We studied if there was any association between those surnames and the genetic profile. Muireann herself occurs in the annals, as in a poem quoted in AT s.a. 649, and her great-grandfather.Aed is mentioned again in a separate entry in the Ban Shenchus.. 3) [S10139] "Irish Pedigrees by John O'Hart , part 1, chapter IV". Mongfind, purporting to make peace between her brother and her sons, holds a feast, at which she serves Crimthann a poisoned drink. [10] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. The story then becomes confused. Fergus and Ailill refuse and return empty-handed. [12], In another story, the succession is not settled when Eochaid dies, and Mongfind's brother Crimthann takes the high kingship. The southern Venii came to be known as the Eoghanacht, while another group of them migrated north and formed a new kingdom west of the River Shannon where they became known as the Connachta after a revered leader named Conn. Niall of the Nine Hostages, King of the Connachta Their father, who was looking on (and who, say some, designedly caused the fire, to test his sons), observed with interest Neill's distinctiveness of character, his good sense and good judgment. [7], The Lebor Gabla renn says there was war between Niall and nnae Cennsalach, king of Leinster, over the brama or cow-tribute first imposed on Leinster by Tuathal Techtmar. [ 11] Keating says that he received five from the five provinces of Ireland, and four from Scotland. There is a large community of M222 men and a very interesting "family tree" of sorts is emerging as these men get into Y-DNA testing. [2] The chronology of Keating's Foras Feasa ar irinn broadly agrees, dating his reign from 368-395, and associating his raiding activities in Britain with the kidnapping of Saint Patrick (ca. The geneticists estimated that there are about 2-3 million males alive today who descend in the male-line from Niall. This goes for most large haplogroups. Receive the latest from your DNA community. Killed in Battle. 1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page 145; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy, Niall Mor, "Naill of the Nine Hostages, " 126th King of Ireland. Then Niall makes war against Leinster, and peace is concluded on the condition that Eochaid is handed over. Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish high king Lugaid Logde, in Arthurian legend one of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell and in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. She gives birth as she is drawing water, but out of fear of Mongfind, she leaves the child on the ground, exposed to the birds. Descended from Conaire and a daughter of the High King Conn of the. Fiachrae and Ailill then make war against Crimthann's son Eochaid, king of Munster. The Primitive Irish Vendo is a cognate with Finn, and the Fianna were landless, aristocratic young men and women who had not yet come into their inheritance of land. [3 ] O'Rahilly suggests that the nine hostages were from the kingdom of the Airgialla (literally "hostage-givers"), a satellite state founded by the Ui Nill's conquests in Ulster, noting that the early Irish legal text Lebor na gCeart("The Book of Rights") says that the only duty of the Airgialla to the King of Ireland was to give him nine hostages. the sea between France and England. I descend from the same Sephardic Jewish clan over a dozen times. We're British/Irish soldiers stationed in Sicily? Son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin #124. Niall established a dynasty of powerful chieftains that dominated the island for six centuries. , 'The Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide' is full of advice, tips and strategies to ease what can be a challenging journey. The Annals of Inisfallen date his death before 382, and the Chronicon Scotorum to 411. Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish high king Lugaid Logde, in Arthurian legend one of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell and in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. Although these studies are not coordinated with each other and are ongoing, it is already apparent that not all of these lineages are related to each other within Niall's timeframe. Niall exiles him to Scotland. [3] Mongfind appears to have been a supernatural personage: the saga "The Death of Crimthann mac Fidaig" says the festival of Samhain was commonly called the "Festival of Mongfind", and prayers were offered to her on Samhain eve.