Guess what? You seem to have a rather myopic view of the situation. Standards - out the window. box cutters. Dont worry though, youll be back groping children in no time. The use of the KCM program is a privilege and not a right. Im a F/A. If the penalties for breaking the rules were severe and immediate, I believe the problem would be quelled. They may be carried by passengers or crew members and are for personal use only. The TSAs job is not to look for drugs or identify other illegal activity. As a 30 year career airline pilot, I have a vested interest in protecting my career, so do all of the other pilots I fly with taking security seriously. If a pilots wanted to do something bad they could, weve seen it with Malaysian airlines pilots taking that flight down. Are you mad that they didn't let them go? Do exactly the opposite. Airport employees (not only flight crew) who drive & park in the employee lot are able to access the secure side of the airport without going through any security. PDF Message from the Interagency Security - CISA Airlines - KNOWN CREWMEMBER Airlines Pilots from the airlines below currently can participate in the Known Crewmember program. AFA worked with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to ensure that Flight Attendants would be included in this vital program, which allows participating crew members to access sterile areas of the airport through a separate crew portal. But I guess let's just ignore those statistics and realities because you're offended by it. An average pilot makes whatunder $200k at best. They just flash their ID and in they go to the secure area. But as federal employees they are obligated by duty and law to report violations of other federal/state laws when it comes to their attention - such as finding illegal narcotics while screening for WEI. It's not about logistics. Requiring pilots to meet the same filter as a passenger or FA is sillylook what happened at German Wings A320. These include cultural goods, wild fauna and flora and products derived from these, vegetables and plant products, weapons and ammunition, medicines, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. In some instances, generally involving prohibited items, the TSA is authorized by federal regulation to use a streamlined procedure and no LOI will be issued. [1] [2] Collectively called cabin crew, flight attendants are primarily responsible for passenger safety and comfort. Ukraine Prohibited and Restricted Items FedEx Cross Border is unable to ship prohibited and non-approved restricted items on behalf of its customers. 0000005203 00000 n You're about as much of a "first responder" as the senior citizen who greets people at Walmart. This includes: one open liter of alcoholic beverage and 300 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 2 kilograms of smoking tobacco, or a proportionate amount of each; merchandise not exceeding $200 in value, which may include gifts the crew member has purchased for persons in the United States, free of duty. Instead it should focus on how TSA has become more relaxed and lazy at doing their jobs and are short staffed and dont have officers to man the KCM station so everytime someone Blame it on the flight attendants, but oh the pilots wouldn't try to smuggle anything. Then to say the flight attendants can make a few runs and make their salary. Other Airline Flight Attendants have told me that some of their colleagues have been terminated for violating KCM policies. Again, you must present your KCM barcode card, airline ID as well as a US government-issued photo ID to utilize the KCM access points. Just a couple of weeks ago I posed the question of whether the Known Crewmember Program should be reconsidered. Can't buy restricted items? - The Outer Worlds: General Discussion (NO "A half a block" really? Considering 90% of guns are not even found when the TSA is tested by other government agencies, I'm curious how they even manage to find guns or drugs on crewmembers. All items must be strictly for personal consumption, kept wrapped or sealed and not allowed to create any risk to health or likelihood of pest infestation in cabins or any other areas. Known Crewmember Program Information The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and NATA Compliance Services (NATACS) is pleased to offer the Known Crewmember Program (KCM ) to certain Part 135 and Part 125 air charter pilots. This is not good for regular TSA Pre-Check users. Good one. The vast majority of flight attendants are dedicated professionals, but unfortunately there have been too many examples in the news of flight attendants trying to smuggle drugs through KCM. They set their feelings aside and DO the right thing when the chips are down! Get ready for crew members to be cutting in front of you everywhere ! However, off-duty crews should ALWAYS have to proceed thru the TSA security checkpoints like regular passengers. We ask for your cooperation as Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) become familiar with this KCM policy change. Tell your coworkers to stop trying to smuggle drugs and guns. Also, the US is rolling out more and more