This achievement may also be achieved by just importing, although it may not work. The game converts your imported save file into allcaps and removes all whitespace, then puts it through a sha512_256 (a common hash - info about it can be found elsewhere) hash, meaning that there are other things that can also be imported. First eternity now takes you to the time dimensions tab. Some can be done at this time with partial upgrades as the Eternity Challenges can cost a lot, but as you progress further, you won't have to have partial upgrades for the challenges, as you'll end up being able to buy more Time Theorems, and get more EP with more time studies. Dimension Boosting/shifting for the 5th time also unlocks a new mechanic. 3-27-2020, v1.3: Added two new upgrades, the automator for the antimatter dimensions, and did some balancing and bugfixing. Internally called "Supersanic" on the web version. Antimatter Dimensions is an idle incremental game that has a ton of unlockable features and achievements. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter (log (x)^0.5). When time in infinity <3 minutes and in a challenge, all dimension multipliers are multiplied by. Set 'Galaxies required to always dim boost' to the amount of galaxies you can get without boosting, and set 'Buy max dimboost every x seconds' to 0.2 to optimize IP/min. Since the Reality update is in DevelopmentHell, it has become increasingly inaccurate, especially when the Steam version was given the release date of "[[AscendedMeme In 5 hours]]". (Get used to it now - you'll have to get more infinities for the challenge later.) Researchers have cooled antimatter to near absolute zero for the first time by capturing it in a magnetic trap and blasting it with concentrated laser light. When you first unlock replicantis, you may not be totally sure what they do. Currently: 1.0x. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. The infinity time requirement can be easily done in Eternity Challenge 12. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 3 times stronger. After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much . I recommend closing the game before bed and doing this overnight. Set your big crunch autobuyer to big crunch at around that many IP. This one requires a strategy so here we go. O snap. Once you have 100 billion infinities and 1e18000 Replicanti, Eternity to get 2 row 13 achievements. That's where the 3rd upgrade comes in. Setting update rate to 33 ms, and making a setup for grinding eternities will be important. At some point, do a longer run for study 61 to get more EP. 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club. After you complete this achievement, you can do other things, like grinding for EP. Crunch for 1e200 IP with 2 sec in this Infinity. You can also simply set your notation to True Blind and reload the game. The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. . When paranoid about losing progress, you might save really frequently. Swapped places with "1 million is a lot" (77 -> 64). (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings). The second one (Galaxies required to always dimboost) means when you get that many galaxies, you ignore the first number and buy all the Dimension Boosts you can. At this point until start of next section, focus on upgrading autobuyers with IP, and upgrading the bulk buy and interval on all of them. Once you do finally get to unlock Time Dilation, you get a new section in the Eternity tab, and are presented with a new screen of upgrades, and are able to dilate time (which are new features). Previously in the spot of 38. (Sort of like the "Do you need a guide for this" achievement, but you need to do it with 1 infinitied stat). (There is also a secret achievement for this, fail it 10 times without refreshing.). Dimension Boosts will be done for the multiplier. (You'll have a sum of about 10-12 seconds or less. If you mess up, press the lose a reset button. When you get an Antimatter galaxy, the tickspeed upgrades will be slightly stronger. Click to reveal Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. You should also optimize your challenge times. It is recommended to do the achievement now as it is harder to do this later (but there are ways to do it in the late game so don't worry too much). This will allow you to cap the second eternity upgrade, which will help you now, and to unlock EC1x5 later. : Progress related achievement, which with enough EP multiplier and other progress factors, you will get this achievement. You must spend the 1st EP on the First Time Dimension in order to buy Time Theorems with EP, as this was an issue in the earlier versions of the game. The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. This is most easily done in Infinity Challenge 6. (Mobile) Autobuyer intervals are maxed on Breaking Infinity, and subsequently this achievement is unlocked for free. NOTE: beyond e308 Antimatter, things will change: - You will get more IP on each big crunch based on your antimatter. You can try to found out what 3 or 4 errors were given on second part of script in just 2 lines. Auto sacrifice can be on, with any reasonable value you'd like. Because of the slowness of IC4 and IC8, you can't get 'Like jumping on a lego' yet, unless you have enough IP and autoclicker/macro strategies to get it. You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first eternity. Get TS191, where 5% of infinities on eternity become banked infinities (and can help increase EC10's reward and other infinitied factors permanently). Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning.]]. I believe after doing 2.5 playthroughs, I have a good idea of how to beat the game fairly efficiently. Note that you can use galaxies in the process of getting this achievement - get your max RG to 180, turn off the galaxy autobuyer, and infinity. Getting enough dilated time will give free galaxies (another overpowered source of progress) and also allows you to purchase new upgrades that will progress you further. Eternity with 30 seconds in this Eternity. After this, get "Buy max dimension boost autobuyer mode" for 5 B IP. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2dbc7998d7f7e0 Look at your IP/min on the big crunch button and wait until it peaks for the final time. Everything pre-reality that may be different because of the reality update (to update as I find more) and their effects on what is said in this guide, Section 1 - under 1e308 antimatter (pre infinity), Section 3 - 66 K to 1e140 IP (Breaking Infinity), Section 4 - 1e140 to 1e308 IP (Replicantis), Section 6: 100 Qa to 1e1300 EP (Eternity Challenges), Section 7: 1e1300 to 1e4000 EP (Time Dilation). Next, get 1e71 IP, and do IC4. ", as the game is coded in a different language (Java/Kotlin) and access to a console is not possible without developer tools. Privacy Policy. You could also do this with macro/autoclicker strategies. Antimatter Dimensions first released in 2016, then was updated for a few years as a web-based game. I recommend you always do it at 2x unless you are approaching a dimension boost or galaxy (first at 4-5x). On Android, select "Time study numbers ON" in Options. You will probably have ~e3 EP and have reached the first 3-way split of the study tree. Beat Infinity Challenge 5 (IC5) in 15 seconds or less. For the Dimension Boost one, there are 2 fields. Then, you will be able to buy 2nd dimensions. Buying tickspeed upgrades in infinity challenge 5 is 100% safe now but the goal was increased to compensate. The strategy at this point is to keep buying RGs until you can crunch for 5-10 more orders of magnitude of IP. For challenge 9, you can easily mess up, but I have some tips. Row 18 achievements require Doomed Reality to display as achievement goal and name description normally instead of random text. Now after buying everything under 25 M IP, go for 100 M IP, then do not buy anything. No other sections in Eternity have been tested for Antitables (but there may be late game opportunities for this). Gain more Reality Machines based on your current Reality Machines. It have several Prestige layers, bunch of upgrades, achievements, optimization. Get Time Study 51 now. If it's still too slow, get more IP first. EC8 strategy: Buy all the studies up to 123, buy 13 RGs, 9% replicate chance, max interval, 50 ID1s, then wait, then buy the rest of the time studies. Each individual achievement obtained will give a x1.03 multiplier, and an additional x1.25 multiplier is given for every completed row. This replaces "Stop right there criminal scum! To grind for more EP, you will have to occasionally change the time study tree (find out which combination of time studies works best). 0.00% Ultra Rare - 0.0 EXP. After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. Set priorities all back to 1 after that. Next, get 222 again then finally 226. Get 10 Replicanti Galaxies in 15 seconds. Stare intently at the statistics tab for 15 real-time minutes. Continue down the time study tree. You may have guessed that Eternity is a prestige layer at 1.8e308 IP, and that is right. Repeat this every time you get a new upgrade so you can optimise. Get to Infinity in under 250 milliseconds. Previous attempts to complete EC7x5 only could reach around 1e3920 IP. Import "tree" as a study tree. About This Game. For challenge 2, disable autobuyers just tap the M key every few seconds, to let the production build up, completing could take a while. You might get lucky and get this achievement in earlier eternities. 