[7]. The Annals of Inisfallen date his death before 382, and the Chronicon Scotorum to 411. These sources date from long after Niall's time and their value as history is limited at best. He makes war and destroys the poet's stronghold, killing his son Leat[11] (Keating has it that Laidchenn was a druid, and that Eochaid killed his son after he used defamatory language towards him). Niall was said to have ruled over Tara, but modern historians think it more likely that Tara was founded by Niall's decendents, and that Niall himself actually set up his kingdom at Uisnech, another "royal hill". modern parlance, he put it about. In January 2006, geneticists at Trinity College, Dublin suggested that Niall may have been the most fecund male in Irish history. 222-232 O'Rahilly and Byrne argue that the literary sources, though late and garbled, preserve genuine traditions that Niall led raids on Britain, and perhaps died on one.[2]:pp. Legend accords him at Niall 'of the Nine Hostages', High King of Ireland (1), Niall 'of the Nine Hostages', High King of Ireland gained the title of King Niall of Tara.1 He gained the title of High King Niall of Ireland in 445.1 Children of Niall 'of the Nine Hostages', High King of Ireland, -1. with this signature is so high, the patriarch must have been prolific. Medb, for example, was said to have participated in a ritual union with nine of the high kings, preventing the rule of any candidates who refused to mate with her. These raids did much to weaken the power of Rome in Britain and France. Understanding Niall of the Nine Hostages & Descendants - Facebook The Annals of the Four Masters place Niall's death at Muir nIcht, i.e. Ireland, carry a specific Y-DNA pattern called the M222 sub-clade. [13], While Niall is high king, his brothers establish themselves as local kings. Myth has it that he was descended by Irish annalistic and chronicle sources place his reign in the late 4th and early 5th centuries, although modern scholars, through critical study of the annals, date him about half a century later. 'We were honored to be invited by the Mayo County Council to participate in The Gathering, Ireland 2013,' Alexander Moen, National Geographics vice president of Explorer Programs, told the press. Joined then by the Irish in Alba, he marched against the Picts, overcame them, took hostages from them and had Argyle and Cantire settled upon the Albanach Irish. Based on U Nill genealogies and the dates given for his supposed sons and grandsons, modern historians believe he is likely to have lived some 50 years later than the traditional dates, dying circa 450. Brin defeats Fiachrae and hands him over as a prisoner to Niall, but Fiachrae's son Nath continues the war and eventually kills Brin. Mongfind, purporting to make peace between her brother and her sons, holds a feast, at which she serves Crimthann a poisoned drink. Niall married Princess Of Britain ROIGHNEACH. 'The Gathering is a reunion of clans so to speak. He makes war and destroys the poet's stronghold, killing his son Leat[15] (Keating has it that Laidchenn was a druid, and that Eochaid killed his son after he used defamatory language towards him). Niall fitted out a large fleet and sailed to the assistance of his people. Donnelly, Egan, Flynn, Gallagher, Gormley, Hynes, Kane, McGovern, McLoughlin, Niall Nogallach (Irish pronunciation: [%CB%88ni%CB%90%C9%99l noilx], Old Irish "having nine hostages")[1], or in English, Niall of the Nine Hostages, son of Eochaid Mugmedn, was an Irish king, the eponymous ancestor of the U Nill kindred who dominated Ireland from the 6th century to the 10th century. Wrong. See: High King Niall: the most fertile man in Ireland by Jan Battles in the Sunday Times of Ireland of January 6, 2006; and If Irish Claim Nobility, Science May Approve by Nicholas Wade in the New York Times of January 18, 2006. Then his father said: "It is Niall who should succeed me as Ard Righ of Eirinn". Fergus and Ailill refuse and return empty-handed. Niall, who emerges carrying an anvil, is deemed greater than Brin, with a sledgehammer, Fiachrae with bellows and a pail of beer, Ailill with a chest of weapons, and Fergus with a bundle of wood. Copyright Claire Santry 2008-2023 Irish-Genealogy-Toolkit.com. Yet how often out of evil cometh good. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Niall chains Eochaid to a standing stone, and sends nine warriors to execute him, but Eochaid breaks his chain and kills all nine of them with it. The earliest version of the Lebor Gabla says Eochaid killed him on the English Channel, later versions adding that Niall was invading Brittany when this happened. Niall moved across the Shannon where he founded the dynasty of Uisnech in Westmeath. Only Niall kisses her properly, and she is revealed as a beautiful maiden, the Sovereignty of Ireland. It turns out that maternal and paternal lines can offer some clues about Irish ancestry. [9], In another story, the succession is not settled when Eochaid dies, and Mongfind's brother Crimthann takes the high kingship. The