This has refined my ability to also sense ponies' aura.". They offered to help me get the respect and attention I deserved in exchange for taking over my soul, and without much hesitation, I accepted. As she began to sob once more, Spike immediately took the mare in his arms, consoling her for all she was worth. I want my new Changelings to be equipped with the finest armours and weapons my blacksmiths can forge. The other Bearers, accompanied by the Princess of Love now seek to repair relations with the Bearer of Magic, in hopes of the restoration of the Elements of Harmony to action. Anyway, the three ponies seated themselves in the living room, both Night and Velvet bracing themselves for whatever Luna had to say. "Come on in Cady. Only the Creator knows where they are right now." Twilight was somewhere out there, hurt, alone, and for all he knew, lost. Barbarousis! "I don't think there's much we can do Shining. At the moment, Twilight only trusts me and Spike, so it's better if I talk to her. He decided to give Blue Hue the directive to watch over war room operations while he was gone. Before his eyes, it opened to reveal Twilight, who was packing her saddlebags. ", "No Rarity, I haven't forgotten, but let me ask you this. My sister needs me.". Engagement at this time is a no-go. "It will not help Twilight if both Night and myself are turned to the dark side. Night and Velvet gently descended to the ground, their bodies embraced by Luna's inoculation spell. This was the latter's ultimate redemption. Back in the wedding hall, there was little more than seven ponies with the responsibility of Canterlot's invasion laid on their shoulders, a baby dragon devastated by Twilight's revelation, while also disgusted at his own reaction to the lavender unicorn's outburst at the wedding rehearsal. Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 had arrived at Golden Oaks Library, only to find the tall but humble treehouse shut up tight and covered by a large shield, which Cadance was quick to recognize as a spell cast by Twilight to keep out any unwelcome visitors, namely her former best friends. Twilight could have stopped the Changelings from wreaking havoc, but she was never given the chance! After being laid down gently on the floor, the blue pegasus came to. You may not be omnipotent, and on that matter, neither am I, but you of all ponies should know when something is wrong. The pink alicorn was hoping for a better outcome than the one which had transpired. Additionally, I have information you may want to hear.". Many of my unicorns will experience an incredibly tough battle initially, given the Princesses' powers, but over time they will weaken, and my troops will gain the upper hoof. "He is the captain of the Canterlot's Royal Guard" explain Twilight. Together they moved out of the brush, making their way southeast toward the Everfree. And in Twilight's case, alone, afraid, and very hurt?". Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc.. However, Blade ordered Snake to hold position for a little while longer, so as to not make things seem suspicious. Twilight couldn't finish her words. Chrysalis's threat was met with laughter from the Guards, angering her greatly. Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. "Pack your things Spike. "So Sugarcube, will y'have us as friends again?". She zoomed in on the Spartan's head, intent on sniping him clean through the skull. "To Tartarus with the shield! "General Skoula, I have just come up with an idea which could supplement our forces and bolster the success of the assault on Canterlot. Applejack could not answer. Furnishing the room was Celestia's wardrobe, a study where she kept endless amounts of correspondence, particularly from Twilight and her friends, a mirror as high as the tip of the alicorn's horn and a rather extravagant grandfather clock, designed using the wood from an oak tree to create a working celebration of the sun, which crowned the head of the clock. In the meantime, Celestia turned to Cadance. As she walked away, she heard the familiar sound of a shield spell being cast. Said Cadance, her usual mirth waning when she saw how the girls had fared since the previous night. "Guards, let's go. In fact, let her know that if she wants an audience with me to gain her trust, I would be more than happy to meet with her. The Changelings could just walk right in, disguised and completely invisible to the ponies' eyes, and then strike when the time was right. But now, the teacher who had taught her student so much about magic and friendship simply walks out on her, as did her brother and friends when all she was trying to do was save them from a terrible fate? Celestia has since sent a delegation, made up of the Element Bearers, to Ponyville. The pain must be excruciating, for want of a fitting word. Snake grinned. Luna could only watch as her sister lowered her head in shame. Boomed Chrysalis, who fired an ice spell at Aegis, freezing him solid. To her, the Royal Guard were as naive as ever, but one should never underestimate their capabilities. "Well, it happened during the wedding rehearsal. "They forgive each other no matter what! If you know of any of their movements, let me know immediately! Twilight dashed through the halls of the castle, passing by several Royal Guards, servants or guests. "Ok girls, I trust you are all aware Twilight will not be pleased to see you?". There was no known reports or rumours of a wedding or any other high-security event this time, according to reports from her spies, thus there wouldn't be a shield to deal with. Unfortunately her mind would not serve the same purpose, constantly tormenting her with the still fresh memories of herself and the girls abandoning Twilight at the rehearsal and her subsequent reaction following the victory over the Changelings. But most importantly, now they were ready to admit to the ponies of Canterlot they too were responsible for nearly letting the city fall to the Changelings, and now they were ready to do it with grace and humility. "After all, we need you to lead the Elements of-mmph!". ", "Of course your Majesty" Blade hissed in response. "But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. Even Spark was having trouble dancing the ballet of clashed blades with his other, despite his high morale. With that, Twilight galloped back upstairs, utterly offended. Baggy eyes filled with regret, a weary expression, plus her mane and tail weren't very well groomed. Replied Rarity. It wasn't long before they reached the bridge that crossed into the treacherous woodland. The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. The escort stopped just a few metres away from the Sun