Bill Weir, Arizona Travelers Handbook (Chico, California: Moon Publications, Inc., 1992, 1986), p. 295. It is mentioned in an Egyptian document . Biosecurity Act 2015 which removes all rights for Australians, Higher Death, Hospitalization Rates Among Vaccinated Individuals. Four times eight makes 32. The current politics of the country have thus far prevented any detailed study of the structure, but it is thought to be 4,500-5,000 year old-- the approximate age of the pyramids at Giza. (This town, incidentally, is located about 35 miles northeast of Phenix City, Alabama.) Most of the sites discussed in this essay are less than one degree (60 nautical miles) from latitude 33 degrees North. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. As you look carefully at this map, you can easily see how the 33rd Degree Parallel runs. Best Science Fiction (Or Is It?) About Phoenix - The 33rd Parallel 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death Row Human Sacrifice . What is the meaning of the word Aztlan? The Azteca Web Page [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 10 January 2002. This dovetails with a belief. There is a lot of other symbolism with the number 33 and things that have occurred on the 33rd parallel however. The year was symbolic as well. Henri-Paul Eydoux, The men who built the Tower of Babel, The Worlds Last Mysteries (Pleasantville, New York: The Readers Digest Association, Inc., 1979, 1976), p. 176. Notice the uneven hexagram and the numbers 333 placed at different points on this seal. 23. 1704-1662 B.C. 3. His parentage is disputed. The artifacts found include copper bells and macaw feathers from Mesoamerica as well as shells from the Gulf of Mexico and the California coast. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. A customer told me to pay attention to these. Number 33 number of the master | Paranormal Zone,The Haunting These figures formed in the desert by removal of darker pebbles to reveal a lighter undersurface are sometimes hundreds of feet in length. These degrees symbolized the re-entering of the womb in order, after the three times three months of gestation, to be reborn into the world of Spirit-consciousness.. [29]. Poverty Point Earthworks: Evolutionary Milestones of the Americas, Louisiana Office of State Parks [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 4 July 2002; c. A Rich Culture Flourished 12 Centuries Before Christ, Poverty Point State Historic Site, Louisiana State Parks [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 4 July 2002. Perhaps the ancients discovered a ley line sort of dragon energy corresponding to this latitude, and constructed temples and sacred cities in order to utilize this terrestrial chi. If our Masonic leadership chose Nagasaki simply because it was located on the 33rd Parallel, is it any stretch of the imagination that the next target for U.S. nuclear attack might be Baghdad, or Iraq, for the entire country is located within a few miles within that parallel? Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. 1. Pakistan connection: a) As noted previously, President Zulfikar Bhutto was hanged in Rawalpindi , Pakistan at. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. When [clover] is located upon a mountain it comes to signify knowledge of the divine essence gained by hard endeavor [Natural steps], through sacrifice or study (equivalent to ascension) J.E. The occult significance of the 33rd north latitude cannot be overestimated! This pair is thought to be the prototype of Jachin and Boaz, the two pillars found on the eastern wall of every Masonic temple in the world. Thus, these orbs appeared at a significant archaeo-astronomical position in the sky and also in the precise region where Orion happened to be at that particular time. 42. a. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. JINN ,SKINWALKERS, GHOULS ,SHAPE SHIFTERS. For instance, Knight and Lomas discovered that the ceremony for the Royal Arch of Solomon Degree (13 degrees) entails the candidate and two others playing the roles of the three Master Masons of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego. 26. a. Franklin Folsom and Mary Elting Folsom, Americas Ancient Treasures: A Guide to Archaeological Sites and Museums in the United States and Canada (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983, 1974, 1971), pp. Until the time of the Grecian Empire, the center of power was south of the 33rd Degree, held by Egypt and Babylon. Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line 1963: The Kennedy Assassination President John F. Kennedy Sr. was shot and killed in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33). Michael Lee Markets, Economics, & Investing,,,, He believed that this 333 would allow him to pass quickly through the reincarnation cycle so he could come back to earth as the real, historic Antichrist. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. A kiva is essentially an underground prayer chamber used for communal religious ceremonies. For example: * Phoenix and Atlanta are about the same latitude, but are very different climates. However, you can see how 33rd Degree Mason, President Truman, might have made the decision to attack Nagasaki, located on the 33rd Parallel. (The S. supposedly stood for Solomon.) The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. Bashar :: The 33rd Parallel - Highlights on Vimeo Tom Cruise's '33' problem: He's split with all 3 of his wives when they Thirty-two heavens surround the 33rd heaven in the center, making this heaven the Heaven of Thirty-Three. This city and a tower (Genesis 11:4) was known as Ba-bel, the legendary site of the linguistic confounding. 46. At Parallel 33 north, from February 24 to early February 25, 1942, over Los Angeles, California, the so-called Battle of L.A. took place. [45]. . 33rd parallel north. Occupied between 1200 and 1500 A.D., this huge masonry pueblo contained 800 rooms, a central plaza, a surrounding wall, and a great kiva. Byblos (Jbeil), Embassy of Lebanon, Washington, DC [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 8 February 2002. Satanists believe that a carefully planned event must be carried out according to the correct numbers, or it may not be successful. The 33 rd parallel would then be the magic line that separated North form South, Europe form Africa and America from Mexico and "real America", that is, native America. [48] Incidentally, five or so miles to the south is a hot springs called Arsenic Tubs, number 33 on the periodic table. [27], About four miles south of Cartersville in northwestern Georgia (34 degrees 11 minutes) is Etowah Indian Mound State Park. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. The 26 earthen platform mounds arranged in a circular pattern are similar in structure to those in Arizonas Valley of the Sun, with temples and residences for the elite priesthood likewise built on top. 1025 945 B.C. Your email address will not be published. Now, van Buren tells us exactly why numbers are important, so that she may tell us exactly the significance of the number, 33 and 333. [30] One anthropoid geoglyph in the area has been associated with the Hopi Fire Clan deity Masauu. [54] This series of sightings that occurred within a 400-mile stretch took just 50 minutes. [16] The archaeologist Sir Flinders Petrie even found records in the Libyan desert that describe a secret Masonic guild meeting held circa 2000 B.C. The Cycles of Time Begin [], Portuguese newsreported the discoveryof a very large under water pyramid []. RITUAL TO SUPERHUMAN ENTITIES FOR TEMPORAL POWER. The signing of the Armistice agreement was thus undergirded by three elevens! 18. Nagasaki, Japan is on the 33rd Parallel. Sabian symbols are a series of 360 brief vignettes --one for each degree of the zodiacal circle-- received in 1925 by San Diego clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler and recorded by astrologist Marc Edmund Jones. Two interpenetrating triangles whose apexes point in opposite directions form the hexagram of the Star of David (3 + 3 = 6). Mount Carmel is less than 20 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. The legend of Atlantis has been around for thousands of years, and whatever its factual validity may be, it does claim a noble heritage, for its earliest known proponent was Plato. At a 4,000-year-old cemetery near modern-day Mogou village in northwestern China . The many similarities between the two seem to point in that direction. 1946 On August 19, 1946, Bill Clinton, the 42nd President, was born in Hope, Arkansas, at the 33rd Parallel. And the time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem.1 Chron 29:27[Ibid]. [4] A more ominous connotation appears in the 33rd element of the periodic table. 33 MAY BE MOST SACRED, MOST POWERFUL NUMBER OF ALL! On his extensive and thoroughly detailed web site, New Zealand researcher Martin Doutr claims that this structure incorporates various navigational codes, including phi, or the Golden Ratio (1.618). Shriners are 33rd degree Masons. These ancient American Indians created an estimated total of 500 miles of canals to irrigate over 25,000 acres in the Phoenix Basin-- all constructed with mere digging sticks, stone implements, and woven carrying baskets. As a young man, Bill Clinton was a Master Counselor of the Masonic-connected Demolay. 