saga "The Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages" says that he received five hostages from the five provinces of Ireland (Ulster, Connacht, Leinster, Munster and Meath), and one each from Scotland, the Saxons, the Britons and the Franks. His men carry his body home, fighting seven battles on the way, and his foster-father Torna dies of grief. By another wife, Mon Fionn, daughter of the King of Munster, Eochaid had four sons, Brian, Fiachar, Ailill, and Fergus. [10 ] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. But while he is away on a tour of his lands in Scotland, Mongfind's sons seize Ireland. Crypto powerful people who controlled an area loosely centred on present-day Armagh After this, Tara's importance appears to have declined.". the guts to give her a small kiss, for which she grants him sight of Tara and Crimthann returns to Ireland intending to give battle. Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish High King Lugaid Laigde, in Arthurian legend one of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell and in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. Although its remarkable that nearly 1 in 10 Americans might say Kiss Me Im Irish! on St. Patricks day, its not clear if all these people actually have Irish ancestors or if they simply feel an affinity for corned beef and green beer. While the signature is typical for R1b European males in general, it is characterized by 11,13 at DYS 385a/b and 14 at DYS 392. Crimthann refuses to drink it unless she does too; they both drink, and both die. Fiachrae gives her a quick peck, but not enough to satisfy her. The O'Neill dynasty (Ui Nill means 'descended from Niall') is an historical Thats over eight times the number of people living in Ireland today. [8] Another version has Mongfind try to poison Niall, but she takes the poison herself by mistake. That is to say, after 6-10 generations, you will lose track of entire ancestors and their ethnicity. [3] These sons are the eponymous ancestors of the various U Nill dynasties: Egan of the Cenl nEgain and Conall Gulban of the Cenl Conaill, making up the northern U Nill; Fiachu of the Cenl Fiachach dynasty, Legaire (the king who Saint Patrick is said to have converted) of the Cenl Legaire, Maine of the U Maine, Egan of the Cenl nEgain, Conall Gulban of the Cenl Conaill, Conall Cremthainne of the Clann Cholmin and the Sl nedo Sline, and Coirpre of the Cenl Coirpri, making up the southern U Nill. Y-DNA is Could I claim that (a) it's an Irish haplgroup, (b) that it can be traced back to the warring clans of the Ui Neill dynasty? Niall is presumed, on the basis of the importance of his sons and grandsons, to have been a historical person,[3]:70 but the early Irish annals say little about him. His men carry his body home, fighting seven battles on the way, and his foster-father Torna dies of grief. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1195848313/niall-and-the-stone http://www.genealogy4u.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I17949& http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/cgi-bin/gedlkup/n=royal. Genographic Project director Spencer Wells then discussed the study's collective results revealing maternal and paternal Geno 2.0 results. M222 signature to the mid-5th century when Niall of the Nine Hostages may Crimthann refuses to drink it unless she does too; they both drink, and both die. Each brother in turn goes looking for water, and finds a well guarded by a hideous hag who demands a kiss in return for water. [6] Indeed, Keating describes her not as a Saxon but as the "daughter of the king of Britain". The story Descendants of Niall of the Nine Hostages | Facebook [5] Byrne, following James Carney, is a little more precise, dating his death to c. or central areas of Scotland have the so-called Niall of the Nine Hostages His men carry his body home, fighting seven battles on the way, and his foster-father Torna dies of grief. Under him the spirit of pagan Ireland upleaped in its last great red flame of military glory, a flame that, in another generation, was to be superseded by a great white flame, far less fierce but far more powerful and the bounds of neighboring nations to the uttermost bounds of Europe. Also known as: Niall Nogiallach King of Ireland. Niall of the Nine Hostages received his name from the taking of hostages as a strategy for playing mental havoc upon his opponent's chieftains. (Remember that women have two X chromosomes while men have one X and one Y chromosome). Sithchenn takes the brothers to the smith, who makes them weapons, and sends them out hunting. The center of his government was at Tara. Perhaps more myth than man, Niall of the Nine Hostages is said to have been a King of Tara in northwestern