There are good skills, great skills, and S.A.K.A. It's up to you how to split points between this and Smoke Bomb, but this is your single-target-blasting skill. If you can dig it, though, it is pretty sweet getting to level 84 (my personal best with a 2 man team) with 3 skills maxed and the last still at half mast. But Bulwark, here, is the primary focus. The devs did us the favor of letting us have him even if we don't get past the Great Paywall. Useful if you aim for sudden death, or other status applying oriented builds. The heaviest armor reduces your MP by 30%. Which means there will almost always be at least one baddie that you can attack with this bonus. The other conditions can work well when you inflict them, but the enemy versions are almost invariably weak (very low damage per turn), and so you'll barely even notice them. So yeah, maybe, sometimes, really rarely and way at the end of the game, you will totally rule and blow the socks and everything else off a full host of nasties just with the power of your mind. This is quite useful, especially for heavy energy users or Knights. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 (App 310060) History SteamDB Which is fine, someone has to mop up the dregs. Actually no, I lied. So a Paladin spamming this skill makes your fights pretty dang easy. Anyway. This team has 3 casters and 1 specialist with a caster-like build, so Mind points will be in short supply, and potions will abound. It's not a boat load of damage, granted, maxing out at 32 per baddie. But in practice, a little hard to make it work. Knights Sports, Sporting Memorabilia, Wisden Almanack Auctions Before that end-game massive damage, the Hunter is just going to be looking over in envy at every other group damage skill his friends are dishing out. Passive skills in this game tend to be, well, passive. (You could focus on Fireball here to help the Thief, but there's just no substitute for boosted Lightning). Havocado is a silly hyper-speed multiplayer physics fighting game; shoot, punch, drive, and use magic to knock the other players off in a multitude of locations and scenarios. But if it's less than that, say 16 damage, he won't actually block all of it, he'll only block 8. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 for Android - Download If that were the end of the downsides, this would still qualify as a great skill. And sadly Renewing Carapace can't make up for these problems as it takes a turn to get that ward up, and you may or may not get the 80 HP heal depending on if someone hits you (which they well might, since you're a big threatening bear now). And aside from the extra energy the Lab Rat provides, the four trinket slots can be put to good use by filling them with Spell Damage boosters, at least until the end when the exceptional unique trinkets show up. So the Knight, for example, who benefits most from good armor, would have almost only half his MP if you pair him with any other player. About this game. Meaning you need to roll higher (well, lower technically) than your Senses. 3. Prepare to join Knights of Pen & Paper 2 in a turn-based, retro style, pixel-art adventure full of danger, intrigue, and semi-appropriate cultural references! Jock dwarf, max out lunge first, putting one point in Riposte early on. Despite the fact that a weapon is in the name, this is a spell. More than most combat classes, the Thief will rely on the special qualities of her skills rather than direct attacks. Guide for Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition - Party Setup. It's very much that kind of game. Except of course if your target is stunned. Alright, so with all the classes and their skills covered, and the details of the Game Room that can (and usually do) have a profound affect on your party dynamics, and a better understanding of the types of damage, we can get into actually putting 5 of these weirdos together and seeing what they can do. But the percentage of a level each side quest gives is about the same. And that means a fifth of your party is never doing damage (a complaint you could equally level at the Cleric, to be sure - except he's better at the whole altruism thing), and that's a pretty massive MP drain. Mage does fireball to light most things on fire. By the time you're level 25 or so, it's back to focusing on weaklings, and even so, using your Cleric purely offensively like this is kind of fun but can often make for an unbalanced team and really isn't the best use of him (i.e. Druid, Mage, Ninja, Paladin, and Cleric. Your casters and casting specialists have the decency to cost little to nothing to keep slaughtering the enemy. 