No platitudes or generic motivational posts. Financial abuse. P.S. Bugging the targets phone. E.g. Sand. Organized street gangs, prison gangs, and outlaw motorcycle gangs have long been and continue to be the predominant organized retail drug distributors. A hostile work environment can be harassment based on a persons actual identity or a persons perceived membership in a protected group. Not only is the sound a disturbance, but the door slamming can cause property damage that might impact your space as well. At the same time, they gravitate toward others who have the same type of boundary issues, often focusing on people who are conflict-averse people-pleasing. However, slamming doors is generally considered an antisocial behavior that can be annoying, upsetting, and disturbing. Also with adverbs, as down, to, up. In more sinister examples, Anchoring involves the implantation of evidence to persuade the victim some other group or organization is responsible for the abuse. An example of Color Harassment would be a line of stalkers, in red shirts, circling a victim. and this is done to the target day after day, after day, after day. A jilted lover, unfaithful spouse, or work related problems as examples. When I was two years old, my biological mother, Rose Devor took me to a medical facility, where a professional made a number of small cuts into the skin of my upper left arm. She is specific to the financial department. If she starts throwing things duck! I don't remember the last time I felt such utter hatred towards another person. Make sure the . Three years ago I moved to the farthest northern part of Maine, 20 miles from the Quebec/Canadian border, but the same people followed me there and since it was a very small town, they could not hide, but had the local police on their side, they tried to incriminate me, but they couldnt and then I located to Phoenix Arizona to live with my best friends, but they followed me here and then I become aware that they actually already had my best friend under their watch also. This is disruptive behavior and should not be tolerated in an office or anywhere. Very likely, parts of it have also been stollen. To keep her quite or stop her from pressing charges, the assailant, his friends and family will follow her around and throw socks in her path, mention it everywhere she goes and show her their socks every chance they get. The most common and sensible way in which you can deal with problems with neighbors is by talking to them. The parent is yet ever hopeful. The perpetrators of Organized Gang Stalking are serious criminals who do great damage, and the acts done are very serious crimes by any measure. Use Jesus as a HACKING INTO MY COMPUTERS AND CELL PHONE. Perpetrators mixed up chapters and stole pages out of it. GANGSTALKING TACTICS AND ABUSE IN BAY CITY TEXAS. on the main road as I turned onto the side street, so I could not photograph them. Electromagnetic weapons and frequencies will be used on a target on their homes. If enough complaints are reported, a responsible HR Director will call a meeting with that person and should provide a verbal warning and so on. How to Recover IKEA Outdoor Table to Original Color. This could also wake me from a dead sleep. I believe both of them received some form of payment for doing this. 2. However, do not get accusatory and angry because you can get the same reactions from the other side. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers). It causes me to be dehydrated, although I try to rehydrate. It seems fairly clear that I was supposed to have an accident and drown in the river. Mimicking actions of the target. You could say something like: It seems like you're frustrated by what happened at practice yesterday. They also tried to take a full rent out of a close acct with proof, but she will never admit it. No asking or offering gifts, money, etc. So, ironically, my being bled in the streets, by gang stalkers may have fortified me and made it possible for me to survive the relentless physical abuse. People who are passive-aggressive rarely show anger. Let any attempt only bring g you pleasure now that you know the secret. Before taking the issue to the police, check your lease or HOA agreement to see if this can be solved within the community. The less you react to a person's passive-aggressive actions, the less control they have over you. This took place during three separate periods. I wonder whether any persons in the upper sector of society possess the decency to look into the matter of serial torture and murder of my family of origin. A person who intentionally and repeatedly follows or harasses another person and who makes a credible threat, either expressed or implied, with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm is guilty of the crime of stalking. This is what the constitution of the United States sought to protect all American citizens against as alone we cannot stand and no individual should have to fight an army as the concept is ridiculous by the shear ratio of numbers. Some will sabotage others quietly, when no one is watching, then act innocent when confronted. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. The last time you think about gang stalking. 