(TAC), United Christian College Accreditation Association (UCCAA) (Divine Heart), United States Distance Education & Training Council of Nevada (NOTE: A similarly titled agency, the Distance Education & Training Council (DETC), of Washington, D.C., is a VALID and RECOGNIZED online learning accreditation agency. Good night Irene! Just like the pharisees of old who loved to strut around in fancy garments, making long prayers and being in cohorts with the Roman governmentso too do these long for the admiration of peers, and important position and rank. More than exaggerated educational achievements, their actions and antics expose them. While Azusa is also a real school, I could not figure out what he actually got his undergraduate degree from. It seems that you dont understand what accreditation is used for and why it exists. Jack Van Impe, the popular televangelist known for his end times news commentary program, has died at the age of 88, his ministry website reported Saturday. One reason her pastor preached powerfully was that he had mother praying for him faithfully. * College Professor & Administrator (Of a bunch of fake schools and a few community colleges) Praying God says you go get your doctorate too, because in my mind I equate it with new power. Sponsored. So its gotta be TSU. She was my first connection with God. Have been to the ministries that Ive been a part of? TBCS is accredited by two non-profit agencies that are widely known as diploma mill accrediting agencies. My mother was also extremely attractive, with a regal bearing. Defying congress! I think it develops from ones environment. I thought, This is a good time for me to confess something to her. Many people agree that Rexella is one of those people and there are speculations that face-lift and botox are reasons why she looks so fresh and youthful. If you attend a theological school that teaches a specific theology then its a junk partisan school and you should transfer to a real school. Mom used to sing continuallyit was a joy for her. WRONG ANSWER Joel!!! Both Jews and Christians knew the terrifying experience of fighting lions to entertain the Romans. Lastly, hes been dead a while and this list was primarily for the living with the exception of the guy who died after it was written. Anyone can also claim, god told me, god spoke to me. without any recognized, accepted, reference discipline. Once again a real degree from a real school. The danger is in the following. Suddenly, out of the blue, they were introduced as "Dr. Jack Van Impe and Dr. Rexella Van Imple" because they had BOTH purchased degree mill doctorates. The promise of this Jewish homeland was first given to Abraham (Genesis 12:1 3), and it has echoed through the centuries. How is that a good thing? It was a Catholic university that closed in 1986 and somehow this training provided Denis with the background to become a priest which he also claims to be. You can find various comments on her plastic surgery rumors online and I will quote one of them: The other night I couldnt sleep so I checked the Christian channels to see if anything was on. They are also independently owned which makes the monopoly claim just silly. Like the beautiful queen of Bible times, my mother, Esther, was skilled at finding solutions and a place to be of service. My brother (now deceased) knew Hagee at SBI. Oral Roberts is actually ranked by U.S. News and World report at number 50 in regional colleges. Its faith because we believe despite not having a complete knowledge of all things. So for now, just concentrate on letting people see the real youwho you really are right now. And she impressed on me the importance of inward beauty. If I did it was by mistake and I need to fix it. I goofed on that organization. But in many ways her friends tribute is so apropos. Students had to read a certain number of pages each semester/quarter for every class. I feel so sorry for all the young people hes deceiving with Joels Army and spiritual experiences. Which gives her preciously little expertise in textual criticism and translation. Golden State University. In seminary we also had a reading a requirement. Box 7004 Troy, MI 48007-7004. They sell degrees or have little to no standards for obtaining one. Dr. Rexella Van Impe tells us that God loves us and so does she. Earned PhD in Theology, from Life Christian University(LCU). Perry Stone has not published his educational credentials very often. A regional college is ranked by the other colleges in that region. That is not gossip. However, I must point out that there a many (too many) legitimate Drs. Creflo Dollar is not even trying to be sneaky. Faith is isnt faith because we have all the answers. These top accredited seminaries have Muslims teaching in their seminary and claiming that Islam and Christianity worship the same God. If they consider degrees mandatory, so should we, honorary or otherwise. While I dont approve of his plagiarism on his dissertation, Im not sure he belongs on this list for a few reasons. There are a number of good agency lists on