high tech scanners which are much faster. Crewmembers will be met by a TSA Security Officer (TSO) who will ask for a KCM barcode card and the appropriate identification requirements (see above). Seems crazy to punish the vast majority of people because a few bad apples. I fly for an international freight airline. Any self respecting smuggler can take that on one flight, depending on what drug it is. Do not go through KCM. In May 2007, the TSA approved the first version of an alternate screening method called the Crew Personnel Advanced Screening System (CrewPASS). Spoken like a true dummy. Times one billion TSA searches a year means $10 billion annually taken from passengers, in addition to the fees and taxes used to pay for the activity. As a flight attendant myself I see this as another power grab by the government entity tsa. ENR 5.1 Prohibited, Restricted, and Other Areas 0000060977 00000 n Crewmembers will no longer be permitted to manually enter their KCM data. KCM was a tremendous privilege these years we enjoyed it. Worrying about wait times and passenger volume is what our management is for. I say, take it from those who violate the policy, but don't penalize those of who do right. It aint gonna happen. IATA - Personalised Passport, Visa & Health travel documentation advice I have. They may not be used on board . We should not take a step backward. And TSA doesn't enforce mask mandates anymore, and when they did it was because they had to follow the directive of The And TSA doesn't enforce mask mandates anymore, and when they did it was because they had to follow the directive of The federal government. As it is, many of us follow the rules and are constantly being chosen to go to regular security; I have no issue with going through but it has become and everyday event for most honest people. As for the flight attendant vs. pilot issue, the justification for including flight attendants was always that there simply was not A large part of the problem was allowing crew members - pilots or flight attendants - to use KCM when off duty with the exception of going immediately taccess o/from their base as a commuter. We are talking IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE. So, like with just about everything else good, a few ruin it for the majority. Crewmember Questions and Answers - Association of Flight Attendants-CWA Just because you hate your life and job doesnt mean everybody else does. Dangerous Goods | Not Allowed in Hand/Check-in Baggage | Vistara governments around the world, including in the US, are doing more surveillance of their own citizens - let alone others from other countries. Q:My airline is participating in the KCM program; where can I get a KCM barcode card? I wish I could taste the tears of your unfathomable sadness. Effective January 13, 2015, the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) Known Crewmember (KCM) requirements changed to provide crewmembers access to KCM out of uniform. Regardless of the circumstances? The majority of flight attendants and pilots follow the rules. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits! That's right. xref Please remember you said this when YOU have a medical emergency or a general emergency (ie. Waiters, food services and others, including TSA workers who make minimum wage and have a thankless job, not so much. The people being caught with contraband are both flight attendants and pilots. Your fellow drug smugglers "submitted backgrounds" top. Everyone should be screened. U idiot clearly dont do this for a living.. KCM does not exempt a crewmember from complying with these additional screening techniques. TSA properly is strictly for managing terroristic threats. I'll actually enjoy watching you go through security and whining about it. Most crew have known for YEARS NOW that the TSA has done a piss-poor job of screening. Ive been going through regular security when I arrive at the airport at my home base just to avoid the bother of being sent there anyway. I have witnessed them walk through checkpoints in droves with little more than a flash of a badge. When the JetBlue flight attendant in LAX got caught with cocaine shortly after F/As were included in the program, we all saw the writing on the wall. Are you EOD now? There's no generally available program that would allow most people to bypass airport security altogether. Most of these tsa agents are regular people, lower paid, not highly educated. Which is handing out band-aids and pressing buttons on an AED.after the machine TELLS you to. How many pounds of illegal drugs have TSA agents detected and confiscated since their inception? They are not the DEA and yet they end up finding ridiculous amounts of drugs usually because some idiot left a water bottle in the bag. Im not attacking them personally but if you think they are some highly specialized person they are not. The following transportation security, regulatory and/or statutory violations result in a disqualification: NOTE: The majority of KCM access point disqualification cases involve attempted access for personal international travel, transporting the property of another