One regular user, Terence McKenna, had this to say about the experience: "What arrests my attention is the fact that this space is inhabited. They often have cogs or clockwork machines inside them, coupled with elven features. Spiritualists posit that DMT opens the mind to new dimensions of reality, granting us access to the beings that exist there. ! Every entity is an angel or demon if thats what you call it. In any case, its important to note that DMT is an incredibly potent (and outright illegal) drug and should only be administered in the safest circumstances, if at all. Meditation does the same. They surround you and say, Welcome, were so glad to see you.. In a 1990 workshop, Terence Mckenna describes the cultural lens offered to the DMT experience: I took this stuff to Tibetans, to the Amazon. With a loose understanding of how they appear and what they tend to look like, scientists have sought to explore what the exact function of machine elves might be. Safe travels brother. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Do it! Avoid psychedelics for at least a few months and see a psychiatrist if it persists. "This combination prevents the gut from breaking down the DMT before it has a chance to be absorbed. Hope this helps someone. One of Strassmans volunteers in the DMT study, Jeremiah, reported how unbelievably free-standing and durable his experience in the DMT realm was: DMT has shown me the reality that there is an infinite variation on reality. DMT is one of the drugs that well-known psychedelic activist Timothy Leary and writer William Burroughs were doing in the 1960s, but it wasn't widely popular until the 1990s. It is the manifestation of Disorder in the Great Dark Beyond and the Twisting Nether.It is demonic, entropic, chaotic, and extremely volatile. His writings are mostly a reflection of that realizaton. 3 February 2023. How to Ground After DMTKnowing what to expect from a DMT comedown can help you integrate the experience to gain as much value as possible from your journey. These intelligent other-worldly beings that communicate with you when youve smoked a puff or two of DMT. I was at a ceremony over a year ago where just before a demon entered the room I heard a voice say your life is in danger. Thanks for sharing. Yo, you need to see a psych doctor. Many do not wish to confront it. And it felt.. and then I cant remember what it felt like because the little self-transforming tykes interrupted me and said, Dont think about it. Are they not one and the same? Learn how your comment data is processed. Strassman himself found the popularity of machine elves during his study to be especially notable, saying in an interview: I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. Not refuting that it may open up a portal to another side(s), which could potentially lead to an encounter with something negative. In all cases I'd REALLY wish you seek medical help asap if this has been going on for a while. The drug is known for its powerful hallucinogenic properties, which take roughly 15 minutes to come into effect. Is it a deterministic perspective? Ive stopped trying to take, only receive. The Thing in question, whether it be an actual entity, phenomena of the human mind etc. Daemonfey | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom Terence McKenna coined the term 'machine elves' to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. 3/1/23: I'M LIVING ON A CHINESE ROCK W/ DR. LEE MERRITT Ron Patton | March 1, 2023 . In any case, its important to note that DMT is an incredibly potent (and outright illegal) drug and should only be administered in the safest circumstances, if at all. there will always be a mix of experiences when experienced through the mind / inner eye "The hallucinations vary widely, but usually involve geometric patterns, vivid colors and contact with 'entities,'" Thayer says. So the only question I asked is, How long does it last? and he said, About five minutes. So I did it and [long pause, audience cheers] there was a something, like a flower, like a chrysanthemum in orange and yellow that was sort of spinning, spinning, and then it was like I was pushed from behind and I fell through the chrysanthemum into another place that didnt seem like a state of mind, it seemed like another place. And it's not just during psychedelic experiences, but at random times when I least expect it. get a grip hun. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. Well Im just playing with different possibilities, I suspect that if these elves are sufficiently spiritually advanced that they may also have recognized this indescribable truth and light of the cosmos, like the mystics and Buddhas of this world have done. Dimethyltryptamine, more popularly known as DMT, is one of the most powerful hallucinations known to man. In this video above I found a fascinating first-hand account of what happened to this young man in a DMT trip. These are my experiences though, it's different with for everyone yet similar at the same time. And so fourth, this is why we all have different experiences Thus an experience does become somewhat predictable even in the infiniatality when one knows what to expect. They are the Hekuras, Menehunes, or diminutive helping and mischievous spirits which inhabit a higher-dimensional space and elves is the best English word we have for them. Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities. What are the machine elves? Monster Children The breakthrough is often where users state of consciousness is completely immersed in some other realm, and its also where they commonly report encountering machine elves. If youre worried about demons attacking you in any sense you should pray to God for protection and guidance. What I got from it was to not focus so much on certain belief group, the ones who think they are right are actually wrong. well man a good amount of religion(mostly Christianity) has caused a lot of death and dispare in the world due to people taking those "gods" and twisting there ideas to fit the persons own agenda and thats usually the opposite of what said religion preaches. But when I did later see machine elf art, it was exactly what I had seen. But now I think they are after my energy. Daniel currently studies history, philosophy, egyptology and western esotericism at Uppsala Universitet. Known colloquially as 'the spirit molecule', DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound that's found in animals, plants and even human beings. If you are neutral, machine elves are neutral. You should link a different video from someone whos actually taken DMT. DMT experiences are characterized by fantastic visions and breakthrough events, including most interestingly, contact with a range of entities. . Yep they are demons . In all your words I get the feeling you still see other not as yourself. I remember the very, very first time that I smoked DMT. "These entities take on many forms," says Thayer, "including animals, insects, angels, demons, family members, jesters, aliens, lights, spirits, fairies and amorphous beings. What are machine elves (a term coined by Terence McKenna) are they What Are DMT Elves And Why Do So Many People See Them? They have been reported to warmly welcome DMT travelers. What Are the Elves Seen During DMT Trips? Jester's definitely treat you a bit more roughly but then help you laugh it off at the end of their message. How To Get DMTWhat kind of plants contain DMT? To anyone wishing to see them much better get your camera out and just keep the lens open and camera in front of you to look through. There are, however, marked similarities between experiences with machine elves and old folkloric accounts of elves and fairies. Look closer at OP's recent post history. For others, initial contact is met with indifferent detachment, and sometimes, with surprise or shock as if an unwelcome intruder has arrived. The machine elves may use song to communicate, speaking either conceptual thoughts or, as Mckenna has put it, in translinguistic glossolalia (i.e. Scientists Want to Know More About DMT Entities People Encounter Some days I lean towards more rational explanations whilst other days I just fall back into the mode of the universe is stranger than we can suppose. McKenna frequently resorts to a series of metaphors to describe his experiences with machine elves (and the DMT experience in general), underscoring the difficulty of reducing such ineffable experiences to the lower dimensionality of language. Especially for those who consider travelling into those realms to meet and communicate with them. However, many artists have depicted fractal-like and mechanical representations of machine elves. Daniel Seeker is a wandering dervish and lifelong student of the past, present and future. Is there a problem? According to Mckenna, It is a language, but not made of wordsa language which becomes and which is the things it describes. They looked like the concrescence of linguistic intentionality put through a kind of hyper-dimensional transform into three-dimensional space. This ranges from the ancient shamanic traditions of Native Americans to indigenous Australian and African tribes. Studies show DMT for depression works even for treatment resistant patients. Everyone has a different trip. Idle hands are the devils playthings, and what if those hands are currently wrapped up in doing the devils work? Among psychedelics a subclass of hallucinogenic drugs that can send people on a "trip" of an often utterly bizarre nature a few have been studied extensively. After you open your 3rd eye any number of demons can be living in it, flowing in and out freely. They are harmless, unless you give them the required energy to be unstable you are safe. Machine elf interactions are also commonly described in terms of visual language, where things heard become things seena sort of geometric hyperspace synesthesia. What is the best course of action to preserve my own energy and not allow them to take it?? DO IT NOW!! Lev Polyakov on Twitter: "RT @breakth3rules: @vers_LaLune on DMT They seem to shun me and call time whenever that happens. Terence Mckenna describes vocal energy as the prima materia of the DMT realm, where everything is made of the stuff of visible language. The dark shamanic practices were created when DMT was ingested and these demons were involked. The Celtic people of Britain, Ireland, and France largely believed in the existence of hyperdimensional elves and fairies in the early twentieth century, around the time Evans-Wentz recorded his encounters. How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? Beating Addiction with DMTPsychedelics have been studied for their help overcoming addiction. Regardless, a recurring theme in DMT entity contact circles around being tested, probed, and instructed, usually in highly advanced futuristic settings. While doses of DMT result in the varying strength of a given trip, its been found that doses above 40mg often result in users reaching the so-called breakthrough, the point at which they transcend the human world and enter new realities complete with vivid hallucinations. As detailed in his book True Hallucinations, Mckenna traveled with his brother and some friends to La Chorrera in the Columbian Amazon in search of Oo-koo-he, a DMT-containing plant preparation used by