94431, title VI, 610, Sept. 30, 1976, 90 Stat. any Chinese investment or project, located in any other country, that is linked to military or intelligence cooperation with such country, such as cooperation on satellite navigation or arms production; and, efforts (including by espionage and technology transfers through investment, industrial espionage, cyber theft, academia, forced technological transfers, and other means) to develop, acquire, or gain access to information, communication, space, and other advanced technologies that would enhance defense capabilities or otherwise undermine the capability of the, the posture of the forces of the Peoples Liberation Army facing Taiwan; and, any challenges during the preceding year to the deterrent forces of the Republic of China on Taiwan, consistent with the commitments made by the, the role and activities of the Peoples Liberation Army and maritime law enforcement, the Peoples Armed Forces Maritime Militia or other subset national militias, and paramilitary entities of the Peoples Republic of China; and, any such activities in the South China Sea or East China Sea affecting. Although treason was never a popular charge for federal prosecutors, treason prosecutions attended nearly every armed conflict in American history up to and including the Second World War. L. 99661, div. L. 114328 amended subsec. L. 112239, div. L. 91441, title V, 505, 509, Oct. 7, 1970, 84 Stat. L. 10665, div. 1931; Pub. 2675, directed the Secretary of Defense to develop and submit to Congress a comprehensive plan for improving the preparedness of military installations for preventing and responding to terrorist attacks, directed the Comptroller General to review the plan, and required reports on the plan in 2004, 2005, and 2006. A description of end use monitoring programs, and any other programs or procedures, used to improve accountability for equipment provided to the Government of Iraq. be effective. A strategic framework prescribed by the Secretary that guides how the Department will specifically address contested logistics, including major investments for related infrastructure, logistics-related authorities, force posture, related emergent technology and advanced computing capabilities, operational resilience, and operational energy, over the following five-year period to support such strategy. 1654, 1654A312, directed the Secretary of Defense to carry out a three-year pilot program to improve processes for the resolution of equal employment opportunity complaints by civilian employees of the Department of Defense, and directed the Comptroller General to submit to Congress a report on such program not later than 90 days following the end of the first and last full or partial fiscal years during which such program had been implemented. A, title VIII, 837, Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. Subsec. Pub. (3). A, title XIII, 1307(b), Pub. A, title X, 1084(b)(2)(A), Dec. 26, 2013, 127 Stat. 2486; Pub. L. 11492, div. Misbehavior of sentinel. A, title XII, 1252(a), Pub. Subsecs. 3629, provided that: Pub. L. 116283, div. (d).]. In carrying out paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure that the Secretary of each military department coordinates and collaborates on development of the database to ensure its interoperability, completeness, consistency, and effectiveness. L. 109364, div. L. 11591, div. Except as provided in subsections (u), (v), and (w) [amending, Transfer of Responsibilities and Functions Relating to Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, Climate Resilience in Planning, Engagement Strategies, Infrastructure, and Force Development of, In this subtitle [subtitle C (331335) of title III of div. The Secretary shall seek the military advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in preparing each national defense strategy required by this subsection. A, title XII, 1252(b), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 2019Subsec. 1980Subsec. L. 11591, 1051(a)(1)(B), struck out subsec. There is authorized to be appropriated $2,000,000 to carry out this section. (2)The Secretary of Defense, with the approval of the President and after consultation 2528, required a report on the command and control structure for military forces operating in Afghanistan to be submitted in December of 2008, with a subsequent update as warranted by any modifications to the command and control structure. A, title XII, 1233, Pub. 4358, which provided that, not later than March 1 of each even-numbered year, beginning March 1, 2012, the Secretary of Defense was to submit to the Committees on Armed Services and Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the nuclear triad, was repealed by Pub. (a). 509; Pub. The report shall include a discussion of the following: In computing the costs incurred for maintaining, Annual Report on Costs of Stationing United States Troops Overseas, Regulations Regarding Employment and Volunteer Work of Spouses of Military Personnel, Test Program for Reimbursement for Adoption Expenses, Coordination of Permanent Change of Station Moves With School Year, Surcharge for Sales by Animal Disease Prevention and Control Centers; Fee for Veterinary Services, Prohibition of Certain Restrictions on Institutions Eligible To Provide Educational Services; Provision of Off-Duty, The Secretary shall include in the report an explanation of how determinations are made with regard to, In the case of a contract for services with respect to which a solicitation is pending on the date of the enactment of this paragraph [, Defense Industrial Base for Textile and Apparel Products, Consolidation of Functions of Military Transportation Commands Prohibited, Military Installations To Be Closed in United States, Guam, or Puerto, Reports to Congressional Committees on Foreign Policy and Military Force Structure, Procurement of Aircraft, Missiles, Naval Vessels, Tracked Combat Vehicles, and Other Weapons; Authorization of Appropriations for Procurement, Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Activities; Selected Reserve of, Regulations Governing Liquor Sales; Penalties, Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, Ex. 5. 