149 73. The third archetype. There's a third kind actually, which is neither a spell or a weapon, which only the specialists (Thief and others) have and it's not a good thing. Now, if you look at the damage, here in this game, you may well be disappointed at first. Anyway, you'll be doing this pretty exclusively for the satisfaction of getting another 5-15 levels out of your game (depending on the number of players in your team). While this can give your Knight with armor and a shield a +10 bonus against Confuse, which is very good, the real glory is that it can give your Ninja +50% damage to a Wounded enemy, and with Shadow Chain and a high critical chance, the second and third hit will most likely have +50% each - meaning, in effect, Shadow Chain just got a 4th hit. I.E. One thing to note here is how natural a fit the Knight is for the Rocker player, no matter how you build the Knight assuming you have at least 1 point in Discipline. However you feel about the whole "Investigate" mechanic in this game, you're gonna need many of the items you find this way, especially the immunity items. Way up. However you use this, with his single damage skill, protection skill, or shuffle-the-enemy-like-a-deck-of-cards skill, it's worthwhile, effective, a good combo, and the animation is about as cool as it gets. One dubious bonus that needs be mentioned is that he can also resurrect a killed player, if only for the duration of the battle. Even better, the ward lasts until hit, so assuming whoever you cast this on doesn't get hit in a given turn (that 1 Threat Ninja, say), you can stuck up a few wards in a battle. That means +32 Damage, +32 Threat, +a shucks ton of (potential) HP, +16 initiative and +16% critical. I'm not sure why. So this hits a single target for a little less than your average fighter's comparable skill (220% weapon damage at skill level 24), which is the same oomph as the Hunter's hat can muster. So this is a mid-range attack that hits for 204% damage at its best. Lightning does more damage more consistently, but each hit with Cleave has your Warrior's base critical chance, and every once in a while (oh, like 10-20% depending) it'll cause 100% more damage (to an individual enemy, not the whole row). Because while the Thief's barrage does indeed need conditions on the enemy to be super kick ass, you can get up to max damage by level 25 or so because that's two different players using skills, so maxing them out in half the time it takes the Psion to max both of these out. Seriously great. Mostly useless I find myself resting very rarely but even then a single specialist will save you the trouble, still can be used in some cases. "You can set up fights with 1/2 more enemies" - I'm not much into setting up fights, I'm happy just following the story. A lovely combo is with the Mage's Lightning, which is the only other row damaging skill in the game (direct damage at least - the Druid's skill can, occasionally, fail completely), so you can then blast your way through the game one row at a time. "Battles won within the first round grant you 10% extra XP and gold per level" - up to +50%. If only you could get 150'000xp for a single quest by the end of the game. Perhaps be more diligent in future, ensuring that you understand the full context before hitting that delete button (or backspace more likely backspace probably - either way). Don't skip this skill. That and at low levels it's hardly better than a normal attack. Here's a hot steaming serving of fire in your face! I've actually kind of spoiled the reveal on this skill having explained the healing magic you can get with it back in Anger Management, but suffice it to say that, no matter your build, this skill is likely gonna be your priority. So this one is just, well, absurd. But maybe that's my fault. Multiple paths to glorious magical carnage - all of his skills are great, although Lightning outperforms by a scosh. I personally value it less just because other choices for Shelves are better. "Damage Reduction +10% per level" - up to +50%. This is essentially like the Cleric's Restoration skill. The Ninja is still the king of Criticals though, and you're about to find out why. And rarely will your guys need that much individual healing, especially at the start of a fight, so there's no fiddling with the math to feel better about things. So this is good, but not great like Touch of Blight or Frostbite, and certainly nowhere near SAKA like Lightning. For any lower level class, the critical chance is going to be pretty low, from 10% to maybe 30 or 40%. So more realistically like 170, near the end of the game, around 120 before that, plus that first attack is only whatever the demon can muster by himself. What vile secrets is he hiding up his threadbare sleeves? To be clear, the shield action does nothing in the moment, no damage reduction. Or at least advisable. Especially with the Knight and Druid (more on that later). He does have a damage skill, which is a mixed bag, but there's basically one (right) way to play this guy, which is the only reason I ever don't bring him ('cause I have ADD, OCD, and a short attention span and I like some flippin' variety, dangit). You could try to improve that by having maybe a Surfer Elf, which has it kick in 30% of the time, but the damage decrease to his attacks is fairly substantial. If I find anything about this build that makes it unplayable in the late game, I will edit. could only upgrade hurricane 2-5 points and put all in static field if u have . a few points in vines. "Gain +1 bonus to Investigate rolls per level" - up to +5. As far as damage, that part is true about one of her skills in particular, which if used well with a compatible team will have you shredding your way through the game at top speed. I did do one playthrough without him, just once, and at the end I felt hollow inside, like the magic was missing from my life. Teams. In which