28. 33- the Secret of Number 33, 33 Parallel These beings can alter matter itself, and her favorite playtime is waterbending so to speak :D 7. Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. Let us give you a few examples of when the Illuminati undergirded a key event using the occult signature of the number 11. 37. About 40 miles due east of the small town of San Carlos, Arizona (33 degrees 24 minutes) is Point of Pines Ruin. The Bible connects Babel with the Hebrew verb Blal, to confuse, whereas it really comes from Bb-ili, which in Babylonian means Gate of God. [21] This terrestrial correlation to another sort of stargate is perhaps a reference to the Processional Way leading to Ishtar Gate, both of which were adorned with glazed blue enameled figures of lions, bulls, and dragons. This energy will continue to increase until it . Reference to the 33rd heaven appears in various Buddhist sutras. Thus, the Civil War was started at the 33rd Parallel, a very Masonic thing to do! Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. If this is Gods timing for Antichrist to arise, Bush will lead the U.S. into this war, no matter what U.N. inspectors have found. The craft continued southeast above Interstate 10 and was sighted in the Tucson area about 8:45. Known in numerology as the Master Teacher, 33 is the most influential of all numbers, indicating selfless devotion to the spiritual progress of humankind. Above the right hand of Orion between the constellations Gemini and Auriga is the northern stargate previously mentioned, located at a declination (celestial latitude) of 33 degrees. At the 33rd latitude the sun is visible for 14 hours, 20 minutes during the summer solstice and 9 hours, 58 minutes during the winter . Known in numerology as the Master Teacher, 33 is the most influential of all numbers, indicating selfless devotion to the spiritual progress of humankind. ; 36030' Parallel north is the boundary between the Tennessee and Commonwealth of Kentucky between the . Indeed, when we consider the northern latitude of 33 degrees, some intriguing synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, are found. Ep. Chinese Pyramids, David B. Kelley [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 8 February 2002; c. Chinese Pyramids, Earthquest [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 14 August 2002; d. Daryl Whitaker, Chinese Pyramids and Burial Mounds, [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 14 August 2002; e. John Winston, History Channel: Hartwig Hausdorf and the mystery of the Chinese Pyramids, The Light Party [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web,; accessed 14 August 2002. January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Called the Solomon Lodge No. 32. This explosion was symbolic, representing the simultaneous creation and destruction of matter and energy. The number 333 speaks ofdeath, resurrection, and ascension. [Ibid., p. 162-3; NOTE: You and I know that Jesus ascension did not occur for 40 days after He arose, but evidently, occultists have not examined the Scriptures carefully!]. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, Uriels Machine: Uncovering the Secrets of Stonehenge, Noahs Flood, and the Dawn of Civilization (Gloucester, Massachusetts: Fair Winds Press, 2001, 1999), p. 319. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Resembling some sort of fowl flying toward the sunset, this mound was constructed using 300,000 cubic yards of clay, or the equivalent to 10 million 50-pound baskets. This is another site exactly on the 33rd parallel. Whatever the rationale, the 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space in order to vitalize the dynamo of a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. [41] However, another site lying exactly on the 33rd parallel was also used expressly for this purpose. [53] A few weeks after the explosion at Trinity Site the 33rd president of the United States ordered the annihilation of two Japanese cities by nuclear bombs dropped from B-29 bombers. Constructed of unshaped quartzite and adobe mortar, these ruins inhabited in the mid-fourteenth century contained 70 rooms within three caves. The southern slopes of Mount Hermon have been in Israeli control since the Six-Day War in 1967. 25. Copyright 2023 Rumble. Emil W. Haury, Prehistory of the American Southwest, edited by J. Jefferson Reid and David E. Doyel (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1992, 1986), p. 45. Norman T. Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins of the Southwest (Boulder, Colorado: Pruett Publishing Company, 1989, reprint, 1981), p. 47. [6] As Southwestern archaeologist H. M. Wormington observes, The scope of the canal project suggests comparisons with the erection of the huge pyramids of Egypt or the great temples of the Maya. [7] Clearly this monumental technology was the key factor that allowed the desert dwelling people to inhabit their extremely harsh region for well over a thousand years. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. Also of interest near the 33rd parallel is Byblos, a bit farther north of Tyre at a latitude of 34 degrees 08 minutes. Dante Alighieri, The Paradiso: a Verse Rendering For the Modern Reader, translated by John Ciardi (New York: New American Library, 1970,1961), p. 365. Tremendous paranormal activity is occurring in Phoenix and has been since the 1947 Roswell Alien/UFO incident allegedly occurred. Let us review it again: If a life is taken close to the northern 33rd Parallel, this fits with the Masons demonic mythology in which they demonstrate their worldly power by spilling human blood at a predetermined locale.. March 1933 The Jewish Holocaust officially began with the establishment of the concentration camp at Dachau. The biblical interpretation of the name is fanciful. 150: Ohio Left to Burn; Canada Left to Crumble; Rise of Rumble AND MORE! cit. At the latitude of Phoenix this is the exact point of the winter solstice sunset as well. GPS coordinates of 33rd parallel north - latitude Thus, this occult and Illuminist preoccupation with the Number 11 as they strive to produce their Antichrist, is dictated by Biblical prophecy concerning Antichrist. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. [33] The route ran from Pilot Knob, or Avikwal [near Yuma, Arizona], the spirit house where the dead dwell at the southern end of the river, to Avikwaame, or Spirit Mountain, where the Earth was created, in the north. DISCLOSURE 33 - Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis A -A + Updated At: Jul 02, 2019 06:53 AM (IST) 649 The organizational duties described in the papyri are very similar to those of Warden and Master in a modern branch of the Brotherhood which evolved from those guilds: Freemasonry. [17] It seems that all roads lead to Egypt. This city constructed by the Mississippian culture along the Black Warrior River in central Alabama from 1000 through 1450 A.D. had a population of over one thousand-- second in size and complexity to ancient Cahokia in Illinois. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. 33. The Vatican takeover by Left-Hand Path / Black Magick Adepts was anointed by a Human Sacrifice in South Carolina, on the 33rd Parallel. As we move forward in this article, we will focus on the number 33 and the way in which occultists have planned events and geographical locations around the 33rd Northern Parallel. Occultists literally worship science and the mathematics underlying science. . Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Prepared for the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States and Published by Its Authority (Charleston, South Carolina: A. Unless they receive a fresh and constant flow of energy they tend to stagnate, diminish and die off. Bringing us up to the present day, the so-called Phoenix Lights were witnessed by hundreds or perhaps thousands of people. 16. 47. In addition to that, Jesus Christ was 33 years old at his death. The 33rd parallel, Joshua Tree, Landers Giant Rock. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important. 1, the Masonic meeting place was known as the Mother Lodge of the world. 1993 Waco, Texas, just south of the 32nd degree of north latitude, is the site of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas. June is the 6th month; when added to the 5th day, you get an 11, Number22 RFK was shot by a .22 caliber pistol, Number33 Los Angeles is very near the 33rd Parallel, [Note: This information taken from RFK assassination site, http//]. 