The potential mechanisms underlying these damaging effects range from gene expression alterations in the respiratory chain, membrane damage, Ca2+ overloading, and DNA impairment [122,123,124,125,126,127,128]. Mortazavi SMJ, Taeb S, Dehghan N. Alterations of visual reaction time and short term memory in military radar personnel. 1994;10:13548. GSM mobile phone radiation suppresses brain glucose metabolism. Furukawa H, Singh SK, Mancusso R, Gouaux E. Subunit arrangement and function in NMDA receptors. Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, Beijing, 100850, China, You can also search for this author in To investigate the effects of microwaves radiation on apoptotic activity, cell viability, and cell cycle progression, which can provide information about microwaves radiation effects on neural cells over the period from embryonic stages to infants. Motawi et al. Iran J Public Health. The study also showed that exposure to GSM microwaves at 915MHz did not induce detectable DNA double-strand breaks but affected the expression of genes in rat brain cells. Moreover, the popularization of mobile phones has made them the main source of brain exposure to radiation. The Dangers of Microwaves and Their Effects on Food - Natural Society Indian J Occup Environ Med. To determine the specific dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effects, more intensive studies must be performed. Google Scholar. The levels of NMDA receptor subunits were increased 1 month after irradiation. 2017;52:23947. 2007;96:218196. Cite this article. To investigate whether exposure of rat brains to GMS microwaves induced DNA breaks and changes in gene expression, Belyaev et al. The fields had an average power density of 0, 5, 10 or 50mW/cm2. The results showed that in normal EEGs, the (3.26.0Hz) and 2 (17.830.5Hz) waves were mainly concentrated in the cortex, while the (6.017.8Hz) waves were mainly concentrated in the hypothalamus. Shahin S, Banerjee S, Singh SP, Chaturvedi CM. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006;27:295306. Dasdag et al. Brain Res. 2017;38:106976. It has also been reported that acute exposure to continuous waves of 900MHz EMF or 900MHz waves that were modulated to an amplitude of 50Hz increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and DNA fragmentation as a result of the hyperstimulation of glutamate receptors [73]. Article Hassanshahi A, Shafeie SA, Fatemi I, Hassanshahi E, Allahtavakoli M, Shabani M, et al. 2011;343:5224. 1 Microwave radiation may also lead to skin cancer/health problems when we are within the radius of a cell phone tower in a certain specified limited distance. pability of the body (thus, a thermal effect), whereas the standard of the U.S.S.R. and Poland are based upon the interaction of the microwave fields with the brain and central nervous system as measured by neurological or behavior effects. Mack et al. Regarding the ultra-structure of the hippocampus, symptoms including neuronal atrophy, mitochondrial swelling, crest reduction and a disordered arrangement were observed, the rough endoplasmic reticulum exhibited cystic expansion, the number of synaptic vesicles decreased, and the synaptic cleft was widened (2.45GHz pulsed microwave field at an average power density of 1mW/cm2 for 3h/d for up to 30days [45] and an average power density of 2.5, 5, or 10mW/cm2 for 6min/d for up to 1month resulted in an average calculated SAR of 1.05, 2.1, and 4.2W/kg, respectively [46]). Exp Neurobiol. Richter et al. Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation - Health Effects | Occupational Additionally, Larjabaara et al. Neurol Sci. The final apoptosis score in the exposed group was significantly reduced, and the total antioxidant capacity and catalysis observed in the experimental group was increased. 2013;42:428. Koivisto M, Revonsuo A, Krause C, Haarala C, Sillanmki L, Laine M, et al. Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health - PubMed Relationship between cognition function and hippocampus structure after long-term microwave exposure. J Environ Health. CAS It addresses the impact on developing head and brain tumours, other morbidity-related outcomes and summarizes the biological effects of RF and microwave radiation. Rf and mw radiation hazards - SlideShare Li-Feng Wang or Xiang-Jun Hu. 2 Researchers have been working. With the popularity of microwave technology, microwave effects on the human body have become a common topic of concern, and the central nervous system is recognized as a target organ system that is sensitive to microwave radiation. After exposure, the levels of 2 waves in the hypothalamus increased more than those in the cortex, leading to a significant reduction in the deviation of the two EGGs. Li Z, Peng RY, Wang SM, Wang LF, Gao YB, Ji D, et al. Therefore, their reproducibility and comparability are poor. 