case you'll want that Grappling Hook. Max out Smoke Bomb first, then level Shadow Chain so the Ninja can contribute for late-game boss fights. The Threat bonus looks small at first (up to +18 Threat), but it levels up quick and, unlike the Paladin's Guiding Strike, your threat increases with each use of the skill. But it does have significant limitations. Unfortunately, he doesn't stack up to a terribly efficient dude. concentrated in Dragon Blood myself. This is just so that his attacks add wound on a critical hit. Community Hub. Solid bonus for those utilizing consumables. This (and the Barbarian's version of this) is the most damage you're going to be doing to a single target with a weapon in the game (324% weapon damage), not counting crits. Even Stun if the turn order is right, although that part won't apply to the Cleric. 'nuff said. - Game guide & Play, MOBA, Epics - Game guide & Play, MOBA, Epics Tc gi: Rohto Nht Bn 11 Thng Tm, 2022 8 Thng Tm, 2022 The mages Lightning in particular (as far as magic) and other skills will cause more total damage in a turn; and no spell can match the max weapons can do; and the bosses youd most want to judge this way will be the hardest to stun - but its still a killer combo and makes leveling this as your second skill totally legit with a stun-focused team. The practical problem though is that it's the ones getting hit what need the healing (your Knights and Barbarians) and the ones who aren't getting hit who don't need it (your Mages and Ninjas). Still, much like the Warlock, he has some unique skills and can be fun to play. Okay, so maybe you're asking yourself why this is SAKA. I've never played pen-and-paper games like Dungeons & Dragons. And do this one-two combo until you finish all of the main quests (Paperos, Origami, Dragons) before you do anything else. Meaning, if you want to bring someone who's going to use this kind of skill, the Warrior (or Barbarian or Monk {or Ninja or even Thief and Hunter if used right and it's not the Threat you're after}) have slightly better (higher Damage) versions of this skill. So frequently there's just a greater chance Confuse will make them hit you instead of one of them. So really that part is mostly pointless unless you like Cheerleaders, in which case you get that nice little HP/MP regen bonus. While it's always good to inflict a condition, it can be pretty inconsequential too. If all three hits are criticals (which is less likely as you'll only have enough skill points for this and Shadow Chain, with little to nothing left for Vanish) and the condition isn't entirely purged at the start of the target's next turn - which mitigates the awesomeness level here. "Fine" ones are good choices that have a benefit for the length of the game, but it's not much of a bonus. Or even if you hit 3 enemies without Conditions, still good at 168 damage. Your standard Jock Dwarf Warrior starts out with 4 senses. If you have a shield as well, that's up to another 15%. But one lighting strike or fireball and all those wards go away - just saying. Still, having explained all that painstakingly, it's a lot of skill points for not that much impact. I wanna say thorns, but it looks a little more like ivy. Join the team. And, by the way, do yourself a favor and buy the Monk's campaign, straight away preferably. The twist is that it increases the maximum effectiveness of Damage Reduction, which I didn't even know was a thing but I'm guessing has been part of the game mechanics since the get go. There are main quests, and side quests. Assemble your party and control your group of pen and paper role-players as they are guided through their adventures by the Game Master. Anger Management is the key here, bringing his, well, just about everything up by massive amounts. "Charms become available as item drops" - This is pretty huge, although clearly not clutch. However, by the end of a full playthrough, you'll have a couple to several thousand gold (depending on how profligate you've been), which carries over to your next game, so, long story short, any gold boost items or abilities are kind of a waste of space. The damage he does to his actual target isn't even that bad. Second, it's mathematically a non-event for your weapon users too as the damage will average out to exactly the same. This, so far, is all in keeping with what Gary intended. If you've ever played any role-playing game, ever, you know this. Hunter: has some good tricks, deals out decent damage. Instead of a damage modification though, he gets up to an 80% chance for a second action in the same turn. I haven't been able to find a decent strategy guide for it anywhere, and this game deserves one by golly, so here goes: {Nota Bene: This guide is good and accurate for the Steam PC version, which I think of as the 1st Edition of this game, and the only one worth playing. So if Sudden Death sounds like a lovely way to vaporize your enemies to you, put 1 point in this. So while the Thief is already turning the Paper Gang into mince meat a third of the way through the game (thanks to a friend), the Psion is struggling to do even half the damage. But there's still some good here, and while his stats are mostly lackluster, he's fun to play and can do things no other class can. If someone finds an instance