10-11, p. 47. The average speed of the craft was 480 m.p.h. 33rd Annual Glaad Media Awards Recipients Include: Hacks, We'Re Here What are some major cities around 33 degrees latitude? How is - Quora At Carmel Elijah, the Hebrew prophet stood against 850 heathen prophets and defeated them (1 Kings 18). Thus, the final battle, or slaughter of the ages, will be fought on the 33rd Degree Parallel! THE 33rd PARALLEL High in the Superstition Mountains about 54 miles east of the metropolis lies an elliptical medicine wheel constructed of a stone wall three feet thick with a circumference of 427 feet. Near Gila Bend, Arizona about 62 miles west of Snaketown (mentioned above) is Painted Rocks [sic] State Park, which has thousands of petroglyphs of similar designs-- not painted but pecked into the boulders. as the militarily expansionist pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. InNEWS1761, we reached the conclusion that this coming war had nothing to do with the presence of Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. The 33rd Parallel - Bashar - BeeCourse 1933 A MOST IMPORTANT YEAR IN THE OCCULT CALENDAR. The 33rd Parallel Photo Gallery by Bob Reynolds at Four other ancient sites along latitude 33 N warrant brief mentions. The 33rd Parallel North of the equator is famous in conspiracy circles for a plethora of strange, sinister and paranormal phenomena. Why Are All the Lightworkers Moving to La? 21. According to the narrative told in the ritual, these children of the Babylonian captivity desire to assist in the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon. In Iraq, the parallel defined the limit of the southern no-fly zone from 4 . To order his book, go to:, Article from, Your email address will not be published. Inspections, simply to hide from us the true reason this war is about to be fought. The followers of Pythagoras referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. In more recent times Babylon played a significant role in the rituals of Freemasonry and continues to do so. Erickson BJ, Harris JD, Tetreault M, Bush-Joseph C, Cohen M, Romeo AA - Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine (2014) fig1-2325967114553916: Map of the United States demonstrating the 33rd parallel (red line), which was used to separate the states into warm (south of the 33rd parallel) and cold (north of the 33rd parallel) states; blue line . The number 3 symbolizes the Pagan Trinity, while 13 is the number of ultimate rebellion against God. New York Governor Herbert Lehman, at the urging of Governor Harrison, also agreed to proclaim an emergency bank holiday in New York, and a similar action was taken in Illinois. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. In addition, the terraced Hanging Gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. One of the major historical facts is that the entire system of satanic lore germinated in Babylon which is located precisely on the 33rd Degree Parallel! Add to cart. The 33rd parallel is at the center of many (ongoing) paranormal events; The Iraq war began in Baghdad which is located along the 33rd parallel; Mount Megiddo, Israel (33rd parallel) is said to be the site of the final battle between the forces of good and evil at the end of time (Armageddon) . Polly Schaafsma, Rock Art In New Mexico (Santa Fe: Museum of New Mexico Press, 1992), p. 77. and 7th Avenue intersection. Add your review $ 29.95 $ 12.00. Rather, this war is going to be waged simply because Iraq is in the center of world events at the 33rd Degree Northern Parallel. In fact, at 9:49 p.m. when the final phase of the event was beginning, Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt, was 33 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth of 242 degrees. Since 1991, we have been put through the ringer called U.N. In fact, when you look closely, you will realize that the Plain of Meggido is located almost exactly on the 33rd Degree Parallel! Sacral is the word secret and the secret is upstairs in heaven, in the cerebrum, the holy colostrum . Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. The killing of Jews before Kristallnacht in November 1938, was very secretive, with death certificates being issued with phony causes of death. 33 - Sacred Geometry Academy Once you understand the belief Satanists have about this number, you will understand certain events in history more completely for example, when Adolf Hitler planned his suicide, he decided to shoot himself on April 30, 1945, at precisely 3:30 pm, thus setting up a 333 by which the deed was done. 49. a. Noble, Ancient Ruins, pp. An introduction to the principles of parallel incarnations by Willa Hillicrissing, a parallel reality specialist from 700 years in our future. It is found over and over again in the stories of the Bible and elsewhere. Tyre, Lebanon: Home of King Hiram and the mythological Hiram Abiff, the Terrible Twosome of Masonic legend. Sandy Hook is on the 41st parallel . GEO-SPATIAL ALIGNMENT OF SOUTHERN DEATH ROWS & ABU GHRAIB AS EVIDENCE. It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator and the Arctic Circle It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean.
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