1. I am surprised HR hasnt talked to her yet. Vehicles or groups that travel in cells the cells may use vehicle Color Harassment. I have read that cameras and microphones are not necessary, and this can be done by ultrasound. Stick to what you know is right regardless of any emotional abuse they may inflict. But at my present location we had a new roommate moving in and after talking to this man from Alaska, we were both surprise to learn of each others experience with gang stocking and he is the one that made me aware of the name Group/gang Stocking) and since two months ago, I have started doing all kinds of research on this and shock to know that it was not just happening to me to also to others, I now feel a little relief to find that there are individuals and places like this website that are trying to educate the whole in this nasty age and evil tactics that have been put in place just to break people down. It's not always easy to spot someone who might fall into the category of a passive-aggressive bully. Any group that performs Organized Gang Stalking is not positive in nature, nor beneficial to society, despite any charitable works they may perform. Wheres the payoff. For example a member of the cult arrives home at 7:07 in the afternoon and another member of the cult leaves at 7:07 at the same time. Often the lies will consist of the target being into something illegal, or is someone dangerous, or just needs to be watched for some vague reason. The goal is to create a nationwide system of vigilantes who do not think for themselves but follow orders the Evildoing, US-Gov-paid defense contractors private army of shooters (not thinkers). Organized harassment is very subtle. You must specify in that kind of notice the conduct that is troubling, as well as the identities of the people who are complaining, and detail the times it has happened. Eg. Ive had the sense of being gang stalked for a year, but I suspect its been going on longer, since I have a tendency to be a depressed and susceptible individual, in addition to being socially isolated. This is not physically exact, but it is close as I can get, without going into endless detail. You must prevent the door from slamming by shutting it using a rubber band and utilizing new door hinges to replace the old ones. "To overcome passive-aggressive bullying, it is important to set boundaries when youre feeling violated," says Romanoff. I can be reached at the email Due process is suppose to use our eyes, ears, and intellect to avoid human cruelty of unjust actions against other living beings. There is also no guarantee that they will decide to change, becoming more open about their emotions when they are feeling angry. i frantically finger press down to select all and copy every few sentences due to abusers. Imagine that. If something happens, it has to be a result of someone or something else. This might be used to let targets know they are being watched, however these signals might also be a way for Informants in cars at night, to communicate with their fellow counterparts. Swarming or surrounding the targets vehicle on the road. Dont talk about it. This would make my brothers and me sitting ducks. I live in Melbourne, Australia and have been a victim of ongoing harassment for over seven long years now. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. If this becomes a frequent act, it could be termed antisocial behavior and being rude on the part of the person involved. Observing Agent wishes to speak with Team Leader or other Observing Agents take out briefcase or equivalent and examine contents. ONE OF THE PEDOPHILES WENT TO LAURIE AND ASKED HER TO TELL ME TO LEAVE BECAUSE THEY KNEW THEY WERE COMMITTING FEDERALLY ILLEGAL CRIMES AFTER I TOLD THEM THEY WERE STALKING ME AND THEY PLAYED DUMB BECAUSE THESE APES HAVE THE IQ OF A MAGGOT AND ARE INCAPABLE OF TELLING THE TRUTH. The 8 Most Obvious Signs of a Jealous Neighbor, What To Do If Your Neighbor Has Too Many Cars, How to Keep Neighbors Out of Your Pool (8 Tips). I was using up twelve rolls of paper towels daily, to soak up the blood. Citizens and neighbors are recruited to participate, often from extremist groups and cults, but also from among employees. I think this is a must share with others on the Targeted Individual social media sites. They may find it amusing, as many seem to lack the most basic morality. 1 attorney answer. Literally as I am writing this my bullying neighbor is slamming and stomping around, and I appreciate her doing so, as it lets me know that I am making the right decision! Suddenly they were asking a lot of weird questions. I never doubted the reality; Ive always seen it as choreography, because they are obvious and rotten people. During Directed Conversation, two or more stalkers will approach near to the target and engage in normal conversation with one another. Criminals in power hire people who suffer from group delusion created by deeply-entrenched Stockholm Syndrome. He threw so much away, including a book I finished writing & about to be published. Cant even walk into a hospital & feel safe. This evening, they criss crossed A covert investigation might be opened, and electronic means used by the civilian spies as part of the covert monitoring and surveillance process. Tracking me, well I think its the drones flying in the sky outside the house which is way out in the country from town. Ms. Perfectionist needs to reassess her behavior, but probably doesnt know how bad it is. I once rented a duplex where the screen door slammed shut very loudly unless you carefully closed it. Any image, link, or discussion of nudity. However, it is not antisocial if it is linked to noise from arriving from work, the kids returning from school, and other daily routines. The way I felt on top of it, I would not talk about until much later. I want to communicate with other TIs for support. Would be a best seller. Now, even after doing one or both of the above, you do have the advantage here and might try one other