the indigenous people to access the spirit realms. Urban Dictionary: machine elves Machine Elves, Clockwork Elves, or DMT Elves are a presence or entity commonly associated with taking the hallucinogen Dimethyltryptamine (DMT.) thesis in history which explores how Buddhist and Hindu texts were first properly translated and introduced to the western world in the late 18th and 19th century. Here is everything you want to know about 5-Meo-DMT and how it compares to 4-AcO-DMT. Id wager its someone fucking around ChatGPT generating wall of text. In his book DMT The Spirit Molecule, where he documents these experiences, Strassman writes, I was neither intellectually nor emotionally prepared for the frequency with which contact with beings occurred in our studies, nor the often utterly bizarre nature of these experiences.. I dont think labelling them as demons is a wise thing to do. This practice is likely thousands of years old and is used for spiritual, medicinal and cultural purposes," he says. machine elves or entities are all just concepts your head created and nothing else. They are neither demons nor angels nor mortals. Its not a hallucination, but an observation. Though all those drugs produce hallucinations, DMT users tend to report seeing otherworldly beings or "DMT elves," often also called "machine elves.". it's strictly all in your head. But what are they exactly? Were all waiting with bated breath for their response. They are the Hekuras, Menehunes, or diminutive helping and mischievous spirits which inhabit a higher-dimensional space and elves is the best English word we have for them. As for the frequency of the elf meme in the DMT world, Kent says, Why is the alien/elf archetype so common to the DMT experience? DMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of TimeFrom a representative sample of a suitably psychedelic crowd, youd be hard pressed to find someone who couldnt tell you all about Albert Hofmanns enchanted bicycle ride after swallowing what turned out to be a massive dose of LSD. Mckenna found their descriptions of entity contact resembled his own experiences with the machine elves, What was eye-catching about the description of this visionary plant preparation was that the Witoto tribe of the Upper Amazon, who alone knew the secret of making it, used it to talk to little men and to gain knowledge from them.. My knowledge is intrinsic and I move mountains with this faith. If you as a human being decide to enter their realm, they will most likely want to play with you. The common point here is paranoia - it might be drug induced or a symptom of a disorder or reaction to stress etc. As all individual beings are subject-based, and if youre communicating from your own subjective position to their subjective position. no, then why worry. Perhaps the contrary is true. VQGAN+CLIP+coco #VQGAN #vqganclip #AIart #generativeart #machineelves, Steven H fron O&D (@_hernsl) January 20, 2022, McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. They would mock them, laugh at them, and stock them for sometimes hours and even tell them that they were not ready for the experience. Do it! They commonly urge the DMT realm visitors to try to focus on what they are showing them, or even want the subject to imitate what they are doing. According to anecdotal reports, interactions with machine elves can vary dramatically. My first experience was dont be afraid. Lion of Judah. 6 Common Hallucinations and What They Tell Us. They are the children destined to be the Parents of Man. Of these 149 reports, she found 180 total entity experiences were reported, and 75% of the reports included a description of at least 1 entity. Like if you try to take a picture all of a sudden your camera will switch out of camera mode, very frustrating! I believe that he has definitely taken DMT, but for legal and monetization reasons he has put that disclaimer. Oddily enough I have more experience with the elf on another matter as I do with gnomes, dwarves, angels and so fourth. In his 1989 book True Hallucinations, Mckenna recounts his initial encounter with machine elves: During my own experiences smoking synthesized DMT in Berkeley, I had had the impression of bursting into a space inhabited by merry elfin, self-transforming, machine creatures. It sounds so intense. we barely understand space-time and quantum physics , and science always avoids a theory of consciousness because its too slippery Emptiness (sunyata) and silence is the foundation of all experience, and I suspect that these machine-elves may also have learnt this, and perhaps this is one of the reasons why they wish to play with us in their hyper-dimensional playgrounds. Indeed, of the thousand pages of notes taken throughout the course of Strassmans research, 50% of them involve interactions with DMT entities. He described their appearance as vividly colourful, and said they are shaped like Faberge eggs or jeweled basketballs that vibrated. McKenna and most DMT users often stress the importance of sound to the creatures, who use use a language which you see, McKenna recalled. Sponsors . In the years since the term machine elves has been used interchangeably with clockwork elves, and while the phenomenon may escape easy description, users of DMT report largely common, or at least interrelated, characteristics of these psychedelic entities. Many people use DMT and other psychedelics without being followed around by anything. As an undergrad at Berkeley in 1965, Terence McKenna had his first experiences with DMT elves, which he called "machine elves," "clockwork elves" and "self transforming machine elves."
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