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[85] found that protein levels were reduced in rat brains following microwave radiation, which may have been caused by the excessive consumption or a reduction of the synthesis of proteins, and reduced protein synthesis can be caused by the following processes: (1) excessive activation of RNA enzymes; (2) mRNA consumption or the formation and maturation of RNA enzymes. Sci STKE. Microwave radiation can heat body tissue the same way it heats your food. [105] identified stable C-T mutation sites at 217 points by screening for SNPs in the GRIN2B promoter region in rats. Part of Functional plasticity is affected in other ways, including the abnormal release and uptake of brain amino acids such as choline and monoamine neurotransmitters, a decrease in excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitudes and spikes in long-term potentiating (LTP) in the medial perforated pathway (MPP) in the dentate gyrus (DG) [27]. 1984;5:6370. Hardell L, Carlberg M, Mild KH, Eriksson M. Case-control study on the use of mobile and cordless phones and the risk for malignant melanoma in the head and neck region. Then that poisonous acid harms the kidneys and nervous system. The relationship between NMDA receptors and microwave induced learning and memory impairment: a long term observation on Wistar rats. It has been proposed that by enhancing the functions of acetylcholine, glucose can increase the concentration of free calcium ions in the synapse to reverse microwave-induced damage to learning and memory. Cosquer et al. Shahin found that regardless of whether exposure was long-term or short-term, 2.45GHz microwaves increased oxidative/nitrosative stress, which potentially led to apoptosis in hippocampal subfield neurons and non-neuronal cells as a result of p53-dependent/independent activation. Lee TM, Ho SM, Tsang LY, Yang SY, Li LS, Chan CC. 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Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. Hear I can show the different strength of microwave technologies. Previous studies have shown that in unexposed control rats, hippocampal neurons are aligned in neat rows in which the edges are clear, nuclei are clear, nucleoli can be observed, and pyramidal cells do not exhibit obvious necrosis. Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation - Overview | Occupational Safety Electromagn Biol Med. The progeny brain oxidative balance and serum biochemistry, such as phosphorus, magnesium, glucose, triglycerides and calcium levels, were disrupted [60]. CAS Narayanan SN, Kumar RS, Potu BK, Nayak S, Mailankot M. Spatial memory perfomance of wistar rats exposed to mobile phone. Synaptic vesicles form in different parts of neurons and contain high concentrations of substances that are transferred from the neuron. [49] found that microwave radiation enhanced brain wave energy, decreased brain wave frequency, and increased the amplitude and power of delta frequency bands, indicating a decrease in learning ability [50,51,52,53]. Cull-Candy SG, Leszkiewicz DN. PLoS One. Harmful effects of microwaves on living beings - SlideShare Scientific, technical publications in the nuclear field | IAEA Repeated Wi-Fi studies show that Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. In a study investigating the influence of low-frequency microwave (450MHz) radiation on EEG, Hinrikus et al. [99] used a microarray and quantitative real-time PCR to analyze the miRNA expression profile in the hippocampus on days 7 and 14 after irradiation with a microwave at 30mW/cm2. Xiong L, Sun CF, Zhang J, Gao YB, Wang LF, Zuo HY, et al. 2002;57:2702. [82] exposed animals to 900MHz microwave radiation for 2h/d for 10months and removed the brain tissues. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. 1999;4:102. Nuclear pyknosis and capillary congestion are also observed. It has been shown that neurons are sensitive to reductions in the availability of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of energy in mitochondria, which have been reported to be vulnerable to microwave radiation [118]. Khurana VG, Teo C, Kundi M, Hardell L, Carlberg M. Cell phones and brain tumors: a review including the long-term epidemiologic data. J Clin Oncol. 1994;15:95104. Particularly, the dramatically increasing number of mobile phones users rise significant concerns due to its potential damage on people exposed by radiofrequency waves. [103] found that microwave radiation caused DNA single-strand and double-strand breaks in vivo in populations submitted to occupational exposure, and the incidence of micronuclei in lymphocytes was significantly increased. 