thing. I have found that 90% of the tactics used are only effective if they are given attention. Listening to their calls. Youll of course have to get your neighbors permission to inspect their door and diagnose why its so loud. Instead, they stuff it down inside. Most of them are not coherent, so its hard for me to know what to think. People who are passive-aggressive often deny that they are hurt, angry, or offended. The entire system is designed for them. I wrote on this site prior but see my narrative was never published. Confronting a person with passive-aggressive behaviors at work, school, or home requires honesty. I was living in Denver Colorado after being the victim of organized harassment for 5-6 years in New York State. It seems best to ignore the door slamming and just stay away from her when she is in that mode. My Neighbor Runs a Generator all Night (Is It Rude)? A few key people keep it going: The stalker A Handy Tip: You can make time to speak to your neighbor to remedy the issue quickly. Multiple neighbor bedrooms, including my old bedroom, were in close proximity to that door. How to Deal With a Passive-Aggressive Bully - Verywell Mind USN soldier time is limited thats right, and myself included have been and probably still am a target. How to Deal With Someone Who Is Passive- Aggressive. -Illegal Criminal Phone And Computer Taps People who behave in a passive-aggressive way can also be sarcastic, even when sarcasm is inappropriate. Give you the silent . Electronic frequencies can be used for monitoring and tracking inside the home, and at work. I have endured all of the above psychological and physical tortures, for the duration of my life, especially, in recent decades. I think that they also sold his organs for profit. No longer as I seldom feel the need to smile other than sadly. Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. I have also found that they are able to know what I am dreaming. Both my vehicles have sustained thousands of dollars of damage from things being thrown or shot from stalker vehicles. When she gets in this bad mood I stay away from her. I am a targeted individual as by gang stalking and eletronic harassmentb at least almost 10 years when, I was living in Brazil. Eg. The most sinister, and downright evil, tactic used during Corporate Stalking is forcing the victim to see the company psychologist. And never underestimate the effects of trauma, in keeping a victim from quickly figuring out who and why he or she is being tortured with murderous intent. Father God in the name of Jesus. This article is the handbook they use. Focus on staying calm. This is part of their job. Street Theater is a term used to describe the odd-actions and behaviors that stalkers sometimes neighbors do in public, in an attempt to rile the victim. That is to say, they allow the door to swing freely for opening, etc., but when closing they slow the door to a very slow swing. especially those whi gets a kick out of it as if they were Enron. but with unbelievable efforts and advanced exploits, i saw how easily wifi can be havked if not powered off via outlet and then cell network disabled although showing full bars. Spied and and covertly harassed. When targets are in a relationship, the members of the Organized Gang Stalking group will try to ruin that relationship. Some stalkers mistakenly believe it is their civil duty. The Convoys may be of the same color or similar type vehicle. Click below to listen now. If you have a good HR Manager, you could ask for advice for dealing with this. How do you lose your acct.? Find out what to do when your neighbor keeps slamming doors, including answers to related questions about slamming doors and dealing with neighbors.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'homecadet_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homecadet_com-medrectangle-3-0'); The first thing you should do if your neighbor keeps slamming doors and the noise is bothering you, is to talk to them. If politely talking to your neighbor doesnt resolve the issue, consider reporting to your landlord or HOA, offering to pay for the installments, or filing a legal complaint. Discriminatory harassment based on race, genetics, age, sex, religion, national origin, or disability can create a hostile work environment, as can retaliation for complaining about discrimination on the basis of these protected characteristics. What do they want? I thought nothing of this at the time. Unfortunately this side of my building comes with a really passive aggressive, entitled neighbor (another renter) who believes that the building is her domain, and the rest of us are just allowed to live here. Paying for your neighbors upgrades would be cheaper than hiring a lawyer to go to court. Harassment means conduct directed toward a victim that includes, but is not limited to, repeated or continuing unconsented contact that would cause a reasonable individual to suffer emotional distress and that actually causes the victim to suffer emotional distress. In the summer of 2000 while working and living in Boston, I became very ill and was wrongfully diagnosed by Mass General Hospital, they said that it was my pancreas, but since I was a Senior Accountant for a prestigious Architectural Firm, my CEO told my boss the Controller and the CEO made arrangements with his doctor at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital who has the #1 Pancreatitis Center in America and they are the ones that said Mass General Hospital had misdiagnosed me and that it had been good for me not to allow them to do surgery on my, because they were ready