individual through a KCM access point, and carrying prohibited items. How insulting! How are these idiots not dumping it when tagged for random anyway?? There is no rolling back what the TSA currently does - like it or not. Who is to say they can't hand off drugs or weapons. Random screening/USP is a normal TSA screening policy. I just hope the tsa dosen't find out we have a one handed crash axe in every cockpit. There's too many crewmembers to have them all go through pre-check. To my knowledge its not that many. Crewmembers may not transit the KCM portal with any. It's not my business what a person freely chooses to put in their own bodynor is it government's business. Are you absolutely certain youd like to demean the ONLY people trained (and willing) on an aircraft at 40,000 ft. to do WHATEVER is necessary to save your sorry butt? BTW! Someone just got on an aircraft with a box cutter and attempted to attach someone with it but lets see how many pilots making great money are willing to risk their lives and careers as drug smugglers. TSA might not be perfect but I would rather have them then not. And how might a TSA random screening have prevented the German wings incident? (I hear at home about how the randoms seem to be more than the actual KCM good-to-gos.). If you did, you wouldn't have made such an inept comment. Thank you for listening to ALL my pain points. The TSA is a SECURITY SCREENING AGENCY not the DEA. KCM is beneficial when not abused. They are the problem, not pilots. Are they really catching crew members with drugs? Legal Notice: This website is only intended to provide an overview of the Known Crewmember program. How is that a thing??? Prior to the Known Crewmember program and their dedicated lines, it was not uncommon to spend 10-15 minutes being delayed as crew after crew cut in line to be screened before the regular users. PDF Prohibited Items Program - DHS They are "consensual" in name only, and that bending of the usual prohibition of unwarranted search is justified only because their primary purpose is to stop terrorists from taking weapons onto planes. A joke. Questions about the specifics of the program should be directed to your airline. What? Its simply a raw grab for power by a federal government already out of control and unable to operate under the Constitution. I have also seen pilots try to bring animals or children through KCM with them. A 14 year old girl flew coast to coast solo, followed by her father, an airline captain in another plane. Actually, I've seen the pre- check line longer than the general boarding line! Once registered, you may begin using the barcode card at any active KCM access point. I think that the best solution is to permanently revoke the KCM privilege from the offenders. Crew are human. You dont have flight attendants so have no special procedures during flight. Secondly, its rather disturbing that TSA agents have very little oversight in regards to entering secure areas with bags, purses, etc. "First responders" L.O.L. The crew may have to deal with several emergencies such as cabin fires or first aid situations. Know Before You Visit | U.S. Customs and Border Protection 0000003099 00000 n The problem is flight attendants abusing KCM. Jose stop your dammm complaining. Pilots were the ones most often caught with a firearm in their bag. If you have been issued a temporary government issued photo ID and it is your only form of government issued identification, proceed to the passenger screening checkpoint or employee screening location to access the airport sterile area. The folks who say TSA isn't here for drug smuggling interdiction are absolutely correct. (a handful of others choose to use this out-dated screening method from time to time because they STILL consider it to be an accepted method of secondary screening!!!) Central American Airways Flying Services Inc. endstream endobj 64 0 obj <> endobj 65 0 obj <>stream The vast majority of crew use KCM exactly as they should and are law abiding. Interesting viewpoint, except for those people who never have to pass through security could easily pass said product off to said pilot, attendant, or anyone with access to the plane storage cargo. Perhaps we should make it easy for flight attendants to get to the aircraft too? Done. If being a part of a society with all of its problems is too much, there is no TSA screening for general aviation. Stay in your busted vehicle because I can tell by the way you type youre a bum at best. Learn to comprehend what I'm saying. When you have unaccompanied baggage, two copies of written declaration forms are required to submit at the time of your entry, one of which will be returned to you with the seal of certification by a Customs officer. If Will is a pilot, it only reinforces the often primadonma, elitist egos of many pilots. drills. Life boats are located on Deck 8. Crew members know the rules - the bad apples just are overly confident they wont be held accountable. Pilots have years and $100,000 plus dollars invested in this career. Ive also witnessed on more than one occasion a pilot attempt to bring a family member through KCM and then throw a