let me know; it's not worth going through the bestiary and adding it up for each monster, comparing to each skill. Xbox Games With Gold for April 2020 Announced. He's gonna kick that too, 'cause he's enraged after all. Point made. As far as strategy, much was added to the corrupt free version, all completely heedless of game balance in their quest to sell you an overpowered item, so I'm not sure how much of the tactics in here are still usable. And that Ninja with maxed Shadow Chain, Vanish and Black Arts is going to make the Ninja in the Maximum Carnage Party look like an underachiever. Even leveled to 24, the skill only does 56 to the target, and no direct damage to the group. Also, this is going to make you more than tough enough, saving you the need to have a Second Skin. Including Stun, so 1 time out of 7 this is, in fact, the Frostbite skill (although better, 'cause the Stun can't be resisted). Now, when I first unlocked this guy, I made him a Jock in the next game, because what's better than two +9 fists? What's nice, and frankly better about this one, is that the secondary perk actually levels up with you, for once. But that's pretty rare, as most often you'll be slicing your enemies into cubes before that happens anyway. Install the game and go to the emulator's app drawer or all applications. With one major exception, he doesn't get tougher, and that's the problem here. You can hit the back row, and maxed out you're doing 104 damage. Alright, let's break it down. In theory, this skill kicks major ass. One fireball, and it's toasted jelly on the floor. But outside of sudden death it's not that useful. Conditions and Criticals are not the primary focus here, nor is tweaking the whole thing to get maximum possible carnage; just good solid steady damage and regenerating, ensuring you'll get through everything even if it takes a few more turns than other more offensive teams: Your classic basic fighter, with a skill for bosses, and a skill for groups. The penultimate of the unlockables. Which is not so great until you level up this skill. Put one point in Black Arts for the Wound perk, then start with just the 1 point in Shadow Chain and follow that by maxing out Vanish. "Restore 50 per level Health for each Critical you land" - up to 250. So it's all about Barrage of Knives which, along with the Paladin's Weakness and Mage's Lightning, provides the group control half of this team. In Knights of Pen and Paper 2, you can enchant weapons in crafting with scrolls and with charms. Red Icosahedron and either spiked rings for a little more damage or Almighty Rings for a little more threat and more reliable Ripostes. The final bosses AoE damage. then ninja for stun locking. Well, right now at least. Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Optimal Team Composition and Skill Builds Knights of Pen and Paper 2 - Optimal Team Composition and Skill Builds. This is problem number two, and only gets worse with bigger enemies. I'd say he's got the highest replay value - I've never leveled him the same way twice. Yet, while good, this skill is a clear 4th place compared to the others. It's a slightly weaker version of the Warrior's version of this: Power Lunge (high Damage and Threat increase). Warlock can heal even more than cleric with Life Transfer, which also damages . You know, compared to the other classes? So, this skill is about as simple as they get. The following Characters, Race & Classes are chosen in a specific way to minimize threat lvl to enable the Knight's True Strike to hit 98% critical without Bulwark while maximizing synergy of Classes within Party:-, 1)Exc. Either way, any team will be lucky to have you. You can benefit from this any number of ways: focus on this and one attack skill to get the highest magic damage imaginable, or spread out your points between all four skills and maximize the damage bonus you get here. Get Radiance maxed, Restoration will be your main heal and you'll want a few points in purge to save you from confused debuffs. This section is created by Ghost381 and includes various team builds for different types of battles. So what this does is add up to +16 Initiative and +56 damage to a weapon attack against enemies with full health. Which would be crazy awesome because then you'd possibly reach a total damage of 900 or something - but then what fun would the game really be.). Leaving the piece as a whole confusing, disjointed, and sloppy. And that's just the half of it since, as your Ninja approaches max level and gets Shadow Chain up in levels, your direct damage, regardless of Criticals, is going to be massive. This is that, but for the whole field of battle and completely irresistible. But not really. Weapons would have stun, trinkets poison, rage, burn/bleed if knight. Pen and paper. But if there's a Paladin guiding his strikes, a Warrior lunging powerfully, and a Hunter placing his threatening hat in front of him, his Threat is going to be anywhere from 35-45%. I will say part of the fun is just what they look like. It's just a little different, and understandably so. So, remember that Cleave skill? What it does mean is that you don't need those Game Boards in the Game Room so you can have your Go game instead.
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