to take me in for surgery, if I would have allowed them, I would probably not be here to tell my story. These sort of people supported the crucifixion of Jesus. This is again looking for weakness or reactions. It is possible that I will survive the horrors of my enslavement and be able to accomplish other work of importance. I realized that it was a perfectly formed swastika. Yet this is being done now to a few who are growing in numbers by the day. Organized Gang Stalking, also known as organized stalking, community harassment, community stalking, is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. If the secretary in the above situation knows that a report to human relations likely would end the harassment, she is less likely to be able to maintain a claim. Legal questions about landlord liability when one tenant harasses property Neighbor law Neighbor noise disputes Neighbor nuisance disputes Neighbor harassment Criminal charges for harassment. His father was a professor of medicine at Hebrew University. Also, their is chemical exposure, which causes hypoglycaemia and malaise. Not only does slamming damage the door, it can also give your neighbours an unpleasant shock. The key is the frequency just like other Organized Gang Stalking methods. (Some behaviors can be effectively ignored.) Is a landlord liable for breach of the covenant of quiet enjoyment if one tenant harasses another and the landlord does not intervene in some way, either by trying to resolve the dispute or by evicting the harassing tenant? (Yes. Your peace of mind is paramount, so fight for your rights. So, instead, I decided to bury the knowledge of this symbol. You can serve him with a three day notice to abate or quit. 1-Amateur, 2-Professional, and 3-People with mental illnesses making up the whole thing. Persons with this condition build up too much iron in their blood. This could be as minor as public rudeness, or people acting out a harassment skit. Over time, this can have many negative effects, including eroded self-esteem, reduced productivity, and damaged relationships. It is very exausting, very tiring. I'm thankfully on the top floor. Over time, the exposure causes the victim to lose sleep, become agitated, and suffer the effects of prolonged stress. So, to avoid this, find out why your door keeps slamming even when you close it quietly and get it fixed. All forms of stalking are physically, emotionally, and psychologically harmful to the victim. Why Do People Keep Christmas Trees Up All Year? I also get treated with rudeness by everyone I meet, and Im socially isolated. I found that I had only almost no garmentsunder, regular, over items that I could possibly wear. At age 19 I was in the 10th grade. Street Theater is Harassment skits done by strangers and neighbors who have been recruited into these Stalking and Harassment groups. 00:13 Door in old house, opening and closing, nobody 00:09 Family couple arguing behind closed door, man giving slap to. I do not socialize with everyone here as I dont trust everyone I work with but I have been working on my attitude. You could say that I had been locked in a closet, shackled to a wall, gagged and blindfolded for the first twelve years of my life. It took me some time to piece together how my ideas had been stollen. What are their weaknesses? If you hear nothing regarding it and she keeps on put another one on her desk. Ghosting is also designed to make others question the sanity of the victim, especially if the victim attempts to complain of the abuse. Yes, make sure they are in their best mood to avoid misunderstanding; this worsens the situation. -Any time I use my door past 8pm (to check the mail, to let someone in, or my partner leaves for the night), they get up from whatever they are doing to open and slam their door. So while they make it look like they try to preemptively fix people (1) they violate the law and violate peoples personal lives without any conscience. E.g. Why dont you put yourself first and find another job that makes you happy? Whats the worse that can happen? 168A-3 [1] or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, that creates a hostile work environment or circumstances . Would love any input, and thank you so much for reading this far. And Ive had super natural break throughout. Posted by: Undisclosed | July 06, 2007 at 03:45 PM. But in the end, it can be very effective. I want to tell you Thank you for letting me post my story and thank you for reading it. Covert Investigations have redirected phone calls. I am at the point where I dont trust anyone. They are fake humanitarian organizations. The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans. If i knew then to strategize by being motionless like a statue i woukd have mitigated more exploits earlier as most require user action to finalize their most true intentions which is to fully reduce all devices leg of supports and verification process. Consumer Stalking is harassment and abuse directed at a consumer who has either filed a complaint against a company, filed a lawsuit against a company, or who is made aware of illegal activity occurring within a company. The term Corporate Stalking refers to a particularly severe form of Gang-Stalking, where a corporation actually provides funding toward the harassment and abuse of a targeted individual, usually someone who is a whistle-blower, a perceived problem employee, or else an employee who has witnessed illegal activity occurring within the corporation. Therefore, you might wait to run to them in front of the building or at some other public place where you can casually address