hissy fit when theyre turned away. There is no reason to trust flight attendants any more than any other trusted group, like police officers, travelers with security clearances, doctors or priests. Is the little baby upset that he can't go thru KCM cause his coworkers got busted smuggling drugs? Know what you can pack before arriving at the airport by checking the prohibited items list. It's not my business what a person freely chooses to put in their own bodynor is it government's business. If the crewmember isnot wearinga uniform, the crewmember must present a KCM barcode card and a non-expired: Aircraft operator-issued crewmember photo ID or National Air Transport Association ID; and, A valid FAA Flight Attendant Certificate of Proficiency; or. Upon returning to work, it is recommended that the crewmember contact their airline management or crew records department to see if your KCM file has been reactivated. Did you mean minutes? Known Crewmember - Association of Flight Attendants-CWA Q: I am a crewmember that works for a KCM participating airline. The Known Crewmember (KCM) program is a joint initiative between Airlines for America (A4A) and the Air Line Pilots Association, Intl (ALPA).KCM ties airline employee databases together in a seamless way and enables Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of crewmembers. Stay in your uniform you wont have that problem. U.S. Government/Military Personnel or Crew Member Exemptions A KCM denial could result from a database error that is nonspecific to you, or it might involve a miscommunication with your air carrier. As a frequent flyer Ive received far more attitude from FAs them I ever have from TSA. You seem to be missing the point and just jumping on the offense instead. Boohoo. Why not just revoke the flight attendants privileges and keep KCM for pilots? For travel tips and a complete list of items prohibited from carry-on or checked baggage, visit or call the Contact Center toll-free at 1-866-289-9673. You dont have flight attendants so have no special procedures during flight. lap-top computers, camcorders, when carried by passengers or crew for personal use. Crew Member responsibilities include assisting customers as needed, answering questions, and completing daily tasks. DGU W2VTsscpKX Ub. A: You should remain calm and ask to speak to a Lead or Supervisory Transportation Security Officer (LTSO or STSO) to the discrepancy. Punish those that broke the rule. "TSA PRE-CHECK" line where most do not have to remove their shoes or take laptops out of bags - yay. Pilots have a lot more to lose (significant investment in their career, inability to easily switch to a different field with similar compensation, licenses, etc) than flight attendants do. I was then forced to go through the x-ray scanner, and I was still flagged as they said the zipper on my uniform was a problem and then I had to stand there and be patted down in front of everyone, it was infuriating. When youre randomly checked five or six times in a row, its easy to cop a tude. KCM is a privilege, not a right. Protect KCM - Compliance with the TSA Prohibited Items List NATACS- Forgot Password I say some because there are agents, pilots, and flights that don't clear security at all. It is unfortunate that in 2023, the program may no longer exist for some. The Port Agent will arrange transportation to the ship's next port of call. Again, the TSA doesn't handle drug cases but if they do even random checks and find something that is illegal, they are going to refer it to local or federal police. 50.5% mcdonalds crew members have this skill on their resume. A: No. Learn more. endstream endobj 54 0 obj <>/Metadata 9 0 R/Pages 8 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 11 0 R/Type/Catalog/Lang( E N - U S)>> endobj 55 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 56 0 obj <> endobj 57 0 obj <> endobj 58 0 obj <> endobj 59 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceRGB 16 77 0 R] endobj 60 0 obj <> endobj 61 0 obj <>stream Flight attendants have the weapons they need readily available: cockpit access and a bottle of wine from the galley. Flight attendants never should have been included. crampons. We are talking CLASS ACTION lawsuits for piss-poor treatment of crew. We KCM should be 100% allowed for pilots there is a MASSIVE difference in career terms and pay between pilots and FAs. Flight attendants have 2 months of training. KCM should be 100% allowed for pilots there is a MASSIVE difference in career terms and pay between pilots and FAs. CAP Solo Pilot Or maybe you cant even afford to get on an airplane with decent crew members you have to take cheap spirit flights. I'm laughing my ass off at all of these angry flight attendants and pilots saying TSA shouldn't worry about drugs lol. The blame is on BOTH PARTS. Its not just flight attendants. I have pre check and clear. I ever wondered what if one of these TSA screeners or even a LEO get jumped in the Employees parking lot or else where and their uniform stolen?. Will the Expedited Crew Access program require all pilots and flight attendants to be screened, or? Q: Does using KCM preclude any chance