32000 to 79999: divide n by 8000 and get quotient q and remainder r, then n --> (q)^r looks like this: (4 . When saving up for a study, the extra TTs you have are refered to as spare ones. When this strategy stops working out for you, move to steps 5-8. Synergism can go above 100% and Momentum increases 10x faster. The reward is not to be confused with the 7 eternity milestone, as it unlocks the infinity challenges right away, which saves 1 tick. 3-26-2020, v1.2.1: Fixed a bug where the max all antimatter dimensions button didn't work. There are also repeatable tickspeed upgrades, which are effectively just static dimension multipliers. Even if you complete the challenge, matter will continue rising. Go Infinite with just 1 Antimatter Galaxy. For now, this is the end of YT Kerfuffle's Guide. Achievements are mostly designed based on the game progress: Secret achievements are in the same tab as Achievements. At 1e56 IP, do IC3. EC12 has a fail condition: If you cannot get enough IP in a certain amount of time, you fail the challenge. The picture for it on the web version shows a donkey ([[VisualPun aka an ass]]), and the picture on the mobile version just has the text "I can't draw this like really what do you expect come on". Spend your first EP on First Time Dimension. This is because the original requirement was 1e60 Infinity Power, which was raised to the power of 4.3333. This means that you can make things impossible until you reset if Dimension 8's cost gets too high. "We could afford nine": Turn off replicanti upgrade autobuyers, and wait for your replicanti amount to hit 9, then eternity. Have the sum of your IC times be <750ms after Crunching. 500 33.57% (24.0) Over in 30 seconds Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter for 30 consecutive seconds. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. The study is an invisible study to the left of study 11. Wait another few days for each overpriced TD and wait 1-2 weeks to reach the endgame. (grinding should be preferably done right away after you get study 181, as well as the achievement - usavictor) This achievement may take longer than this duration, as it depends on the achievements you already have (which this experience had 11 rows of achievements already completed) and IP multiplier. Get the sum of Infinity Challenge times under 6.66 seconds. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. You will have to wait long for 1e100 IP, which is over an hour, and without doing anything. Go to Dimensions > Time Dimensions. These achievements are for you to intentionally complete. Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. This will produce 6th dimensions at the 7th dimensions maximum production rate after you maxed out your amount of 7th dimensions in step 4. You should see the game running through easy galaxies, and then through dimboosts to afford a couple extra easy galaxies. Have 10 Infinities (mobile: after Crunching). The original requirement was to complete ECs 1-10 5 times. The eternitied multiplier from TS193 on Normal Dimensions will allow you to beat EC7x5. This is repeatable. This eventually got pushed down to become a mid-game achievement. This achievement takes about 14 hours with a maxed tickspeed autobuyer and no manual work. After this, you can try EC4x3 (with more grinding for infinities), and then EC3x4. Once you have done this, start the new challenge you will have unlocked (Infinity Challenge 1). Because of one of the break infinity upgrades you have to revisit challenges. Cookie Notice Can be completed with autobuyers or (web only) by switching from buy 10s to buy singles. x4 Infinity Point gain, and increase the multiplier for buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions by +0.1. A lot of the stuff on this guide is taken or directly copied from there. Time Dimensions generate time shards, which are translated into tickspeed upgrades. This is a "total" requirement - it can be spread across as many eternities and sessions as needed. Gain 2.5x Time Theorems, and a free coupon to McDonalds. This achievement switched positions with "Eternities are the new Infinity" (now 113) in the Reality Update. Before you eternity, get one more achievement: - I brake for nobody: Disable your Dimension Boost autobuyer and set Max Galaxies to as many as you can get in under 20 seconds, and do it close to the very end of this section, with your big crunch autobuyer set to 1e250 IP. You will hopefully get the "How the antitables have turned" achievement. On mobile, press the "Buy more" button on the "Shop" tab. Later updates removed the reward text: "Reward: Gain a small bonus to time dimensions based on amount eternitied. The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. You will start with 10 Antimatter. Click on the "Buy more" button (web: donate link). "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. At the moment, there are 4 Dimensions, but the growth is more than n^4 while you are active as you are also buying more. The game will force you to big crunch which resets your progress. Antimatter