2016;25:31827. 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In particular, somatization, obsessive compulsivity, paranoid ideation and psychoticism were reported [17]. 2008;29:52738. Therefore, in this article, we reviewed recent studies that have explored the effects of microwave radiation on the brain, especially the hippocampus, including analyses of epidemiology, morphology, electroencephalograms, learning and memory abilities and the mechanisms underlying brain dysfunction. 2001;12:72931. Microwaves are widely used in broadcasting, communications and many industrial fields. Whole-body exposure to 2.45 GHz electromagnetic fields does not alter 12-arm radial-maze with reduced access to spatial cues in rats. 2003;11:346. Neuroreport. PDF Interactions of Electromagnetic Waves with Biological Tissue - EMR Aware as it have a harmful side. Zhi, WJ., Wang, LF. In broadcasting, the sources of microwaves are mainly FM radio and TV broadcasting antennas, which produce frequencies ranging from 80 to 800MHz. The results of EEG and analyses of the structure of the brain after radiation have also confirmed the influence of microwaves. Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, initiated the first tests on microwaved food and microwave cooking to determine how microwaves affect human physiology and the blood. Previous studies have produced a large amount of information, and some progress has been made in theory, but the mechanisms have not yet been fully determined, and many points are still disputed. Lai et al. In industrial fields, exposure is usually occupational, and its sources include the surgical and physiotherapeutic use of diathermy, dielectric heating (i.e., heating and vulcanization applications), microwave ovens, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) medical diagnostic equipment, radar, military and research microwave systems, electricity-supplying networks, and electricity-distributing and transmitting equipment [3]. Finally, Hardell et al. J Radiat Res (Tokyo). 2015;91:30611. One study reported by the Interphone study group [13] showed that there was no increase in the risk of glioma or meningioma in users of mobile phones. Therefore, the central nervous system is considered one of the most sensitive organs that is targeted by microwave radiation [1, 2]. Szmigielski S. Cancer risks related to low-level RF/MW exposures, including cell phones. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic. 2006;27:16471. Correspondence to The results indicated that radar microwave radiation leads to a decreased reaction time and lower short-term memory performance [18]. statement and biological effects of electromagnetic waves started to be discussed. The hippocampus plays roles in learning and memory, and the results of these studies suggest that the deficits in learning and memory functions observed after exposure to microwave irradiation might be due to abnormalities induced in hippocampal structures. 2000;11:4135. Most studies have suggested that microwave radiation can cause EEG abnormalities in experimental animals and participants, but some negative results have also been reported in studies using low-power microwaves. Biotechnol Biotechnol Equip. PubMed The microwave energy can be changed to warm up the food because this energy is absorbed by food & it does not prepare food contaminated or radioactive. The authors found that 2.4GHz microwave radiation reduced the expression of some miRNAs such as miR-106b-5p and miR-107 [98]. Nimchinsky EA, Sabatini BL, Svoboda K. Structure and function of dendritic spines. The visual reaction time and short-term memory of healthy male and female workers at a radar site with a frequency range of 218GHz was recorded with a simple blind computer-assisted-visual reaction time test or modified Wechsler Memory Scale test. We should ensure that we avoid excessive exposure to microwave radiation in daily life activities and use mobile phones appropriately despite information about its positive effects. 2002;64:31353. [59] exposed Wistar albino pregnant rats to a 2.45GHz Wi-Fi signal for 2h/d throughout the gestation period and found that the neurodevelopment, cerebral stress equilibrium and cholinesterase activity of the offspring were affected. Above all, because of biases and variations in investigation methods, no conclusive evidence has been presented that microwaves cause cancer. Human short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones decreases computer-assisted visual reaction time.