that I may be selected for additional screening after I successfully transit an access point and proceed into the sterile area of an airport? I guarantee if you're a flight attendant reading this you've said "oF cOuRsE I diD!" It is suggested that you print your pass prior to entering the sterile area. Drug interdiction isn't TSA's job and they know it. Cabin Readiness Safety & Compliance Reminder! Unless traveling where you go through security like everyone else. I'm a flight attendant with 34 years seniority. The perpetrator will gain access without a doubt because they're never checked as they walk in. Crewmembers who do not have a KCM barcode card, have a worn/unreadable barcode card, or have not completed the registration process will be referred to the passenger screening checkpoint for entry into the airport sterile area. Random screening or Unpredictable Screening Procedures (USP) is built into the system as a check and balance to ensure the integrity of the KCM program. Sadly people will always try and take advantage of a situation. Emirates restricts all smart balance wheels (with or without lithium batteries removed) to be transported as checked-in or carry-on luggage. Youre a bunch of loser clowns. Well, at least for larger airports. On October 21, 1520 Magellan finally entered the strait that he had been seeking and that came to bear his name. Our world has changed. 0000007057 00000 n Such conduct can jeopardize crewmembers of their right to participate in the program and consequently jeopardizes the entire Known Crew Member (KCM) program. I am not trying to disparage flight attendants, of course they are important but they are not the same as pilots and there are multiple rational grounds for distinguishing between them. KCM Crewmember definition & requirements: For the purpose of the KCM Program, authorized crewmembers have been defined by the TSA as: Captains or Pilots in Command, First Officers or Co-Pilots, Flight Engineers, Flight Navigators, Flight Attendants and Load Masters for full all-cargo operations. Abandoned Ship: The Mary Celeste - Smithsonian Magazine Career term differences may be different in your eyes, but its all in the eye of the beholder & YOU dont determine VALUE or WORTH! DepartureCheck is a Passenger and Aircraft Operator Compliance Solutions Platform, brought to you by NATA Compliance Services (NATACS). There's always going to be a few who thwart the rules and get busted. While exact details remain to be seen, it would appear that airline pilots and flight attendants may have to consistently start going through airport security as of next year. At the end of a flight cabin crew members are there to make sure that passengers disembark the aircraft safely. General. The smuggling will just end up moving to the SIDA badge holders. I WILL share my information when the time is right - IF things do not get better for us working crew who - HAVE ALREADY - been put through multiple screening processes to ensure we were safe enough to serve the public on an aircraft. It would make better sense to just have a baggage scanner at each KCM checkpoint but eliminate the need to X-ray scan our bodies. When all of the flights are getting delayed, people will be wishing KCM was back. That would stop the violations real quickly. If the average traveller's time is worth $30 per hour, then an extra 20 minute delay costs $10. That has never happened at any US domestic airport. On top of missing birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, special occasions etc. Fraud and intentional falsification of records; Tampering or interfering with, compromising, modifying, or attempting to circumvent any security system, measure or procedure; Entering, or presence within, a secured or sterile area without complying with the access control systems, measures, or procedures; Unauthorized use of any airport-issued or airport-approved access or identification medium; Entering the sterile area or boarding an aircraft without submitting to the screening and inspection procedures; Carrying a weapon, explosive, or incendiary to an airport or onboard an aircraft on an individuals person or accessible property; Carrying a weapon, explosive or incendiary in checked baggage without properly complying with TSA requirements; Carrying a weapon or explosive on an aircraft; Threats or providing false information; and. Real professional comment on your part. What exactly are the numbers of people who are trying to sneak in illegal things through kcm? Crewmembers are also subject to random inspection anywhere after security including onboard the aircraft before departure. The current limits are arbitrary and nearly meaningless. /5FR_+`aj` H xX Dont just blame a work group. The government-approved Known Crewmember (KCM) program allows Flight Attendants and Pilots at many airlines to enjoy the convenience of an expedited security screening. We cant forget this and need to push back against their continued scope creep in the name of self preservation. 0000007899 00000 n EVEN with FULL KCM we constantly have to go thru full passenger screening because some airports have NO KCM or limited hours.