the internet already but in general most places in the USA seek accreditation from ATS. She was baptized and dedicated her life to the Lords service. I say this as many dont have the money to pay for counseling or insurance, but they are willing to give back to the church via mowing the lawn, fixing something, or simply devoting their time. https://www.franklinpublishing.net/featureedition.html https://www.facebook.com/Torah-Unleashed-108475126029291/about/?entry_point=page_nav_about_item&ref=page_internal .. and who holds multiple degrees..ALL from known diploma mills or long defunct institutions http://torahunleashed.org/, youve got to check out their teaching (rantings)!.. Their survival in the face of almost certain annihilation must be called miraculous. My bother did his at U of H in 2 years and 2 months. not so they can repeat things they heard in a sermon somewhere. Sounds more like a schoolyard bully that a supreme loving God. They are accredited only as a provider of continuing educational units(CEU). * Insurance Senior Executive (Not sure why this matter. I have heard Rod Parsley introducing his guest on his program as Dr. Perry Stone and Perry didnt correct himhe accepted the title. 9 times our of 10 its just marketing. it is hekataiosamerikos@yahoo.com. Yes I am aware that the title of JD is confusing but I didnt name the degree. W. (. Where did you get your information connecting Hal Lindsey? in unknown subject from Bob Jones, in 1950. The seventh textbook, New Age Bible Versions, is an international best seller and for it the author was honored with a Doctorate from the College of the nations largest church. Whether its Semitic culture, church history, or languages. ", Can't argue with that. I actually kinda like Sid Roth but the supposed Dr.s on that list are fake. To take Jesus Christ by faith is to turn from your sin (repent) and place all trust (confidence, belief) in Him as your personal Savior and Lord. How could I ever find words to adequately express the great blessing of having a godly mother? They are accredited by one of the organizations listed on the fake list of accreditation teams. These people are tricking people into believing they have authority because they were educated, when they actually have no real education. So, how much is Rexella Van Impe worth at the age of 90 years old? Isnt that deceiving people? Liberty has really improved in the last decade. I DID study Koine Greek (only one quarter semesterfinancial restraints) at the Pastors Graduate School of Theology an off-campus venue. I turn from my sin to you. TTS is a diploma mill based out of Newburg, Indiana and once had some distance learning classes in Liverpool. She is an actress, producer, and writer, best known for Jack Van Impe (1994), The Mark of the Beast (1997) and Revelation (1999). I agree with John's long-standing observation that any of these kinds of degrees can be abused--and probably will at some point by someone. 95% of them have honorary religious doctorates that they paid for from unaccredited bible schools. https://www.associationchristianeducators.net/1.html I guess they didnt teach about gossip in your accredited colleges. As the Admin states, to which I will add, there are a lot of crazy and dishonest ( the overall subject of these pages), false witness believers and preachers, far too many! My take on this issue is that these people are probably atheist. But lets not get too excited yet. In the kitchen, especially, she was singingjoyful music, always about the Lord. Sad. A Phd in anything Bible related shows that you are an expert in that field. I think he received a diploma from that high school, and then attended the college some, without graduating. She is an actress and writer with an experience in American Television industry. Pity. Youre looking to the wrong source. He will be known as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and all people will praise and honor Him: They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. We have two local pastors who claim to have accredited Ph;Ds. So God didnt call his dad to preach. Shes the one who got everyone together for the service, and she would always close in prayer., Mother had chosen the assisted living facility close to our International Ministry Headquarters. If the will of God is to be done on Earth and the Kingdom is to come, then, plainly, what you are doing is achieving that, in no small degree. Most seminary students leave thinking drastically better than they arrived. Im excluding TCU and SMU who were founded as religious school but now are just classed as private. Are they an expression of genuine faith in your heart? I prefer Jesus to Paul, who said call no one your father, teacher, or leader, because God is your Father, the Holy Spirit is your teacher, and Christ is our leader. (. We will all meet our maker. Any time you fake an education and then try to convince people that you have credentials itsgoing to point it out. They just wanna appear to be wise without doing the hard work, Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment. Of