the issue with slamming doors. LOL. Indeed, a lot of little things can provoke this action. Warning: Dont try handling the issue when you are angry or tensed up. Pulling in on side streets by a targets home and setting or backing up, Pulling up in the targets driveway. I reside in New Castle, Delaware and my home is under constant surveillance. The foot patrols will then communicate back to the Informant in the car, using a combination of hand signals. The door slamming is disruptive and upsetting for others and very unprofessional behavior. I hired a PI who did nothing but take my money any suggestions? Small fires do not burn like the entire building was going up. The skin began to have a mottled appearance. When you comment/post, assume a context of abuse. It goes on now into a fifth year of everyday and all night harassment and threats to me. Be aware, be very careful, horrinle situation with who you are talking, meting with who and so on.It is so subtlethat what you are doinh, they wnat to know everything. Being accused of horrible things and mocked and ridiculed in public in my daily activities. I am very afraid it is too late for me. However, the police who came informed me, with no investigation, that my landlord was not responsible for the damage and threatened me. For some reason I believe hes behind some of this torture tactics. People who behave in a passive-aggressive way can also be sarcastic, even when sarcasm is inappropriate. Because of the brutal attack, she and whats happened after she is now sensitized. It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured. I believe some have been rewarded by monetary value illegally to act against me. Slamming doors can be a very unpleasant and annoying noise that no one would like to hear on a daily basis, therefore, the resolution of it is essential. It can take the form of malicious gossip or defamation, sexual harassment, or offensive remarks. Some of the gangs talkers were couples with their children along! I might as well have been locked in a closet, gagged, bound and blindfolded, watching my formative years waste away. Before taking the issue to the police, check your lease or HOA agreement to see if this can be solved within the community. Be aware that this step might raise tensions between the neighbors, so you have to be prepared to fight for your rights. Because of these feelings, it is not uncommon for them to have a victim mentality. I believe they use equipments/computers to read my mind and then they answer back and thats how the dialog started, the women and men (my stickers) are not of any high level of intelligence, as a matter of fact they are a bunch of El Salvadorians, but nevertheless with script dialogue. Then when the situation happens again, leave a copy of the seminar on her desk prepared to have her confront you and calmly yet firmly say the exact same words and if necessary go thru the repetition. Corporate Cyber-Stalking ( Company Psychologist Information My neighbor is taking me to court for harassment due to slamming doors There was plenty of entering, when I wasnt home & no emergency. This is so wrong and I cannot believe regular citizens are that unintelligent as to join in the false investigations. For example, exposure to a high magnetic field has been shown to induce hallucinations in humans while exposure to intense microwave radiation induces psychotic episodes and causes brain damage. Someone with passive-aggressiveness rarely takes responsibility for their actions. This will probably happen repeatedly by the same person or people. I think that they would like to force me to have diabetes. I am in the safe situation as we speak. Their loud vehicle noises (on purpose) 24/7 go by make us sick, we can hardly sleep anymore. Dr Karlstrom, The perps are drug dealers,right wing neighborhood groups who think any thing they do they can get away with. Please everyone, listen to these words I say. Kill me,torture me and more. If you recieve please contact me. Once a target is flagged, a notification is sent out, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. She is very stern and serious, and I am a little frightened of her temper. Remember, people who are passive-aggressive often feel misunderstood. Dunwoody GA. Building a few desks to serve me in my home, study, and the office was a very tough process. Following people close to them. It also establishes your willingness to hold the person accountable, which helps stop the passive-aggressive cycle. Forget you have the ability to recognize it in your life. I hope some day to be able to expose the fact that relatives put him on some watchlist and had him hunted down like an animal and murdered in cold blood. She was the Director of the Catholic School Board, as well. Keep these in a file, unopened even after either of you leave the company. This was often accompanied by people yelling things at me from the windows of trucks / SUVs. The door-slammer is a 60 year old professional woman, follows Rasta faith, has no criminal record, never fired from a job during a 45 year career, and does not own weapons. Gangstalking abuse and chest hurting on left side. My friend was plagiarized by a screenwriting professor at the School of Visual Arts in NYC. An Illusion is created that you are receiving much more attention than you actually are. It seems more complicated, because they can transgender in utero. It is because, if I started to speak to another person, they hink you must be crazy, dwlusionl, paranoid and getting nuts. Passive-aggressiveness can often lead to cycles of conflict that create problems in relationships.