Ireland in the late 4th century C.E. [2] Famous descendants include Niall's great-great grandson Saint Columba, Saint Mel Ruba, the Kings of Ailech, the Kings of Tir Eogain, and the Kings of Tr Conaill. Yet, my paternal Haplogroup is "R-CTS241", which seems to be heavily common of people from the UK, yet my 23andme shows absolutely 0 percentage coming from the UK, actually none from western europe in general.I also share a paternal line ancestor with "Niall of the nine hostages". In it, Eochaid Mugmedn, the High King of Ireland, had five sons: Four, Brin, Ailill, Fiachrae and Fergus, by his first wife Mongfind, sister of the king of Munster, Crimthann mac Fidaig; and a fifth, Niall, by his second wife Cairenn Chasdub, daughter of Sachell Balb, king of the Saxons. It was in one of these Gallic expeditions that the lad Succat, destined under his later name of Patrick to be the greatest and noblest figure Ireland ever knew, was taken in a sweep of captives, carried to Ireland and to Antrim, there to herd the swine of the chieftain, Milcho. All but two of the High Kings of Tara came from this family. 85% of Irish men belong to a paternal lineage called R1b1b2, but since this line is also common across the rest of western Europe, it doesnt definitively determine if a man has Irish ancestry. A study conducted at Trinity College, Dublin, found that a striking percentage of men in Ireland (and quite a few in Scotland) share the same Y chromosome. He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. [24] The series suggested that Niall may have been the most fecund male in Irish history. [23] Origin of his epithet[edit] There are various versions of how Niall gained his epithet Nogallach. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. concluded that these men descend from "a single early-medieval progenitor" and implied this was associated with Niall's dynasty. Niall is presumed, on the basis of the importance of his sons and grandsons, to have been a historical person, [2] :70 but the early Irish annals say little about him. tales as these old hag transformed by physical intimacy of a young man are Niall of the Nine Hostages was around 50+ generations ago. The saga "The Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages" says that he received five hostages from the five provinces of Ireland (Ulster, Connacht,Leinster, Munster and Meath), and one each from Scotland, the Saxons, the Britons and the Franks. fought his way to become King of Tara in the late 4th or early 5th century. relative viscosity of nylon 6; predictive index cognitive assessment answers; why do baseball players spit so much; Hello world! Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish high king Lugaid Logde, in Arthurian legendone of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelleand in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. I got that same badge in my 23andme YDNA report. [11] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. men who can trace their ancestry to Ireland, and especially the north of findings led them to the notion that Niall of the Nine Hostages may be the Big [15][16] Origin of his epithet, There are various versions of how Niall gained his epithet Nogallach. Privacy Policy. haplotype originated at least several centuries before Niall is claimed to have lived, so his descendants would only represent a minority of men in this group. 215. He makes war and destroys the poet's stronghold, killing his son Leat[11] (Keating has it that Laidchenn was a druid, and that Eochaid killed his son after he used defamatory language towards him). Crimthann refuses to drink it unless she does too; they both drink, and both die. Fiachrae and Ailill then make war against Crimthann's son Eochaid, king of Munster. century. [22][23] According to the PBS documentary series Finding Your Roots, Bill O'Reilly, Stephen Colbert, Colin Quinn, Bill Maher, and the show's host, Henry Louis Gates Jr. all display STR markers consistent with the Irish Modal Haplotype. Crimthann returns to Ireland intending to give battle. He ruled Ireland in the fifth century and was said to have consolidated his power by leading raids on the Roman Empire, taking hostages from rival royal families in Britain and . The newspaper articles are based on a dissertation: A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland by Laoise T. Moore and Brian McEvoy, with Eleanor Cape. Niall makes war in Europe as far as the Alps, and the Romans send an ambassador to parlay with him. Of their Irish sample, the geneticists found that 21 percent of men from north-western Ireland, 8 percent from all of Ireland, a substantial percentage of men from western and central Scotland, and about 2 percent of men from New York bore the same Y-chromosome haplotype.