Princess, allowing Shining to step forward to address her. The battalion will be waiting in the Everfree within moments of your arrival. "Twilight, it doesn't matter anymore. We already apologized for our mistakes! This time, she would show no mercy. asked Night with a hint of disappointment. Adventure. Celestia sighed in annoyance. A heavy price to pay, perhaps not one more heavy than that of death, but it was still a loss that affected you deeply. With that, Spike went back inside, the doors closing behind him. A battle was on the rise, but before the already present hostilities could escalate, the two sides stopped just metres from each other. "The Elements chose us because we were supposed to be the physical representations of what they stood for. Eventually, Celestia got a hold of herself. "That's the Changeling Queen's name, and it sounds every bit as evil as she is." Velvet and Night looked at each other, shuffling anxiously as they did so, before deciding it was best if the former explained what happened. His strict side came to the fore once more. Luna gasped in shock. ", "But that's not true Granny Smith! The price you paid was one which I know very well caused you immense grief. Before him, the girl's faces were clear expressions of shock and dismay, so too was Cadance's. The Mane 5 looked at each other glumly, before nodding to Cadance. Maintain your cover and I will report back when the time to attack is right. Luna's remark made the couple raise their brows in surprise. Replied Shining, who prepared to inform his officers via magical telepathy of their orders. Whatever this was, they hoped it wouldn't be of any discomfort. She was still very ticked off at the Mane 5, not just because they were invading her space, but also because she couldn't trust them to walk out on her again. "Don't you get it?! When we betrayed you, the connection between us as the Elements of Harmony was critically damaged to the point where they could not be used. The tale that Celestia was spinning before her was intriguing her more and more. Passing through the massive double doors that led to the junction connecting both sister's bedchambers, Celestia led Shining through the door on the right. Shining couldn't keep it together anymore and slowly wept. However, she was at war with her pride, which was trying to convince her that Twilight's actions were over the top and completely unlike her, not to mention rude and shameful. Cried Rarity, who immediately galloped over to the aforementioned pegasus to make sure she was OK. "Are you alright?". With that, Rarity had lost anything and everything she was going to say. Obviously, Twilight would be irked at the presence of those who betrayed her and left her for dead, so Cadance knew that somehow she would have to explain things in such a way that Twilight's anger would subside, and she would listen. "Your Majesty, we have created a new plan formed from the coordinates of the previous assault on Canterlot." Indeed, it had been 1000 years since I last saw Equestria, and much has changed. "Girls" Sobbed Twilight. "What if I was wrong? They would act as a second echelon, coming in from behind to support the main force. Whatever thunder Applejack was packing was quickly silenced. I understand why you are upset.". "As well as the sound of a bell!" Twilight sobbed harder, the group watching on in stunned silence. ", "I failed the Element of Loyalty because I did not stand by you when it was needed most." Shining Armor was sat down on his rump atop the altar/throne, crestfallen and wallowing in self-disgust. "Cadance, is there anything else you wish to tell me?". With a look on her face that screamed "enough is enough", Celestia turned to Shining to issue orders. The latter looked back up again, her stony facade pulled down to reveal the same broken mare they had last seen in the wedding hall. Velvet and Night could barely comprehend the news given to them. Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner and her spirits were lifted by the Cakes and their children greeting her happily. I have a job for them.". ", "Thank you Cadance. Behind him, the doors flung open to reveal Celestia's Royal Guards, with Luna following closely behind. Celestia clenched her eyes in pain. But if there's anything wrong darling, just talk to me, alright?". Hoping that Celestia might help him, he turned to her for answers. How can you even call yourselves her friends anymore?!". Can you take care of things here?". She was glad there was still somepony loyal to her. Said Shining, who stepped aside to allow Luna to comfort her distraught sister. The rest of the Mane 5, along with Cadance and Spike, joined the hug, doing all in their power to console the distraught unicorn. "May we bring you anything Princess?" a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction . "I didn't know that she wasn't the real Cadence! Not forgetting her strong sense of generosity, she decided to offer Cadance somewhere to sleep for the night. ", "Gentlecolts, it pleases me immensely to announce the Element Bearers will be of no concern to our operation." It was still clear within the depths of her mind; how harsh her brother was toward her, and how her so-called friends thought it right to walk out on her with no sign of pity or consolation. A small part of the pink alicorn was disappointed about the lack of a hoofshake, but it was completely understandable. Twilight looked at Spike with a frank expression. ", "And anyway, that's what friends do!" The girls are sorry and they wish to apologise to Twilight personally!". Twilight had just reunited with her brother, who also happened to be the groom. ", "The point here, your Majesty" Night Light continued "is that our daughter was the key to stopping the invasion before it ever began. Many of the city's buildings were damaged in the fighting, particularly by Changeling pegasi divebomb attacks, and much of the populace was displaced in the chaos. Cadance figured that Twilight would only answer personally to her; anypony else fell under Spike's jurisdiction. The Nightmare Forces possessed my body, transforming me into the devil known as Nightmare Moon. "Thank you for your gratitude Sir Light." Meanwhile, Luna was first to break the ice between herself and Celestia. And all this came from me feeling alone and abandoned, just like Twilight was.". It is with honest hearts that we apologize for abandoning you when you needed us most. Replied Shining without hesitation. She must know that her resignation spells doom for Equestria and life as we know it". She glanced at the three commanders, before looking at General Skoula, whom she greeted with a nod.
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