The 2023 Nigerian presidential election was held on 25 February 2023 to elect the president and vice president of Nigeria. This vote must be included as an item on the agenda and must name each qualified candidate that will be seated by acclamation if the item is approved by the board during the meeting. You can ask the chairman to order a counted vote such as by ballot, rising or a show of hands to make sure a majority has been reached. Now that weve covered the various methods of voting, its important to look at what counts as winning the vote. White NO. 19. . To be elected, a candidate must receive votes marked with his or her name from a majority of the trustees then in office.". Sarah E. Merkle is one of five attorneys in the world to have earned the credentials Certified Professional Parliamentarian-Teacher and Professional Registered Parliamentarian. Robert's Rules says that abstentions should not be called for, counted, or recorded. In the event of a lack of opposition, the candidate is considered elected. Election by Acclamation Is Not Allowed When the Bylaws Require a Ballot Vote. As a member of an organization, you have a right to vote on motions under consideration according to Robert's Rules and basic good practice. Debatable motions are motions that do need debating. The facilitator cannot simply ignore your rules and decide that a 2/3 vote shall be sufficientinstead, and as others have noted, a vote of 3-2 isnt a 2/3 vote anyway. What is the immediately pending new business?. You can ask for a recount of the vote if you think it was too close to call. HOA provides individual notice of the election and procedure for nominating candidates at least 30 days prior to the close of the nomination period. You could say Point of Order - I believe we are no longer a quorum or Point of Order - Do we still have a quorum?. The meeting is fixing a time to adjourn, in the absence of a quorum, They are adjourning or theres a vote on adjournment. sorry i always use caps because i hate having to try and remeber when to cap or not i am not a very good writer. i was using the spelling in our guidelines sorry again about the caps.. we have 5 home groups in our area, we have used a vote of acclamation when this happens( this may not be proper but that is the way the guidelines were writen. All resolutions should be determined by a majority vote, unless the Strata Property Act or regulations require an alternative level of voting approval (such as 3/4, 80% or unanimous). Sample Rules for Electronic Meetings. Signed (if secrecy isnt necessary ideal for voting by mail). The record of how each member votes is recorded in the minutes.


If your group is a representative assembly, your bylaws should provide details for how and when roll-call votes are ordered. When at least two candidates are on the ballot, you check one box for Peter Politicker or for Sally Smoothtalker. If the vote is taken by ballot, there is always the opportunity to write in a name. I SAY THAT OUR GUIDELINES IS WHAT WE GO BY SHE SAYS NO.. You are correct. Nominations must be seconded, unless the bylaws indicate otherwise. Upload or insert images from URL. Finalise the meeting in the right way 2.5 5. TO ME AND OUR AREA HAVE ALWAYS TAKEN A VOTE OF ACCLIMATION FROM THE HOME GROUPS. The vote is via a secret ballot or anonymous. Alan Jennings, PRP, is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian credentialed by the National Association of Parliamentarians. At the top sit procedural statutes (laws about how to conduct meetings). Contact us at 916-565-8080 ext. Robert says that the chair should not call for abstentions, and that abstentions are not counted. . Again, this is of those members both present and voting. (b) What in the world does acclamation mean? I'm not sure why we are having all of this discussion about a two-thirds vote, other than to show that the president's math is wrong, because the guidelines / bylaws as quoted by the OP say that "if the vote is not unanimous, the position goes back to the home groups for further nominations". Be cautious though. Dummies has always stood for taking on complex concepts and making them easy to understand. The bill that changed the law in 2020, was SB 323. 13. RIL. I FEEL THAT THE GUIDE LINES ARE CLEAR.. Well, I suppose they are reasonably clear if you know what a "vote of acclimation" is. THE STANDING FACILITATOR IS TRYING TO SAY THAT ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER SAY THAT A TWO THIRDE VOTE IS TAKEN NOT PER OURGUIDELINES STATING THAT A VOTE OF ACCLIMATION IS OUT OF ORDER.. WE HAVE OUR GUIDELINES BUT ARE WORKING UNDER ROB. Your rules supersede the rules in RONR. The Chair immediately puts this objection to a vote, and if carried by 2/3 of the assembly, the . It doesn't go by closeness, it goes by greater than or equal to 2/3. An election is really nothing more than the handling of an assumed motion, with the question being on whom to elect to fill a position. Are different groups voting somehow? Senate Rules have been updated. saint cad they are called "guidelines/by-laws" they are used for all metting for the last 4 years. but when the "ruling group" does not like what they say they buley there way with shouting and or intimatation. some of us are tired of this and are trying to force that we use the guidelines to the letter there are 5 groups that make up our area and the ruling group has 3 groups in theirpocket it makes it had for 2 groups to get any thing changed. with 2/3 voting they say that 3 votes wins but that is 3.33 for 2/3.. it is not what i say. i think they need 4 groups to have the win as 3.333 is not 2/3 win. that would not be unanimous.. she is trying to force a 2 thirds vote that way her pet will be voted in we are using rroo but i say that what the guidelines say is the way we are to go, not her way. just because she says so. she knows that a vote of acclamation bythe groups will be 3 yes and 2 no. In the case of small or informal meetings, the chair can always vote. Perhaps by "vote of acclamation" they actually mean something like unanimous consent? sorry i always use caps because i hate having to try and remeber when to cap or not i am not a very good writer. i was using the spelling in our guidelines sorry again about the caps.. we have 5 home groups in our area, we have used a vote of acclamation when this happens( this may not be proper but that is the way the guidelines were writen. Stand up and say Division. Because theres only one candidate and no other options, theres no need to say, All those in favor of Peter Politicker, say aye. All those opposed, say, no. Instead, the group can simply declare by enthusiastic approval that Peter is elected. . The voting methods recognized by Robert's Rules include