Dimensions Google Play Achievements Leaderboard Forum 21,646 Achievements Earned 670 Players Tracked 104 Total Achievements 3,142 Obtainable EXP 67,500 Points (XP) 31 100% Club Zero Deaths Get to Infinity without Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies while in a Normal Challenge. However, there is a Time Study, which makes this much easier, and allowing you to get it automatically without any strategy eventually. However, they cap at 1.80e308. Additional 4 multiplier to Infinity Points gained from Big Crunch. Extremely small multiplier to Antimatter Dimensions based on time played. While you are far into challenge 8 and it is going really fast, disable all your autobuyers if you have any, then sacrifice to reset your dimensions. There is a point where the IP starts slowing down in production (probably after a few minutes of the infinity) with close to 1% of the IP on big crunch, but it will depend. The slower it's generally going, the longer it will take to regain production after doing a dimensional sacrifice. Buy a first dimension. This is because you finished the first row of achievements. Alternatively, Import "save" as a save On Mobile or the Reality Update can get this achievement. Then, you will be able to buy 2nd dimensions. Crunch every 5 orders of magnitude of IP until you reach 1e170 IP. ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. Some are very simple, ensured through progression, and some are significantly trickier, needing a specific strategy to get something. They do not have a reward and do not apply to the row multiplier. However, before attempting EC4 "for real", you should fail it at least once. Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil,, * {{Squick}}: There's an Achievement called "Like Feasting on a Behind", which is implied to be exactly what you think it sounds. Note that right after getting a replicated galaxy progress will be very slow. The capacity for the multiplier doesn't require very fast times, you can have around 0.06 seconds or less if you want. Whatever you use for dilated runs after this is up to you, but idle will have more progress than active in the long run (for getting the maximum tachyon particles possible). You will also unlock a new mechanic called Dimensional Sacrifice after 5 dimension shifts/boosts, which basically briefly interrupts progression for a boost to the 8th dimension. Challenges 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 12 are very easy, Just a bit slower. You may have to Big Crunch or start a Challenge before attempting some of the harder ones. 3-26-2020, v1.2: Added antimatter dimensions! It will also help to turn off automatic dimboosts so you will not be in the middle of a reset, so you actually gain IP and make the most of those 10 infinities. As you can see, to unlock EC1, you need 20,000 eternities, and that number only gets higher with further completions of that challenge. Your goal is to produce as much antimatter as possible by purchasing dimensions. For the tickspeed one, change the Priority of the autobuyers. When you don't have much RAM, games tend to lag more. You may want to change your autobuyers for these (Reduce max galaxies to 0, or 1 if you need it, and turn on automatic dimension boosts but with max boosts at 4 and galaxies required to a high number, so that the 8th dimension can be unlocked while in challenges). Seems like every time I ask a question on here it has a simple answer lmao. At this point, buying TT will not make as much of a difference, as you produce more than you can buy, and you don't have to buy TT anymore. In most browsers, those key combinations open the developer console. (Reality update has removed fix infinity, you now just set auto crunch to 0 and wait till it ticks to 2 million). Have your Infinity Power per second exceed your Infinity Power for 60 consecutive seconds during a single Infinity. The reward, however, is similar to Time Study 143. When you are stuck buy max of dimensions 8, 7, 6, 5, then 1. 46.3% Boosting to the max Buy 10 Dimension Boosts. All of the challenges can be done instantly by simply turning off dimboost and galaxy autobuyers. Time dimensions are multiplied by the number of studies you have. Do this each time you get an upgrade or anything that may change your IP gain. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. This upgrade is very powerful and you will be able to jump to 1e40 IP in minutes. I recommend you wait until you have infinitied about 50-100 times before worrying about the challenges. This will be important for EC12. Reality with one of each basic glyph type. ALSO WATCH PARTS 0 AND 0.5. You must have completed Eternity Challenges 11x5+12x5 before you can unlock Time Dilation, and you must have at least 13,000 TT in total (around ~e1320 EP). Sacrifice if necessary.
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