course those who do will make claims that their qualifications, institutions and inspirations are adequate, if not self applied. As for Andersonville, they also lack any credible accreditation. Hungry for peace and security, they will make an agreement with the treacherous final world dictator, the Antichrist that will promise protection and tranquility. Doesnt this sound familiar: Matthew 7:1-5 7 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Most of these people dont even use the honorary degree titles they are given. ;-) ;-) | Jakob Info, 5 Theological Views That Need Burned At The Stake (#2 Prosperity Gospel) | Dust Off The Bible, 15 Pastors Who Makes Millions Of Dollars By Reading The Bible To You, 5 Theological Views That Need Burned At The Stake (#1: Dominionism) | Dust Off The Bible, 15 Religious Leaders That Make More Money Getting Out Of Bed Than You'll Make All Year | Dust Off The Bible, http://www.ministers-best-friend.com/FREE-Ordination-and-Honorary-Degrees-Masters-and-Doctorate-by-Newtonstein.html. To his credit he did at least attempt an education at a real school. Anybody besides me connecting the dots? Southwestern Assemblies of God University (now regionally accredited) was then named Southwestern Bible Institute (accredited by a recognized Bible college agency). Even if you just look at the entrance requirements you will notice that doctoral candidates for almost all programs require a handle on Greek, Hebrew, and a 3rd language. Its a tiny school in Tennessee that also goes by the name Omega Graduate School. When the church had a visiting evangelist, Mother was the one who invited him over for dinner. Sadly, we wont be hearing from Dr. Dino until he gets released from prison for tax fraud (update: he was released on July 8th, 2015). He has an earned Masters, but two honorary doctorates. Following an exhaustive six-year, word-for-word collation (comparison) of the Holy Bible (King James Version of A.D. 1611) with the NIV and NASB, together with review of other modern versions, and extensive research into the original languages, Dr. Riplinger published one of the most extensively documented and illuminating works ever brought forth in the 20th Century, entitled New Age Bible Versions., A lot of these preachers use those fake degrees so the IRS wont bother them. Let me explain. But one for his seminary did have the title up in big letters. How about if preachers with earned doctorates stop using the titles as well? So since the passing of my dear mom to her eternal home a couple of years ago, Ive been trying to adjust to a world that seems a bit empty now because of the absence of her physical presence. I am a Christian counselor in my church and I will help as needed no price, only help, and when I cannot help I will find a faith based counselor that has a better view of client in which I am dealing. REXELLA VAN IMPE UH-HUH! . Got money? Van Impe passed away Saturday and his death was confirmed by his ministry's website, but no details concerning his passing were shared. But you have given me much to take before God, and I appreciate listening to your perception of the situation, so for that I thank you. Van Impe Recordings Label | Releases | Discogs Second, he didnt go to a fake school or purposely try to deceive people into believing he was more educated than he really was, in order to collect more money or to have a higher status. We want to continue our study this week dealing with the coming peace in Israel and the world. John MacArthur and most pages did not carry the doctor. Even do we cant claim that Rexella has had any cosmetic surgery or simply has good genes, we can definitely claim that she looks amazing. I never saw these notes before I found them in her New Testament. 3 versions : 740616: US: 1974 . We invite you to share condolences. She was a great prayer warrior. How could you shame the body of Christ before the world simply because you put a value on the opinion of the federal government and the education monopoly? I remember thanking our ladies for taking the time to be with Mother, but in unison they said, Oh, we have received the blessing by being with her., Almost exactly a year before Mothers promotion to heaven, her friends at the living center voted her their queen for Valentines Day. They had no educational requirements for incoming students and no degree requirements and no accreditation. A quick note onPatriot Bible: They will actually do correspondence courses but have zero standards. My mothers resourcefulness was an inspiration to me. Free shipping. TTS is actually better known as Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary and they are a distance learning school. Often when Id take Mother out to lunch or Jack and I would take her to dinner, total strangers would walk up to the table and say to her, You are so beautiful! She would graciously acknowledge the compliment, and then quickly change the subject. His most current information from his ministry website no longer lists him as Dr. Jack Van Impe. God