1365, provided for the creation of a Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces to assess the laws and policies restricting the assignment of female service members and the implications, if any, for the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of permitting female members to qualify for assignment to positions in some or all categories of combat positions, with a report to be submitted to the President no later than Nov. 15, 1992, and to the Congress no later than Dec. 15, 1992, containing recommendations as to what roles female members should have in combat and what laws and policies restricting such assignments should be repealed or modified, and further provided for powers and procedures of the Commission, personnel matters, payment of Commission expenses and other miscellaneous administrative provisions, termination of the Commission 90 days after submission of its final report, and test assignments of female service members to combat positions. 1989Subsec. L. 107107, div. A, title X, 1090, Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. A, title XVIII, 1815(a), National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006, Pub. L. 105262, 8147. L. 103337, set out as an Effective Date note under section 10001 of this title. Pub. 581. 11.3.1 when the conditions for its application are no longer met.81 In particular, as discussed below, the status of belligerent . L. 10585, div. The committee notes, however, that the report of the Senate Appropriations Committee on its FY88 defense appropriations bill (S. Rpt. carry out such other purposes as identified by the Secretary. 2021Subsec. L. 11692, div. A, title IX, 941(a), Pub. L. 11281, div. A, title XII, 1225(b), Pub. The Secretary of each military department shall ensure that fatality reports and records pertaining to any member of the Armed Forces who dies in the line of duty shall be made available to family members of the service member in accordance with this subsection. Definitions . Pub. L. 109163, div. Dueling; 915. Would working for another nation's armed forces be treason for US troops? A, title III, 332(f), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. The report required under subsection (a) shall include a description of the security posture of Iran, including at least the following: A description and assessment of Iranian grand strategy, security strategy, and military strategy, including, An assessment of the capabilities of Irans conventional forces, including, An assessment of Irans unconventional forces and related activities, including, An assessment of Iranian capabilities related to nuclear and missile forces, including, Requirement for Common Ground Stations and Payloads for Manned and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems, Report on Command and Control Structure for Military Forces Operating in Afghanistan, Program To Commemorate 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, Commemorative Activities and Objectives.. L. 97295, 1(1), 6(b). A, title IX, 907(c)(2), Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. L. 101189, div. A, title V, 524, Sept. 29, 1988, 102 Stat. L. 11692, div. 2433, as amended by Pub. Pub. Any report under subsection (a) that is submitted to the appropriate congressional committees shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex. 581, 774, directed the Secretary of the Navy to allocate up to $25,000,000 of fiscal year 1999 funds for the purpose of making progress toward the issuance and use of Smart Cards throughout the Navy and the Marine Corps and to equip with Smart Card technology at least one carrier battle group, one carrier air wing, and one amphibious readiness group in each of the United States Atlantic and Pacific Commands not later than June 30, 1999, and directed the Secretary of Defense, not later than Mar. Nothing in this title is intended to prevent the, the equipment, cargo, and contents of a sunken military craft that are within its debris field; and. A, title XII, 1225(b), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. Activities of the Secretary under this section shall be carried out in regular, structured, and close consultation and coordination with the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, including the activities described in subsections (a), (b), and (c) and those activities with respect to interagency agreements described in paragraph (2). in other countries for personnel of the Peoples Liberation Army. 1463, which related to establishment by Secretary of Defense of programs to provide relocation assistance to members of Armed Forces and their families, was repealed and restated in section 1056 of this title by Pub. L. 112239, div. review the progress of the armed forces in implementing previous plans and processes to resolve or eliminate barriers to diversity; develop and implement plans and processes to ensure that advertising and marketing to promote enlistment or accession into the armed forces is representative of the diverse population of the, meet annually with the Secretaries of the military departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces to assess progress toward diversity and inclusion across the armed forces and to elicit recommendations and advice for enhancing diversity and inclusion in the armed forces, The number of officers and enlisted members of the armed forces, including the, The number of members of the armed forces, including the, The number of graduates of each military service academy during the fiscal year covered by such report, disaggregated by gender, race, and ethnicity, for each military department and the.
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