Unanimous consent


Quite possibly the most efficient way of conducting a vote, unanimous consent is the voting method of choice because it saves so much time. However, if the chair is comfortable with his call, he's not required to take a counted vote unless the membership adopts a motion to order a counted vote. If you want to enable online votingIts best to use a board portal such as iBabs. Announce the vote: The chairperson announces the result of the vote and any instructions. A Delegate casting a vote must be on the floor of the Convention at the time such vote is cast and recorded. When the vote is close, your presiding officer can re-take the vote as a rising or counted vote on his own initiative. Voting for officers shall be by secret ballot unless there is a motion, made and approved, to accept a nominee by acclamation. The main rule around voting is around quorums. Because there's only one candidate and no other options, there's no need to say, "All those in favor of Peter Politicker, say 'aye.' All those opposed, say, 'no.'" The record of how each member votes is recorded in the minutes. The individual vote of the chair would affect the result. Under Roberts Rules, voting should work as follows: If the question is undebatable, or debate has been closed by order of the assembly, the chair, immediately after stating the question, puts it to vote, only allowing time for members to rise if they wish to make a motion of higher rank.. During Peters speech, you may be thinking, (a) Peter just joined our organization last year. Voting by show of hands: A vote by show of hands can be used instead of a rising vote when you're in a small group. Some main motions always require a two-thirds vote, including: Some organisations choose to use a three-fourths vote (also known as a supermajority) as their passing majority. How did he even get elected? I move to refer the motion to . In this case, voting by proxy could be appropriate - this is when a member gives another member power to vote on their behalf. When at least two candidates are on the ballot, you check one box for Peter Politicker or for Sally Smoothtalker. And he can do this by asking those present at the meeting if there are any further nominations. The chair does have to make sure that in fact only one person has been nominated. Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has used the acclamation method in past elections for its Executive Committee when a candidate is running unopposed, and. I move to postpone the motion to . If the chair declares a candidate elected with less than a unanimous vote, you should raise a Point of Order, followed by an Appeal if necessary. Is it true that once a quorum has been established, it continues to exist no matter how many members leave during the course of the meeting? If the ballot is secret, the procedures from the organisation are as follows: The result of this vote should be in the minutes and official agenda of the next regular meeting (and special meeting if one happens in the interim), but you should also send an announcement to members so theyre aware of the way the vote went. To object to the consideration of a motion. A vote of no confidence is a statement or vote about whether a person in a position of responsibility (in an organisation or parliament) is fulfilling their obligations or fit to hold their position. These motions are decided immediately. Heres why: You dont want to give the group the option of not electing anyone at all. She advises national, regional, and local organizations of all types and sizes on proper governance and parliamentary procedure, and how to make sound decisions in an efficient manner. Although a number of tweaks have been made through the years, the fundamentals of Roberts Rules are still centred around democracy, impartiality and fairness. According to Robert's Rules, election by acclamation is reserved for those times when only one person is nominated. Motions to request to be excused from duty, Say whether the motion is carried or lost (depending on the vote). Main motions cannot be made when any other motions are before the group. Under such a. Because it sounds like the facilitator is trying to steamroll the group and force a 2/3 vote, which wouldn't even matter because 3/5 is less than 2/3. Nominations by Committee Many organizations have a nominating committee. For example, if the main motion was we build a new public park in Greenwich, the process after debate has completed would be: The ayes have it, and the motion to build a new public park in Greenwich is adopted. This is one of the more efficient methods of voting under Roberts Rules and is usually quite straightforward. If even one member objects, then you proceed to take a vote. (b) What in the world does acclamation mean? 1. And, you need to appoint someone, the teller, to do the counting. Voting. 12. I cant help you with that first question, but if you want answers to b and c, read on. In a small meeting, the secretary usually handles the count. Election by Acclamation Is Allowed When Only One Person Is Nominated. Bylaws? However, proxy voting can cause problems and realistically isnt consistent with the fundamentals of Roberts Rules about non-transferable votes. RIL. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) states that a voice vote (viva voce) is the usual method of voting on any motion that does not require more than a majority vote for its adoption.
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