does not recognise any man as the Word says exllicitly for He is not a respector of persons. Sir, if you believe God will, in any way, respect your achievements i am sorry to tell you that you are not born again, were never born again; and you are not going to Heaven. Thats the kind of wisdom she had. The funny thing is they have names remarkably similar to actual universities that ARE credible. This Ludwig Otto character also seems to have a host of deceptive degree listings and his website bios are absolutely outlandish. The shear duration of your career is impressive. After doing some more digging I was able to find his education listed on his old campaign webpage. First of all, both of them had great physical beauty. And no I dont care how you vote or practice your faith. I hear this is legal, and they can use the title "Doctor", as long as it's for religious reasons. Not only did Moms life bless my brothers and me and the rest of the family, but she also had a profound and far-reaching influence on so many others. And in a little while, with no pain or struggle, she quietly slipped away to be with Jesus and her loved ones in heaven. I just would like to say how sorry I am for your loss of Dr. Jack. Familiar spirits. (, International Seminary in NOT accredited but their website tries very hard to convince students that many of their credits will still transfer to other schools that ARE accredited. Riplinger has B.A., M.A., and M.F.A. Doctor is mentioned one time in the Bible. Doctors was mentioned 3 times and again the only people in the Bible that had this title was UNSAVED men. Before entering and accredited doctoral program youre required to know Greek, Hebrew, and a third biblical or theological language. No one ever cares if a faith healer is educated, just if he is anointed. To me this makes sense and if a person want to attend a program that is only state sanctioned then it is their prerogative now isnt it. Lot of (5) DR DAVID JEREMIAH CDs - 2nd Coming, Prophecy, The Gospel, Discipleshp (#266139196690) u***y (641) - Feedback left by buyer u***y (641). What did these great giants of theology do to earn their Doctorate degrees? Here is the run-down. (, PBU is another single building unaccredited diploma mill. There is the written (Logos) word and there is also the (Rhema) word a word from the Lord spoken personally to me). As I was growing up, my mom always taught me that inward beauty was much more important than outward appearance. Theres no new revelation coming forth from God. I couldnt help but smile at thatQueen Esther! A JD is a graduate level degree but not a Phd level. Can you provide any info on this group? I was banned from the blog. No, King David Never Danced Naked Before The Lord, Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing. Bro this is weak.#1 only people with mdivs bag on Dmins. I said to her, Doctor, Mother is going to have a big crowd of welcomers in heaven!, Oh, Rexella, she said, Esther has been such a blessing to so many that when I get there, if I stand behind her, God wont even see me!, Moms funeral was a day of remembrance, a time of celebration and rejoicing, filled with flowers, friends, and beauty. * Political Leader & Consultant (Not really true. Anyone, even with a real degree, is a person educated beyond their mental capacity IF they are atheists. How are these ministers being liars or doing something wrong when their degree is legitimate in the eyes of the state government? All honorary doctorate should be noted in the title because otherwise people assume they actually have an earned doctorate. (Source(s): Talbot is a fine school but John certainly did not earn a doctorate degree from there. (look the word up.). However, the ONLY public information that exists about his education comes from his own companys facebook page where he listed his education as MUCH less than his title asserts. The treaty will be broken after three and one-half years. I totally understand your point of view. A school cant issue a degree unless its authorized by its state government. There will be religious peace during the Millennium. As far as I can find, he has no honorary doctorate degee. 2001 - Countdown To Eternity - Dr. Jack Van Impe & Rexella VHS https://www.uschristianu.net How how would you possibly know if I or anyone else has witnessed or participated a rising of the dead? Is that a fluff degree? and they shouldnt get accredited. Oh, Mama, he cried, youre going to go home. See for yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D0b11Syl9c&feat ure=related Add your Vote: 0 Comments Their announcer, whatever the fuck his name is, looks like he should be hosting a game showin 1966. That is a fact and I make no apologies for warning people about these wolves in sheeps clothing. Ironically, of all the televangelists on this list you were probably the one least needing a fake degree. Rexella Van Impe Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures Mother had been converted at age 14. Its been removed for some time so Ill have to manually change the comment.